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Carafaats Arabian Nights

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Carafaat;940744 wrote:
Haatu, inaar, I dont think they have a red light district here?

Even though I obviously don't believe you have left your bedroom yet and that all this is just a cyber dream you're having (again), I would still like to inform you that they do indeed have a red light district in the UAE. It's open, it's public and it's totally shocking (all Chinese and other indho yar). I have no idea why the police ignore them either.

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Ngonge, Masaa el kheer ya Saxiib,


I am not in Holland but currently smoking shisha with a vieuw on the sea in Cornishe. just ask the moderators, they will tell you. Please provide me with the adress of that particular establishment. Is it located in dubai or abu dhabi?

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Alpha Blondy;940885 wrote:
^ MMAoow,


horta, every corner of the world miyaad aragtay?


can't you at least produce a
of these Arabian fantasies of yours, inaar?

Inaar, your Somali has become a bit high end for my taste. explain to me what Xigasho is?

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;940882 wrote:
Ookiyalo u baanhantahay. Reer Iimaaraadka warankiilo ayee ismariyaan, the worst offenders of kuwa jirkooda caddeeyo.


I can immediately know cajal laga soo duubay dalalkaas Khaliijka dumarka Soomaalida ku jiro. Jirkooda aad iyo aad u xumeeyeen, siiba foolalkooda.

MMA, I have seen one girls body and she was definetly not the diane type. cause her body was all light skinned and she wasnt even reer Xamar. I think there must be something in the water or food. all the Somalis are shinning and beautyfull.

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Carafaat;940881 wrote:
Nin Yaaban, inaar, as you know I have a preference for light skinned cuties, the reer Xamar cad cad type. This place is one caramel parqdise I tell ya. Even the Somali girls are all light skinned, I cant even tell which ones are Somali, arab or reer Xamar.

LoL sxb, i hope you have a good time there nin yahow. Take some pictures and share it here. :)

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I am bored here. There is absolutely nothing to do here except for smoking shisha and shopping. Main topics of discussion with people are: brand clothes, prices of property and tastes of food.


The most superficial people live in this part of the world.

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Carafaat;941657 wrote:
On the positive side, I started praying again.

Ilaahey ha ku soo hanuuniyo, sxb, salaadu ma ahan cayaar cayaar iyo inaad markaad doonto aad iska tukato, hada ka horna waxaad ku faantameysay inaad salaada bilowdey for the first time, salaadu waa qeeb ka mida Tiirarka Islaamka ugu waaweyn after shahaadateyn, marka hore intaas ogoow, salaad aad shalay tukan laheydna ha u maleyn inaad maanta qalleyn karto, salaadu waa qeeb cibaadada ka mida, waana inaad niyyaa saafi ah oo saliim ah kana maqaan waswaaska sheydaanka aad la imaataa markaad salaada tukaneyso.

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Thanks for the reminder Sheick Nuune. How are the jinns and rooxan today, did they bring any news from Kismayo? Who will be elected? Will it be Madoobe or Ghandi?

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