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Confederations Cup

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Some when they see this will think its a baseball score- NO an Ice Hockey score? NO that's right a Football (soccer) score!

The USA have achieved the best result in their history by defeating a Spanish side (unbeaten since nov 2006) by 2 goals to 0 and to make matters more embarrassing for Spain the USA did it with 10 men.


they really deserved it , they've defended as lions. Brazil have had a great day without even playing! :D

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Here is what Tim Vickery, BBC's south American football analayst, - waa nin aan ka danbeeyo, said about Spain.


"Spain are a side of nimble ball players who look to pass their way through the opposition - the very style Brazil have abandoned. For a while South Africa had some success against them, packing central midfield with three markers and seeking to spring forward down the flanks, where roving full-backs were linking up with the wide, creative midfielders - just as Dunga's Brazil did when they beat Argentina, another old fashioned passing side, in the final of the 2007 Copa America."


In fact if you guys are not going to say kana hadaasu yidhaa waanigii sheegay, I have betted on a US win with friends. Why? because the US is not a bad side (very athletic and hardworking, and because Spain is not as good as people think. They have played against minnows so far in the Confed cup. Spain is going back to where it was in the world footabll: Entertainers. The win at euro 2008 was just a fluke.


I have unreserved respect to Dunga and to his philosophies. The counter-attack, and set-piece are the two hallmarks of this brazillian side who understood that style and technique alone are not enough in today's game. That is why they are humbling Italy (twice this year, once in a friendly) and Argentina. Whether they will match their perennial nemesis France is to be seen. But I am optimistic. Indeed, that will come if Dunga drops Gilberto Silva and brings in Diego (now Juventus).


Bafana Bafana will be running around iyagoo xiiqsan in fornt of the home crowd with effort and dedication. But they will find out that passion and patriotism is not a substitute for talent and tactics. They will be routed!


And in the final, the US will improve on their past game against Brazil, but will still be beaten. Why? because their game tactics fits a team like Spain, Portugese and even the old Brazil. Not today's brazil, who are happy to sit back, defend and attack with force once the other team feels it can go forward. This is not classic counter-attacking side. It is a side who can attack with variations: from the flanks, penetratation at the center, set-pieces, long balls from the defence etc. Keep your eyes on Brazil!!!


History will show whether novices like Nuune, Fu-fu, and Norf are the real experts or the old-horse A&T!!!!!

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^We don't have the luxury of watching every Brazil game. In fact this Confeds cup is the first time I have watched International games since last summer.


Brazil are over-rated. The best around now are the Argies, Spain and Holland. Come next year Brazil will lose to a decent team and won't even get the chance to face the super powers.


Anyway, did you go to that game?

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Affirmative to the question.


Saaxib, you are contradicting yourself. You say you didn't watch international football and yet you pass judgement. I know you and your likes are masters of club footballs. Liverpool'taada ku mashquul saaxiib. Spain is a good side but very much beatable if you pack the midfield and do not allow them to build up the ball from the defence. Argentina is not performing well, depsite your assertions. They were whipped by Bolivia 6-0 and Ecuador gave them 2-0. And they were outplayed. Altitude in those cities is an issue but decent sides went there and survived. Holland is a very good side and could upset Brazil, but they have a very bad record against the Selecao!


Any team -including Brazil is beatable these days. But, I just can't see who will do against Brazil this year.

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Spain is a good side but very much beatable

:D . Lool@ AT&T,


last night was the first game they lost since ............. buuxi meelaha banaan.


But true every one agrees kuma fiicnid predictionka, maybe faalka, intaas waa kaftan

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^Don't worry we will have a prediction thread come mid season IA


A&T, you're right. I lost interest in international footy. Will still watch the tournaments but won't be as passionate as before (not about England anyway).

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35 unbeaten runs hype you mean! Saaxib that is the media why of presenting statistics. Since 2006, how many decent sides did they beat? Euro 2008 was the only competition where they faced big teams and they won. Waxa kale ee loo tirinayaa waa San Marino oo miidhan? Did they play Holland? Argentina? Brazil? Italy? in the last four years? Iswaydiid.


There are teams who have won 60 matches in years but may be have lost 2 in the middle or drawn. Just because the media creates a 'record obsession' doesn't mean, it is big thing. If you investigate, you may as find find that Holland have lost only twice since 2005!!!!!


Waxaas dheg ha u dhigin! They failed to impress in the Confed cup. Scoring once against Iraq and ya alaahu kaga badiyeen South Africa. And the first real test, with USA, way kala yaaceen!




nuune, saaxib, when Norf asked me what I think about the other match the other day, I told him Brazil will trounce Italy, but that I was worried about US beating Egypt. What happened?


Now, I tell you Brazil will beat South Africa and the US to win this cup. I also predicted that Barcelona will beat Man U in the UEFA champions cup final. Why is Romania accident following me then???/

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A&T ..I had a feeling they were going to win after they beat Egypt with that excitement and energy, and they barely made it into the semifinals. They had nothing to lose and I just felt like they were going to win, and then in the first few minutes they were pressuring Spain, and then they scored. Maybe it's fate. The United States is becoming a big soccer force, they're number 14 in the world and only getting better

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Since 2006, how many decent sides did they beat? Euro 2008 was the only competition where they faced big teams and they won.



LoL@Romania 'accident' :D

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^^^ Qar ha ka tuurin ninka, kubadduu ku juboodey maalmahan :D



loooooool@Romania accident,



AT&T, xisaab iyo record meesha mabaa ahan, minors hadey la kulmeen Spain for their whole 35 games, then whom did Brazil met for their whole 35 games or the Hollandta aad kaga dhawaajisey.



Taasi dood ma ahan ee meesha waa ciyaar wanaag saaxiib waxa aan looga badinin, ciyaar wanaagna Spain wey wadataa walaw ay USA ay meesha ka soo baxdey.



PS: Waxaan sugayaa predictionkaaga ku saabsan the Super Bowl smile.gif

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