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Petition to the Parliament against the Somaliland-Somalia agreement.

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Saalax;942454 wrote:
Somalia parliament speaker becomes a obstacle to their attempts




Jeweeri oo isbaaro u dhigtay Mooshinkii Heshiiskii Turkiga


Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka Soomaaliya, ayaa isbaaro fool xun u dhigtay in baarlamaanka la hor keeno mooshin ah

heshiiskii beelaha SNM iyo USC ay dhowaan ku heshiiyeen dalka Turkiga oo ahaa Khiyaano Qaran.

Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ayaa sheegay in labad Beelood ee SNM iyo USC heshiiskoodii uu qodobka todobaad

dhigayey sidan: Halkan Riix Warkan Oo Faahfaahsan

Xita oday jawaari ma loo so dhigtay kulaha isbaaro dadkanu ma xishooodaan

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Daqane;942453 wrote:
Maybe elect another 4 presidents to bring a grand total of 8 and another party in edmonton canada will be in order.

Hahaha, yep that's ridiculous but there still is a simmering sense of exclusion from both Somalia and Somaliland regarding that region. The people there can't bear to live in limbo anymore.

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Cali Khaliif and rest of his crew should stop blaming the President , Blame his cousins in LA who are happy with silanyo Hargesa Ruling them. They are fine with that, why should the president initiate violence ,disturb the peace.


Let the talks continue lets see if the President and his team can persuade them or not .

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^^ Good point but , people should not read so much into this because they are a very small minority in the Parliament. And Parliament speaker jawaari spoke well on this issue.

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malistar2012;942512 wrote:
Cali Khaliif and rest of his crew should stop blaming the President , Blame his cousins in LA who are happy with silanyo Hargesa Ruling them. They are fine with that, why should the president initiate violence ,disturb the peace.


Let the talks continue lets see if the President and his team can persuade them or not .


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malistar2012;942512 wrote:
Cali Khaliif and rest of his crew should stop blaming the President , Blame his cousins in LA who are happy with silanyo Hargesa Ruling them.


People in LA are not crazy inviting war in their neighborhood. Sometimes the status quo is better than what you actually want, at least initially.

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The President should deal with existing Administrations ,



People in LA are not crazy inviting war in their neighborhood

are you suggesting they are not free , are they under siege ?


LA community need to unite come up with one voice . and if their freedom is in stake they have every right to fight ...... the community in LA are supporting Hargesa happly waving somaliland flag , Cali Khaliif should focus on that

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Cali khalif is in a difficult situation if i was his adviser i would have told him that he should have stayed in line with the HAG community in a political sense but he sided with the azanians over the jubbaland project. Now the HAG will have no sympathy for his cause. He should have opposed the jubbland conference and try to sell his khatumu cause in xamar.


By the way sultan faisal spoke well

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malistar2012;942617 wrote:

are you suggesting they are not free , are they under siege ? LA community need to unite come up with one voice . and if their freedom is in stake they have every right to fight ...... the community in LA are supporting Hargesa happly waving somaliland flag , Cali Khaliif should focus on that

They are under siege,what do you think having two bigger entities in your east and west trying to take control. People of LA are divided in their loyalties, you can show pictures of people waving somaliland or Somali flags but that doesn't mean anything. If Somalia tried to extend control into that region you'll see the same division happening too. In the end if other Somalis think that letting Somaliland secede without consulting the people of SSC then I don't think that Somalia will exist anymore.

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^^ How would Somalia cease to exist if the 2 sides agree to live side by side as to sovereign nations. i think little will change on the ground for Somalia , since Somaliland was already gone the past 21 years maybe not officially. But people in Somalia daily life will normally just continue with out being effected.

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Oodweyne;942645 wrote:
^^^I really thought he couldn't be that clueless with his open support for Jubbaland, knowing right there where he is in Xamar how such support would be "interpreted" by both PM Saacid and by Hassan Shiekh.


And since he is effectively a
in Xamar for others support and consideration, one couldn't understand what made him think that he can bite the hands that may support him if hew plays his card astutely..


As I said, it really shows you no amount of education can make one a politically wise, especially if you are leader of your people..


But still it's good for us in Somaliland that the likes of Ali Khalif are the only folks we have to worry about..

Oodweyne some times i have the feeling Dr Galaydh is not serious in his political objectives when it comes to the Khatumo project. Because one would not make such a blunder by blindly supporting the Jubbaland conference. When you know that your tiny fiefdom is in a critical predicament. When we know Somaliand is gaining more momentum by the day, and he wants to have a voice when the 2 sides are talking perhaps that the president of Somalia takes in consideration and takes his insertions serious when talking to Somaliland. But its seems he bet on the wrong horse,i didn't expect this from a man of his caliber.. Hada wa halki Somalida ignore ba la saaray Galaydh.

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Xaaji Xunjuf


slow down with two state talk , Somali President will never support that . Faisal warab comments are not needed , we know secessionist and warabe motive.






Ali Khalif Needs to do better job lobbying for Khatuum state , get in line with xamar community you will find out that community supports Somalinimo , somalia sovereignty and unity. Instead of being tool

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