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Beautiful Somali Documentary Campaign by Kafia Ahmed

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Alpha Blondy;938130 wrote:
yet another pathetic attempt to present a rose-tinted view of a country in the autumn of a 'golden era'. Adamsoow, these are figments of a by-gone glorious era, ma istidhi?.

This is just the start Alpha, more such documentaries and films coming your way.


how i sometimes wish we were all afforded such lofty leisures in the xamar-caddey of the 1980s. inaar, you ought to be more sensitive to those who endured curfews after 6pm as your daddy drank moet in curubo.

Well you're too young to remember that your mother had no such curfew when she performed lapdances in the basements of Croce del Sud and Al-Uruba to 'kickstart" a fund for your daddy's jaad addiction. :D

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Chimera;938204 wrote:
This is just the start Alpha, more such documentaries and films coming your way.




Well you're too young to remember that your mother had no such curfew when she performed lapdances in the basements of Croce del Sud and Al-Uruba to 'kickstart" a fund for your daddy's jaad addiction.

learn how to take a joke or learn how to tell a joke in a none-offensive way.

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^ Alpha!! You are alive?? Some crazy guys started talking about your demise and others were being Buddhist and talked about your reincarnation into another script lol;)

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Alpha Blondy;938281 wrote:
learn how to take a joke or learn how to tell a joke in a none-offensive way.

Who the hell is this little crybaby, and what happened to the real Alpha-Blondy?


(You can dish it, but you can't take it, inaar?)

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Chimera;938527 wrote:
Who the hell is this little crybaby, and what happened to the real Alpha-Blondy?


(You can dish it, but you can't take it, inaar?)

let's be civilised inaar. you called my mother a lapdancer and then call me a crybaby? there's a limit to tolerance ee sida uula soco.

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Alpha Blondy;938529 wrote:
let's be civilised inaar. you called my mother a lapdancer and then call me a crybaby? there's a limit to tolerance ee sida uula soco.

Boohoo, cry me a river warya. Next time you call someone's father a consumer of alcohol, you better have a stronger chin, and thicker skin 'ee sida ula soco'.

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Chimera;938541 wrote:
Boohoo, cry me a river warya. Next time you call someone's father a consumer of alcohol, you better have a stronger chin, and thicker skin 'ee sida ula soco'.

your vicious attack wasn't proportional to my initial slur.

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Chimera;938559 wrote:
That's what the Japanese said after Pearl Harbour, inaar.

that's beside the point. i don't deny for a second that i eluded to your father drinking. you, on the other hand, expressly called my mother a whore who is pimped out by my father because of an addiction. that's grossly over-stepping the boundaries of a joke and indeed the standards expected on this forum. now, you may want to keep up appearances and maintain an unwitting charade of muteness over your OTT grave insult, laakin..... be that as it may, i'll be the better person here and let this slip.

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You overstepped the boundaries inaar, I don't care what you say about me, my personality or posts, that's fair game. The moment you insulted my hero is the day you made me a permanent enemy, I don't give a damn how low-key or cute you thought your joke was, my reply was appropriate.

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