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Taariikhda asalka Soomaalida - Muuqaal

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xabad;944596 wrote:
What is wrong about the Y dna bal ?
, do you know fulbe are mix berbers and africans, i would not be surprised about that fact. about the eurasian, you could call it what you want, the fact is the haplogroup origins are in eurasia. you comprehension skills are not that sharp in your fourth point, who said somalis are eurasian, they have substantial input only. and lastly we don't bandy about this info to show we are arabs or europeans but just stating the facts. i am and alway will be a proud african..

Indha adayg dheh! what now berbers?I gave up.

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Tallaabo;944597 wrote:
For the pseudo-intellectuals like Alpha
this article might be useful




The results of a population survey on blood group distribution in Somalia, East Africa, are presented. Over 1,000 subjects were tested for most blood groups included in the survey. The sampling covered the whole country and was well in accordance with the population density as estimated by the recorded birth places of the subjects. Altogether, 46 blood group antigens were tested, partly common antigens within 11 of the major blood group systems, but also infrequent and very frequent antigens, some not tested before in Africa, were included. The results were compared with the available data for other related peoples and for populations from the same geographical area. The standard genetic distances were also applied in the comparison. The results suggest that only a minor component in the genetic constitution of the Somali population can be ascribed to Caucasian admixture. They are markedly in contrast with some earlier findings. During the survey we observed a previously unknown Rh gene complex occurring with a polymorphic frequency in Somalis.




As I told not more then %3. you can call them Cad-Cad or banaadiri

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i didn't watch the video its to long and to boring what was the dr saying what are we know arabs swahilis habashis related to germans maybe Americans hindi ancient Egyptians. Buncha confused lot baad tihin Somalida.

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War Soomaali waa un Soomaali. I don't know what Xabad is going on about (all this pseudo-intellectualism is too much for simple me :P) but what on earth does black phenotypically but not genetically mean? And what are black phenotypes other than our skin colour which we share with say the Bantu? As I said earlier, this whole 'black' concept is a foreign one that has no basis but simply lumping together people with similar skin colours. Outrageous.


PS: Safferz, I pretty sure you have the necessary log ins to access Tallaabo's pdf, so be a darling and post it here for us? :D

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Phenotype vs Genotype


Phenotype= physical appearance (external).


Genotype= the genetic make up (internal).


Xabad is trying to get at though we may look Black, we do not have the genetic make up of a black man. It is his form of expression of the inferiority complex brought upon the colonized man.

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SomaliPhilosopher;944726 wrote:
Phenotype vs Genotype


Phenotype= physical appearance (external).


Genotype= the genetic make up (internal).


Xabad is trying to get at though we may look Black, we do not have the genetic make up of a black man. It is his form of expression of the inferiority complex brought upon the colonized man

Somalis have always thought themseles different/superior to other Africans before the White Man came to Africa.

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Haatu;944712 wrote:

PS: Safferz, I pretty sure you have the necessary log ins to access Tallaabo's pdf, so be a darling and post it here for us?

I logged in, but unfortunately I only have electronic access to articles from the journal from 1995 onwards (this article is from 1987). But if you guys are really interested in reading it, I can put in a scan request at the library and they will scan the hard copy and email it to me in a day or two :P

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SomaliPhilosopher;944736 wrote:
Wadani, how about the Arab man?

Y is it that somalis assume anything we think, anything we wear, how we look, every damn thing that is associated with us has to have a foreign origin. Bro, Somalis have the capacity to think on their own, make appraisals and create racial and ethnic hierarchies without internalizing the hierarchies of others (Arabs/Europeans).


I find this a peculiarly Somali issue. They make themselves second class citizens in their own history and in their own achievements. You'll see Somalis brag about not being enslaved by whites or arabs, when in fact it was Somalis themselves who were enslaving other Affricans, keeping some and selling most to the Arabs. This isn't an acheivenment or anything, but just an example of how low the current generation of Somalis think of themselves. We have lost our collective self-esteem as a people.


Another example is the skin bleaching epidemic among Somali women being attributed to self-hate as a result of internalizing euro-centric standards of beauty. But Somalis have always thought lighter skin in Women was attractive. Just read poetry that is two centuries old. Studies have shown that the vast majority of ethnic groups in the world prize a lighter complexion in their woman, even ethnicites living in remote corners of the world who have not seen whites/arabs or even been exposed to Western media.

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SomaliPhilosopher;944775 wrote:
Fair point Wadani. something i will consider

I apologize if i came across harsh, wasn't my intention walaalo. :D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;944704 wrote:
i didn't watch the video its to long and to boring what was the dr saying what are we know arabs swahilis habashis related to germans maybe Americans hindi ancient Egyptians. Buncha confused lot baad tihin Somalida.

Xaaji we are non of the groups you named and also WE ARE NOT EHLUL BEYT as you would call certain Somalilanders:D

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war stop feigning ignorance and innocence, who doesn't know somalis are somalis, and if you don't know phenotype and gentoype how the heck did you finish A' levels ?? lord help us. the black concept is not a foreign haatuow, certain people sharing certain physical characteristics is a sign those people are some how related.

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