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Che -Guevara

How Did Madagascar Get its Name?

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Madagascar - The origin of the Madagascar is uncertain, some people believe the European Traveller Marco Polo (who never visted the island) confused it with Mogadishu in present - day Somalia. Hence Early reference to the Island as Madeigascar or Mogelasio, this eventually became Madagascar about the 16th centruty. Others believe that the Madagascar may be a local reference to the "Country of Malagasy". However, the Kings of Malagasy tended to refer to the whole Island by "Izao will rehetra izao " or " Izao tontolo izao ("this entire country").

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Mada-gascar. Madagascar was coined by the British mongers who sailed to the great island due to the lack of fulfillment by their white wives. They sailed for months in pursuit of the black exotic creatures their fellow seaman always gossiped about upon returning from their travels. With divine intervention they ended up in an island not far from the Somali coast. The black woman too fierce for the white man they coined the island "Madam cast scars". The locals with their inability to pronounce the g sound and with their tenedancy to blend words gave the island the name Madagascar as they took great pride in their fierce dominant woman. At least thats how the story goes...

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Che, almost lix sano ayaa dambeysaa nooh. happy-014.gif


By the way, Muqdisho is historically older than the existence years of Nayroobi, Kambaala,Darasalaam, Kigaali, Bujumbura and Adisababa -- their combined years of existence. All those named cities are less than 150 years old each, most being founded in 19th century or early 20th century by the colonials.

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america got its name from the italian ''explorer'' Amerigo Vespucci.


the feminised version of amerigo is america......i bet many of y'all didn't even know that......:P


Mogadishu means ''the seat of the shah'' in persian. apparently the HAG have Persian origins. this explains their strange facial know the extra 0.75cm gap between their eyes and their wide nose (the two rooms and corridor). :o

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