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Goverment should prioritise regional reconciliation before constitutional issues.

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The debate regarding Somalias future State structure has a long way to go. Eventhough the constitution provides it with a framework, many issues remained unanswered in the constitution. Regarding the kind of Central and Regional Authorities Somalia will have, their mandate, who has the initiative regarding creating security, creating regional structures. From Ceelwaq, to Ceelbur all the way to Cabudwaaq, locals have never been asked to give their input regarding how to solve the security issues in their region and how to cooperate with regional and central authority. From Barawe, to Baidoa all the way to Beletweyn local factions are competiting for the regional authority in the region and thus administration. Many of these local disbutes have a history that goes back for decades.


The central goverment needs to install the National reconciliation committee (according to the constitution), the goverment in cooperation with the committee should facilitate and organise reconciliation conferences in all districts of Somalia, with the main theme of how to resolve (local security), facilitate local agreements between communities, facilitate cooperation between local and regional and central authorities, come with input and recommendations regarding governance issues.


Before any steps are taken in to completing the constitution and implementing state structures(House of Elders/States) the goverment should hold real and genuine local and regional reconcilitiations. In order to give constituties the chance to participate in the national set-up of State structures and finalisation of the constitution.


For to long many debated about Somalia, without really engaging Somalis throughout Somalia. The reconciliation should conteibute to create local, regional and a central Goverment for and by the people.

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Reconciliation is really needed but this needs to be done in a correct way there needs to be a clear policy who is going to be reconciled will it be done region by region or sub regions or will it be a clan reconciliation.

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Xaaji, Somalia had many diffent nagional clan reconciliation conferences. I am talking about genuine local and regional reconliation conferemcea. First in on district level, from the local you take it then to the Provincial and then on intra-regional level (Jubbaland, Shabbele's, Bay-Bakool, and central Somalia (Mudug, Galgaduud, Hiiraan). From there on you would have enough input and gothered the opinion and cooperation of all Somalis to finalize the State structures and 'correct'/finalize constitution.

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