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Daily Nation: Kenya Defence Force War Ally Wins Jubaland Top Seat

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Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam, who was the leader of the Ras Kamboni Brigade— a paramilitary group in Kismayu— has been elected President of the new Jubaland State of Somalia. A General Fartag from Gedi region was elected Vice President.


Sheikh Islam, popularly known as Sheikh Ahmed Madobe, was elected by a majority of community delegates at the Jubaland Constitutional Conference in Kismayu, a statement from Office of the President of Puntland said Wednesday.


“Puntland congratulates the people of Jubaland State and the new President-elect on organising a community-led consultative conference, adopting a new State Charter, and electing a new President today,” the statement said.


Puntland said the formation of Jubaland State was fully in accordance with the Provisional Federal Constitution (PFC) of Somalia.


“Puntland calls upon the Somali Federal Government, Inter-Governmental Authority for Development, and the wider international community to recognise and cooperate with Jubaland State,” the statement added.


The Jubaland Initiative started in 2010 with an aim of establishing an autonomous region modelled along the lines of other autonomous regions such as Puntland and Somaliland. At that point, Kenya was said to have shown support for the initiative in order to create a buffer zone between itself and Al-Shaabab insurgency in southern Somalia, a claim that it denies.


Ethiopia was on the other hand opposed to the plan as it would undermine its military offensive against the ****** rebels who are seeking independence.


Source: Daily Nation

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Kenya supports Ahmed madoobe's admin is not a secret , they have trained his troops raskambooni movement. i wonder how this will turn for Barre hiiraales admin in the same city.

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Kenya Government Walks A Tightrope In Somalia As Kismayo Gets New Leader




Somalia’s clan elders have created a new mini-state and elected a Kenyan ally as its leader, a move likely to anger Mogadishu and sour ties between the two neighbouring countries. Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) has reportedly welcomed the development, strongly rejected by the Somaliagovernment. “The Somali Federal Government regrets the way the people in Jubas and Kismayo are being misled,” read a statement from the office of the Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon.


Nairobi and Mogadishu have been at loggerheads over how to manage regions liberated last year by KDF and Amisom. And Igad has been pushing for a local driven administration, which Mogadishu has strongly resisted arguing it has the prerogative to name governors.


Mogadishu has tried to frustrate Igad efforts to set up the pro-Kenya administration of Jubaland that will be headquartered in Kismayo town.


Over the last months, the Somalia government has dispatched delegations to Kismayu to discourage local leaders from setting up an administration that could be hostile to its interests.


But clan elders convened a meeting in February attended by about 500 representatives drawn from all the clans in Jubaland, selected a new flag, a charter and elected Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam, popularly known as Ahmed Madobe, as president. Mr Abdinasir Serar, the spokesman for the interim committee that ran Kismayo until Wednesday confirmed the meeting and elections took place.


Old hostilities


KDF spokesman Cyrus Oguna hailed the election of Madobe saying: “Having a government out of the efforts of the Somali people, is something that is worth applauding.”


“I think it is a good thing because it shows that the political process is eventually bearing fruit and it is a process that has been spear-headed by delegates drawn from various clans in Jubbaland. It was actually a Somali-led process,” Col Oguna told The Standard on Sunday in an interview on Thursday.


Efforts to reach Jubaland President were futile but Serar said he was busy conducting affairs of the new state. In an interview with the BBC Somali Service, however, Madobe said he garnered 485 votes out of the 500 votes cast.


Source: Standard Digital

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Carafaat;952241 wrote:
Xaaji, we should not accept Kenya nor Ethiopia to determain who leads Somalias regions.

You need political power and boots on the ground , there is no way the current Amisom guarded government in Mogadishu can resist Kenya's plans to have a lose autonomous buffer state south of Mogadishu. Aslong as there are large Somali constituencies on the side of Kenya there is little the Mogadishu admin can do. The only way it can be halted is if the Kenyans are replaced by another African union country. Or if Amiir godane makes peace with Hassan sheikh and their forces are conscripted into the Somali army.

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