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here is what you have started ladies

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A man was walking along a California beach and stumbled across an old lamp. He picked it up and rubbed it and out popped a genie.


The genie said, 'OK. You released me from the lamp, blah, blah, blah. This is the fourth time this month and I'm getting a little sick of these wishes, so you can forget about three. You only get one wish.'


The man sat and thought about it for a while and said, 'I've always wanted to go to Hawaii but I'm scared to fly and I get very seasick. Could you build me a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over there to visit?'


The genie laughed and said, 'That's impossible. Think of the logistics of that! How would the supports ever reach the bottom of the Pacific? Think of how much concrete... how much steel! No, think of another wish.'


The man said OK and tried to think of a really good wish. Finally, he said,

'I've been married and divorced four times. My wives always said that I don't care and that I'm insensitive. So, I wish that I could understand women... know how they feel inside and what they're thinking when they give me the silent treatment... know why they're crying, know what they really want when they say "nothing"... know how to make them truly happy. .'


The genie said, 'You want that bridge two lanes or four?'



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hey baashi sxb gabdhahaan aa nagu kic kiciyeen nooh brother so xoogaa waxaa waaye just to let them know we try hard enough to find out those things. and yeah gabdho waa iga xanaajinaysaan looooooooooolone love

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here is Anotherone ladies

A funeral service is being held in a synagogue for a woman who has just passed away. At the end of the service, the pallbearers are carrying the casket out when they accidentally bump into a wall jarring the casket.

They hear a faint moan. They open the casket and find that the woman is actually alive.


She lives for 10 more years and then dies. A ceremony is again held at the same synagogue and at the end of the service the pallbearers are again carrying out the casket. As they are walking, the husband cries out, "Watch out for the

wall please. :D:D:D

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women women women.

1 Why are there no female astronauts on the moon?

'Cause it doesn't need cleaning yet.

2 Why does the bride always wear white?

Because it's good for the dishwasher to match the stove and refrigerator.

3 Why do women fake orgasms?

Because they think men care.

4 If your wife keeps coming out of the kitchen to nag at you, what have you done wrong?

Made her chain too long.

5 How do you annoy your girlfriend during sex?

Phone her.

6 How many men does it take to open a beer?

None. It should be opened by the time she brings it in.

7 How are fat girls and mopeds alike?

They're both fun to ride until your friends find out.

8 What are the three fastest means of communication?

1) Internet 2) Telephone 3) Tell a woman

9What's the difference between your wife and your job?

After 10 years the job still sucks.

10 What should you give a woman who has everything?

A man to show her how to work it. icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif:D:D:D

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Why do women fake orgasms?

Because they think men care.

they do fake,u mean all of them,that is terrible,i knew only few of them fake,but if it is all,ohhh man,RAMADAAN KARIIM

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guess what SXB THEY ALL DOO LOOOOOOOL EHEHEH I also found out that this females always broof us wrong we think of them they are good some how with some thing and here they come broof it all wrong :D:D:D:D

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Originally posted by Xannaan:

8 What are the three fastest means of communication?

1) Internet 2) Telephone 3) Tell a woman



That was a good line and it seems to be a true one! lately, Some chicks transmit information faster than the rest of Communications! No wonder why some of them are knuckle heads!

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