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NGONGE's Argument for SL's London Conference Participation

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Mar haddii Britian hab dawladeed inagu qaabishay Somaliland haka qayb gasho shirka London.


Guulaha diblamasiyadeed ee somaliland ay gaadhay ayaa iska soo daba dhacay haddaba Wasiirka Wasaaradda Madaxtooyada Somaliland Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan, ayaa faahfaahin ka bixiyey kulan habeen-hore dhex-maray Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) iyo Raysal-wasaaraha dawladda Ingiriiska Mr. David Cameron, isla markaana waxa uu sheegay inay labada Masuul ka wadahadleen arrimo dhawr ah oo uu ka mid yahay ka qaybgalka Shirka Soomaaliya loogu qabanayo magaalada London 8-da bisha May 2013-ka, oo uu Madaxweyne Siilaanyo hore u qaaddacay.


Wasiir Xirsi oo shalay u warramay Laanta Afka Soomaaliga ee


Idaacadda BBC-da, waxa uu sheegay in Raysal-wasaaraha dalka Ingiriisku David Cameron uu habeen-hore ku qaabbilay Xafiiskiisa Lambar 10 downing Street Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed-Siilaanyo oo maalmihii u dambeeyey socdaal ku Safar ku joogay magaalada London ee xarunta waddanka Ingiriiska. Wasiirku waxa uu sheegay in kulankaasi labada hoggaamiye ay kaga wadahadleen sidii loo sii adkayn lahaa wax wada-qabsiga labada dal oo ah mid soo jireen ah. ?Raysal-wasaaraha Ingiriiska iyo Madaxweynaha Somaliland waxay runtii kulankooda isku weydaarsadeen horumarinta iyo xidhiidhka ka dhaxeeya labada dal.? Sidaa ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Somaliland.


Wasiir Xirsi waxa uu intaasi ku sii ladhay oo uu yidhi; ?Raysal-wasaaruhu waxa uu ka dalbaday Madaxweynaha inay Somaliland ka soo qeyb-gasho shirka uu London Ingiriisku ku qabanayo 8-da May ee Soomaaliya loo qabanayo. Madaxweynaha Somaliland waxa uu Raysal-wasaaraha u qaddimay mawqifkayagii oo ah inaanay Somaliland shirka ka soo qeyb-galaynin haddii ay tahay Madaxweynaha iyo haddii ay tahay madaxda kale ee Qaranka ee uu kala tashaday-ba, waxaanu u sheegay in Qarankayagu uu ka tashaday oo uu shirkaasi ka gaadhay go?aan ah inaan laga qeyb-gelin.?


Mar uu Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Somaliland Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan ka hadlayey sida ay Madaxweyne Siilaanyo iyo Raysal-wasaare Cameron weedho ay dhawr jeer isku-cel-celiyeen, waxa uu yidhi; ?Markii uu Madaxweynuhu arrintaasi u sheegay waxa uu mar iyo laba-ba Raysal-wasaaraha Ingiriisku ka dalbaday Madaxweynaha inay mawqifkoodaasi dib u eegaan, maaddaama oo ay duni badani ka soo qeyb-galayso shirka, Somaliland-na ay tahay ciddii ay isugu dhawaayeen oo aanu miiska Somaliland madhnaan ee haddii ay ku adag tahay inay ka soo qeyb-galaan ay ka fikiraan sidii ay goob-jooge ugu soo diri lahaayeen. Madaxweynuhuna waxa uu ugu hal-celiyay maadaama oo Somaliland iyo Ingiriiska saaxiibtinimo qoto-dheeri ka dhaxeyso, waanu qiimaynaynaa, laakiin arrintani waa go?aan guud ahaan Qarankaygu isku wada raacsan yahay wixii talo ahna uu ku soo celin doono go?aan-se muu siinin.?


Wasiirka Madaxtooyadu waxa uu sheegay inaanu Madaxweyne Axmed-Siilaanyo waxba ka beddelin mowqifkiisii hore, hase-yeeshee, Wasiirku wuxu xusay in Madaxweyne Siilaanyo oo ixtiraamaya Raysal-wasaaraha Ingiriiska uu ugu jawaabay inuu ka soo fikirayo, isla markaana talo kula noqon doono Qaranka Somaliland. Xirsi waxa uu sheegay in kulanka labada Hoggaamiye uu qaatay muddo ku siman 25 daqiiqadood, isla markaana uu Raysal-wasaaruhu ku mashquulsanaa aaskii Qaran ee Raysal-wasaarihii hore ee Ingiriiska oo Arbacadii lagu aasay London, haddana uu si niyadsami ah u qaabbilay oo uu fursad u siiyay Madaxweynaha Somaliland.


Wasiirka Madaxtooyadu waxa uu xusay in Raysal-wasaaruhu Madaxweynaha u sheegay in Somaliland haddii ay aqbasho shirkan ay kaga soo qeyb-geli doonto meeqaam dawladeed, isla markaana Baratakool iyo maamuus sare lagu soo dhaweyn doono. ?Raysal-wasaaruhu waxa uu Madaxweynaha u sheegay in shirkan ay ka soo qeyb-geli doonaan illaa 55 dawladood oo adduunka ka kala socda, isla markaana Baratakoolka dawladahaasi ku imanayaan mid la mid ah la siin doono Somaliland.? Sidaa ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Somaliland Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan.

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NGONGE;940110 wrote:
^^ Err..So ku maan odhan you always shoot too soon, saaxib?

^ Excuse brother Xiin, he suffers from PRP (Premature Rabbit Punch).

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xiinfaniin;940046 wrote:
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>


There it is. A simple picture did it


Pictures are very powerful. I am tempted to write a piece about the strategy of using them as a leverage. Haddaan sawir kula galo , shirka ma imaanaysaa

Xiin, S-land used to be an unknown, uttery absent entity from the international scene, there was only Somalia, and that's it. Today the leader of a major western power is shaking the hands of Siilaanyo. Whatever the outcome of the talks are, even it fails, Somaliland stands to gain for its now in the psyche of the International community.


We are lucky that the system is stacked in our favour, and that we have a level-headed government taking advantage of this.

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^^Sabaax Al nuur , mzee NGONGE


I am a reasonable person (unlike our brothers in the North). I admit that Somaliland significantly gained a profile that it did not have prior to Ankara meeting. Especially the Cameron meeting was a bit worrisome . But the fundamentals of the challenges facing Somaliland has not changed where it matters the most---on the ground. And the unionists are recalibrating their strategies as we speak. The goal is not and has never been to block Somaliland region's development or harm its security, the goal is to ensure Somalia's territorial integrity.


Jubbaland baa na mashquulisay , belooyo ha la tagtee :D

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^^ But the "unionists" are busy arguing over looted houses, Jubbaland or, in the case of the "extreme" unionists, attacking Hassan Sheikh for dividing "Somalia".


The recalibration you speak about needs to begin with the Imam extending an olive branch to Khaatumo and trying to unite the last bargaining chip that the "unionists" have left for them. It should include the appeasement of Hassan Sheikh and throwing him some morsels that cement his presidency. It should have a clear and organised picture of what may take place if something is not done FAST.

Or else, SL will carry on gaining admirers and convincing the world that it is a separate entity.

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^^Well, I am not sure your advise is particularly helpful in this situation. Somaliland is one factor in a complex equation. We have a good track record of dealing with this region, and I am very hopeful (with reason) that we will deal with them in a very effective way.


Hassan Sheekh has his own game plan. Up to this point, it is NOT clear to me what that game plan is. From what I can tell, the old man (Siilaanyo) played him very well, and left him behind, buried in diplomatic dust.


Separatist = 1, Unionist = 0. But we only played 14 minutes.

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^^ Yet the man who was played (as you claim) is in charge of the whole thing. If concessions are not made within Somalia itself, I truly fail to see how SL can be stopped.


As for my advice, war I'm not sharing secrets here and not telling you anything you would have not thought of yourself.



What track record? :D :D :D

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^^Well, the man is not in charge of the whole country. Not yet. Matters pertaining Somalia's territorial integrity cannot be decided by one man. But it does not bode well for him that he is being played like he has , by an old, senile man like Siilaanyo :D


We have activated the Imam in Garoowe, who up to this point has been very diplomatic in his dealings with Mogadishu. Keep your ears on the ground waryaa. We are concluding the Jubbaland project in the 5 -10 days insha allaah.

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^^ And again, "activitaing" the Imam will lead to confrontation between him and the president. The appearance of prolonged confrontation in Somalia will only go to advance the SL case (more now than in the 22 years previously). Surely the only way open to anyone opposed to SL's goals is to appease Hassan Sheikh. Still, the question is what is more important for Hassan Sheikh and his opponents; winning the "internal" struggle or stopping SL!

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Still, the question is what is more important for Hassan Sheikh and his opponents; winning the "internal" struggle or stopping SL

This is a very important question i want xiins spin on this

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