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oba hiloowlow

Puntland soldiers vacates Galgala

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Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Boosaaso ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamada Puntland, gaar ahaan kuwa daraawiishta oo soo gadooday ay la wareegeen Dekeda Boosaaso iyo Bankiga, iyagoo soo faarujiyay aagagii buuraleyda Galgala.


Sida ay sheegayaan wararka Ciidamadan ayaa ka gadoodsan mushaar la’aan muddo ku dhow todobo bilood heysata, waxaana caawa lagu arkay, iyagoo raxan raxan u socda xaafadaha magaalada Boosaaso.


Dadka ku nool Boosaaso ayaa qal qal iyo cabsi ka muujiyay ciidamadan gudaha soo galay, isla markaana soo baneeyay aagagii dagaalka ee buuraleyda Galgala, halkaasoo dagaalyahanada Shabaab ay kula dagaalamayeen.



Dhaq dhaqaaqyo ciidan ayaa laga soo sheegayaa duleedka magaalada Boosaaso, iyadoo ay taagan tahay cabsi ah in Al-Shabaab ay soo kululaalaan magaalada, mar hadii aagagii difaaca aanay jirin cid ku sugan oo gebi ahaanba la soo faarujiyay.


Gadoodkan ay sameeyeen ciidamadan ayaa ku soo beegmaya, iyadoo horay u jireen dhaliilo loo jeedinayay Maamulka Faroole oo ku aadanaa habka uu wax u maamulo iyo awoodaha xilligan uu isku koobay.

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Boosaaso[RBC Radio] Ciidamada Daraawiishta ee Deegaanka Sugure ee Duleedka Boosaaso ayaa Saacado kooban la Wareegay Hoggaanka Kantaroolka,waxayna Joojiyeen gebi ahaanba Isu socodka Gaadiidka soo galaya Magaaladda iyo kuwa ka baxaya.


Ciidamada oo ku hubeysnaa Gaadiidka Dagaalka ee Tiknikada ayaa sida la sheegay ka Cabanayey Mushaar muddo shan bilood ah oo aysan siin Dawladda Puntland,waxaana Carada ugu weyn ay ka dhalatay ka dib markii loo geeyey Mushaarka bishii 4-aad.


Mid kamid ah Gaadiidleyda Safarka ee u baxda Magaalada Qaradho ayaa Raxanreeb Online u sheegay in Ciidamadu u diideen in ay ka baxaan Magaalada isla markaana Kantaroolku ahaa mid Gaadiid badan isugu Yimaadeen.


Ciidamada oo difaac kaga jiray deegaanka Sugure ee duleedka Boosaaso ayaa laga gooyey 30% lacagaha ay Mushaar ahaan u qaadan jireen,iyagoona bishii Mushaar u qaata laba Milyan oo Shilin Somali ah,waana tan keentay iney ka gadoodaan Lacagaha laga jaray iyo bilaha ka maqan.


Dekedda Boosaaso.


Ciidamada Daraawiishta oo wata Gaadiid dagaal ayaa xiray wadada gasha dekeda weyn ee Boosaaso,waxaana Saacado kooban ay khalkhal geliyeen Hawlaha dekeda iyo Isu soocdka Gaadiidka ka shaqeeya gudaha Dekedda Boosaaso.


Bangiga Boosaaso


Bangiga weyn ee Boosaaso ayaa kamid ah goobaha kale ee ay Ciidamadu galabta tageen,waxayna sidoo kale Xireen wadooyinka laga galo Bangiga,waxaana Cabasi xoogan ay lasoo deristay dadka Shacabka ah ee degan agagaarka Bangiga,waxaana laga Cabsi qabaa in Iska hor imaad ka dhex dhaco ilaalada Bangiga iyo Ciidamada Gadoodsan.


Dhanka kale War lagu kalsoonaan karo oo ay heshay Raxanreeb Online ayaa sheegay in Wasiirka Maaliyadda Puntland Faarax Cali Jaamac oo lagu wadey in Boosaaso uu soo gaaro maanta uu ka baaqday sababo lagu sheegay Ciidamada xirtay Kantaroolka magaalada,waxaana warar kale sheegayaan in Ujeedada ugu weyn ee imaatinkiisa ahayd Lacagta Shanta boqol ee laga diiday magaalada.


Si kastaba hadal haynta ugu weyn ee maanta magaaladda Boosaaso ayaa ahayd Ciidamada Daraawiishta ah ee gadoodsan ee magaalada soo galay,waxaana hada socoda waan waan loogu jiro sidii Ciidanka dib loogu celin lahaa goobahoodii.




RBC Radio

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oba hiloowlow;947431 wrote:
Xiin and co, forget about Kismaayo and Jubbaland and focus on Puntland

You do realize Xiin has no influence over Puntland or Kismayo.

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^^ lool



it has to be done, has to be done, ahh, I mean, some scores need to be settled ehehe

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I've raised the alarm re:the non-payment of salaries by the Puntland administration countless times in the past few years. But many on this Forum could not see past the 'messenger' to the message....


Instability in Puntland is a threat to all neighbors, in particular to Somaliland for which Puntland served as an effective buffer (under the Faroole administration).


My last 2 'alarms' were this past Feb &March regarding the salary situation.....


Mintid Farayar;931029 wrote:
It's actually quite elementary: If you don't pay the salaries of the security militias, there's no security. Very simple equation.....


Mintid Farayar;919696 wrote:


Rather than the usual conspiracy-minded fantasies, wouldn't it be more productive for you to put pressure on your Puntland administration to beef up the rapidly deteriorating security situation and start paying the security force salaries? It's a loss for all Somalis when civil society luminaries are killed off one by one. We've seen this similar pattern down South for the last decade.


Take off the anti-Somaliland lenses for a second and recognize that Al Shabaab extremism is a threat to all of us equally!

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'Puntland has collapsed' , Oba hilowle reported. 'I told you so', Mintid says :D

Such are the nature of the fickle ones in our midst

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The usual attempt to sidestep the issue....


You guys should be agitating to know what's being done with the port proceeds in Bossasso. It's obviously not being used to pay gov't workers!

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Bosaso is not guarded by Uganda or AMISOM yaa Oba. Its protected by men from Puntland and it will remain so, you shouldn't worry much as its not as a big deal as Mogadisho being open for Alshabaab takeover If AMISOM funding run out.


However, the little issue will be solved soon. Its not the first time such a small issue occurred in Puntland. They certainly know how to deal with it and have successfully dealt with it a dozen times in the past.

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Waranle_Warrior;947472 wrote:
Bosaso is not guarded by Uganda or AMISOM yaa Oba. Its protected by men from Puntland and it will remain so, you shouldn't worry much as its not as a big deal as Mogadisho being open for Alshabaab takeover If AMISOM funding run out.


However, the little issue will be solved soon. Its not the first time such a small issue occurred in Puntland. They certainly know how to deal with it and have successfully dealt with it a dozen times in the past.

Give credit where credit is due verily Ahlusunna and Ximan and Xeeb stopped Al shabaab expansion further north otherwise who knows what the situation would be today ;)

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Mintid Farayar;947466 wrote:

The usual attempt to sidestep the issue....


You guys should be agitating to know what's being done with the port proceeds in Bossasso. It's obviously not being used to pay gov't workers!

This is a serieuz issue for Puntland, after all it was the non payment of salaries that made diffrent militias changed sides in Sool and Sanaag. I wonder what is happening there, PIS is funded by the CIA, Puntland Marines by the UAE, one would expect that the Faroole receives sufficient funding from piracy and anti piracy activities? Where do all these funds go to?

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Carafaat;947498 wrote:
This is a serieuz issue for Puntland, after all it was the non payment of salaries that made diffrent militias changed sides in Sool and Sanaag. I wonder what is happening there, PIS is funded by the CIA, Puntland Marines by the UAE, one would expect that the Faroole receives sufficient funding from piracy and anti piracy activities? Where do all these funds go to?

Carafaat you are mixing unrelated issues here. The few former rebels in SL changed sides to join the mainstream society because they changed their political believes and not because of money.

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Tallaabo;947511 wrote:
Carafaat you are mixing unrelated issues here. The few former rebels in SL changed sides to join the mainstream society because they changed their political believes and not because of money.

If I remember correctly, PL soldiers under Cadde Muuse used to complain about the lack of salary payments. And there were regular clashes related to unpaid salaries, etc.


Point is, always pay the salaries of soldiers, it prevents much worser. see the current case in Bosasso.

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