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A new peaceful era for Mogadishu

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Some people don't follow logic at all. Mogadishu is the capital of SOMALIA. A country whose hatred none of bothers to hide day in day, wither its khaatumo, awdal, puntland, jubaland, bay and bakool, Mogadishu, hiiraan, Galmudhug or anywhere else. What ever the case, we applaud new Found admiration for the capital, keep it up guys.

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Yes it is the capital of Somalia and it will stay that way. We all know the people who were entertaining

absurd ideas like let's move the capital to Garowe village or Kismaayo. Mogadishu is Somalia,

Somalia is Mogadishu.

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Naxar Hargeysa is already the capital of Somaliland and doesn't feel insecure about the capital of its

neighbor nation Somalia. It's the likes of Khaatumo, Puntland, Jubbaland that don't have the guts to

come out of the bushes but hide behind the Somalia flag while trying to demoralize Mogadishu's

new peaceful era .

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SomaliPhilosopher;947554 wrote:
War Saalax what you are proposing is ridiculous. propagandizing a city-state for a country

of 246,202 sq miles of beauty



Somalia is too poor to afford building every village. Mogadishu the capital of Somalia should be built first.

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Well Saalax with the attitude that "Mogadishu is Somalia and Somalia is Mogadishu" no where else will be built but Mogadishu. Anyways, I am with you in keeping Mogadishu as the capital. The only other capital I would entertain as the 'new' capital is Hargeisa

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That attitude is already prevalent among international donors. Fix Mogadishu = Fix Somalia.

Hargeysa is already the capital of a sovereign state.That is like saying I want Kigali the capital

of Rwanda to be made the capital of Uganda. Doesn't make sense.

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LOOOOOOOOOOOL your comparison of Hargeisa to Kigali is so funny loooooooooooooooooooool




so what if that attitude is prevalent among international donors. doesn't mean that we as somalis should embrace such attitude. i am done.

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I am just stating the reality on the ground. We support whatever majority of Somalians agree on

in regards to their capital Mogadishu status.You should take notes from Somalilanders,all

communities of Somaliland are happy to have Hargeysa as their national capital.

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People, don't mind Saalax he only had a bad news to post about Puntland today, He has to meet quota, so trying to drive a wedge between Somalis is the next best thing. We wait till there's another bomb somewhere in areas of the people he despise.


On another note, this love affair will end the moment he's told Xamar is his capital:D

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I shudder to think what the evil people in Khatumo would think next to ruin the peace in Mogadishu, there sole purpose is to cause mayhem and kill people.:rolleyes: and don't talk to me about Puntland or Jubaaland, my goodness.


The politics of division is strong with this one.

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Poor Che-Guevara Is all over the place ever since Al Shabab's influence has been diminished. :D Not everybody

is insecure in their stance and needs to hide behind the Somalia flag in order to have some of their agendas

in action .


It is hard times for pseudo nationalists.

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^First, it's Somali flag, get it right. And I am glad you are taking such interest in your capital. Perhaps you should pay a visit and be good a citizen.



And while you are gone, I will post the bad news till you come back.

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Somali is an ethnicity, there is no such thing as a Somali flag, as the ethnic Somali man in Somaliland,

Djibouti etc doesn't consider the flag of Somalia as his.The correct term is the flag of Somalia or

Somalian flag. I guess Al shabab didn't teach you that eh.

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