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Mooshin by the pseudo nationalists

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60 MPs vs 215 MPs. Alasow and his ministers are rallying their constituencies behind

to silence the defeated lot once and for all for the sake of Somalia.






Mooshin Lagu Hor Keenayo Heshiiskii Jabhada SNM iyo Xassan Culusow Ee Dalka Turkey Oo Ay Saxiixeen Xildhibaano Ka Badan 60 Mudane Iyo Khalkhal Soo Wajahay Xassan Culusow (Warbixin).

Muqdisho(Allssc): Waxaa Golaha Barlamanka la horgeeyay Mooshin ka dhan ah Heshiiskii iay dhowaan dalka Turkey ay ku wada galeen Xassan Culusow iyo Jabahda SNM kas oo sia ay labada dhinac sheegeen in ay ku heshiiyeen 7 qoqodb.Hadaba Mooshinkan oo dhowaan uu hor geeyay Golaha Barlamanka si loo hor keeno heshiiskii lakala saxeexday iyo waliba in Dowlada ay faahfaahin ka bixiso kulankaa siyo u jeedooyinkisa iyo waliba in Xassan Culusow iyo Wasiiradiisa ay hor yimaadaan Golaha Barlamanka.Hadaba si loo maro nidaamka ayaa waxaa Prof iyo Xildhibaanada kale ee waday mooshinka laga codsaday in ay keenaan xildhibaano saxiixay Mooshinkan oo ka badan 10 xldhibaan, sida aan warka ku helayno maanta yaa waxaa Afhayeenka Barlamanka la hor geeyay in ka badan 60 xildhibaan oo iyagu saxiixay mooshinkan waxana Xldhibaanada Golaha Barlamanka danaynayaan in ay Sharciga mariyaan kulankii Xassan Culusow iyo Jabhada SNM oo ay u arkaamn mid aan loo marin sifo sharci ah.Mooyinkan ayaan la garanayn wakhtiga uu bilaabmi doono , balse waxaa uu mooshinkan khalkhal ku abuuray Xassan Culusow iyo qaar badna oo ka mida Wasiiradiisa kuwaas oo markiiba xildhibaanda gudahooda ka bilaabay dhaqdhaqaaq ay rabaan in ay kaga baxsadaan Mooshinkan.

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Interesting, if the motion is passed it could be seen as a motion of no confidence against the goverment. If the motion is opposed by a majority, then one could say its another defeat for those wishing to turn the clock back.

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Wayahy! I sometimes do wonder if maybe SL should just stay with the union. These guys can't function without us, it seems. They have months of Kismaayo stories and the parliment does nothing, they see a meeting with Somaliland the sixty sleepy members wake up to protest! :D

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NGONGE;939595 wrote:
Wayahy! I sometimes do wonder if maybe SL should just stay with the union. These guys can't function without us, it seems. They have months of Kismaayo stories and the parliment does nothing, they see a meeting with Somaliland the sixty sleepy members wake up to protest!

Kismayo was not about the unity of the country , NGONGE. Somaliland stands for the dismemberment of Somalia, that is why passion is very high in the parliament and Dr. Ali was able to collect more than 60 signatures to debate the matter . The rule requires only 10 :D

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Apophis;939689 wrote:
why do we (Somalia) insist on keeping this gangrened leg? We should cut it off, blockade it (North Korea style) and keep on rolling. We need nothing from that desert wasteland.

That's what we as Somalilanders have been saying all along, but can u convince your defeated lot of the same?

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Apophis;939689 wrote:
why do we (Somalia) insist on keeping this gangrened leg? We should cut it off, blockade it (North Korea style) and keep on rolling. We need nothing from that desert wasteland.

Apophis that is all Somaliland want, but in reality the Koonfurians and some segments of the koonfurians some more than others view Somalilanders and the Somaliland republic as people of great value. They know that the Somalilanders are the most creative in the horn the most outspoken people and ofcourse the best organizers may it be building states and very democratically capable. The Somalilanders are trend setter. Apophis you are a rational lad because you did not grew up in Somalia and you are not a pure Koonfurian, so i see where you are coming from.

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Apophis;939696 wrote:
your qat addled mind assumes this so called "defeat" as a permanent fact of life. Prepare for a rude awakening ya langaab.

Hmmm, I c u've conceded your defeated status. As for my laangaabnimo, adeer my subclan waxay dagaan east of Ceerigaabo illaa duleedka Wardheer. Dhulka intaa le'egna cidda laga qaaday waa lawada ogyahay, laakiinse ku sii dheeraan maayo illeen meeshu somalinet maahee. :D

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