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Anger in Somaliland abour Worldbank fund distribution

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Somaliland Business Fund Distribution

In March 2013 with much fanfare, the Somaliland minister of Planning, Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire presented the official list of the first batch of grant recipients under the Somaliland Business Fund, which was funded mainly by the World Bank.


The goal of the fund was to provide much needed capital to Somaliland small business enterprises with a $150.000 US ceiling for each grant.


The Somaliland Business Fund supported to the tune of at least $2.000.000 US, with additional funding from the United Kingdom Department for International Development and the Danish Aid Agency, Daneda, was created to award grants of betwee $50,000 and $150,000 US to small business enterprises after a rigorous research, due diligence and evaluation of the applicants project, its feasibility and worth to the economy of Somaliland.






Distribution according to sub-clans:


The above chart clearly demonstrates the awarding of the grants in terms of community and regional affiliation.


It is evident that the a programme which was intended to benefit all the people of Somaliland has been hijacked by a certain community. It is quite clear that there is no fairness behind the awarding of the grants, that there is no due diligence, and no governmental oversight of such a useful and much needed programme. In fact, it is so blatant in its unfairness, it is quite reminiscent of the defunct Somali administration of the late dictator Siyad Barre, when his community appropriated every facet of the state. This form of distribution is not what Somaliland is about, it is profoundly insulting to those who believe in the equality of all of Somaliland’s citizens irrespective social, regional or community affiliation.


Right minded Somalilanders must question whether a programme intended to benefit all Somalilanders should be abused in such a way, and if the administration of President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud “Silaanyo” did not have a hand in such abuse, it must act to remedy the situation, or to make sure future grants are awarded in a more equitable way. Or perhaps the World Bank and other donors may decide that the programme is subject to abuse should be scrapped, which would be a severe loss to all Somalilanders.

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Somaliland Business Fund : Mistakes of the first round should not be repeated


(Medeshi)- I read with disappointment a report published in Qarannews a month ago about the results of the distribution of the Business Fund among the Somaliland businesses (small grant awards rd 1) . Incidentally I received an invitation today to attend an event in London on May 9 for an outreach SBF Round 2 Events during which SBF will be arranging information sessions for the Diaspora in the UK. SBF promises the inclusion of communities from Hargeisa, Borama, Burao, Berbera, Las Anod, Erigavo, Gabiley and Wajale as published in their website .


Having seen the round 1 report , I think the way the grants were awarded was high jacked by certain business people from the capital of Somaliland. The award system has left minimal funding opportunity in the first round for the other Somaliland regions and that is unfair. The majority of the decision making body of the 1st round were from Hargeisa and the few Westerners in the fund management may have not been aware of the possible bias factor within their colleagues at the time of deciding on the grant recipients of the 1st round . Most of the other Somaliland regions were not represented in the management of the programme as shown in the report I think the distribution method was bad and the conditions for getting the grants by business people were difficult in addition to the possible unfairness in the decision making . Many of those who could afford the matching funds for the grants were from Hargeisa . They were already established businesses or those that had rich business relatives who could support them by lending them the matching funds. On the other hand , the majority of the business people from the other regions of Somaliland particularly from Sool , Sanaag , Saleel, Saahil as well as Haud and Odweyne did not have the capital to match the funds and therefore, lost the bids technically . Those who did manage the matching funds were deliberately disqualified as reported. Upon contacting some of the business people that didn’t get the awards , I was informed ” that although most of the applicants from outside Hargeisa fulfilled the grant criteria , the decision making body was bias and turned down their applications ” I think the ministry of Planning of Somaliland should intervene in the distribution of the funding evenly and without obstacles to the under developed Somaliland regions . The Western donors should also closely look into how the grant funding criteria could unjustly benefit those who already have enough money – mainly in Hargeisa region , therefore technically depriving the funding opportunity for those mostly in-need .The donors and the fund management should also look into how the regions of Somaliland are represented in the grant decision making body. It will be for the welfare of all Somaliland people to share the wealth of the country equally, particularly the Aid that is given by the foreign countries and other Non- governmental organisations. I , therefore , call upon the Management of The Somaliand Business Fund and the World Bank to revise the funding Criteria and monitor the grant giving process to enable the even distribution of the funds to the Somaliland regions and also to make sure that all regions are equally represented in the decision making body. Mistakes made in round 1 should not be repeated in the other funding rounds.

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If this is what they are doing with a mere two million US Dollars of aid money, I dare not think what they would do with the multi-billion dollar windfalls it oil is found and extracted in Somaliland. Something needs to be done and fast if we are to avoid becoming another Congo or Nigeria.

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Corruption and nepotism. I refuse to belief that we cant take on this disease. For that you need a viable and independent justice system, which is still lacking.

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