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Ku: Ciddii ay Khusayso


Og: Shacabka Soomaaliyeed


Og: Dowladda Hoose ee Muqdisho


Og: Hay’adaha/ Dulaaliinta wax kala gada ee Muqdisho


Ujeeddo: Digniin Warshad ku taal Wadada Jaziira


Anigoo ah Cabdullahi Nuur Guleed oo loo yaqaan Gurguurte ahna milkiilaha Guled Furniture Factory, waxaan la socodsiinaa isla markaana ogaysiinaa ciddi ay khusayso sida Shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo Maamullada sharafta leh ee kor ku xusan in dhulka Warshaddii Moobil-ka (Guled Furniture Factory) ee ku yaal Jaziira uu yahay milkidayda.


Waxaan sidoo kale ogaysiinaa, ugana digaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed in aan la isku gadan ama la kiraysan ama si kale loogu takri falin dhulkaas.


Dhulkaas dokumentigiisa wuxuu dhumay xilligii dagaalka sokeeye, gaar ahaan in uu ku dhumay ama ku gubtay Guled Hotel sagaashameeyadii.


Dhulkaas waxa weli ku yaal derbi wareegsan iyo dhismihii Warshaddii Moobil-ka (ama Furniture) oo uu bur-bur lixaad leh gaaray sida ka muuqato sawirrada.



Waad ku mahadsantiin.


Wabillahi Towfiiq,


Cabdullahi Nuur Guuleed (Gurguurte)

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I thought this was a joke until I saw the source. Is the government in Muqdisho incompetent in protecting properties so that people are left to publicly announce their properties on internet news portals before a moor.yaan sells them to others as his.

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Dhulka daartaan laga dhisooyo meel keyd shidaal ayee ahaan jirtay, owned by Reer Soobe as claimed by them. C/qaadir Soobe wiilkiisa Facebook soo giliye this picture, claiming dad ayaa sar ka dhisanooyo dhulkii aabihiisa.




Where they are building at the new location where the yellow taxi cars are parked at, behind aargada and the little park.

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Xamar reer somaliland baa dhistay berigii kacaanka, maanta waxa ka markhaatiya inay dhaqaajin waayeen dadka sheegtaa lol.

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D.O.C;936851 wrote:
Xamar reer somaliland baa dhistay berigii kacaanka, maanta waxa ka markhaatiya inay dhaqaajin waayeen dadka sheegtaa lol.

Stop sniffing your behind, it's unhealthy and tad detrimental to your common sense.

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Guryihii qadiimiga ahaa oo qarniyada dhisnaa oo dadkii lahaana joogo ayaa maalin caddeey la ootay, la boobay. Yaab iyo nuskeeda.


Haddee Xamar saan kusii socoto Soomaaliweyn wey ka tashan doontaa inay xarunta ummadda Soomaaliyeed sii ahaato.

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"Dhulkaan dhul Banaadir waaye. Dhul banaan ma'aha. Anaga dad ma dhacno, dadna ma xoogno. Ilaaheynaa ka cabsaneynaa, aadan kama cabsano. Haddii dhulkeena noola yimid, haddana waxaa dhiman in gurigeena nagala baxsado."


Run weyn ayuu sheegay odeygaas. Saan si ma'aha walaahi.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;937627 wrote:
"Dhulkaan dhul Banaadir waaye. Dhul banaan ma'aha. Anaga dad ma dhacno, dadna ma xoogno. Ilaaheynaa ka cabsaneynaa, aadan kama cabsano. Haddii dhulkeena noola yimid, haddana waxaa dhiman in gurigeena nagala baxsado."


Run weyn ayuu sheegay odeygaas. Saan si ma'aha walaahi.

This is really sad. Dad Ab ka ab xamar daganaa baa maanta dhulkooda la boobaa. Haven't we done enough damage to this community? Warlord walba soo mara ama sii mara siduu u dhacaayey this community for the past 20 years ayaa maanta dhulkooda la dhacaa? Ma Falestiin baa la joogaa? The message is loud and clear; Mr. President, your help is urgently needed here.


Where is Oba and Cafaraat when you need them?

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Jacpher;937638 wrote:
This is really sad. Dad Ab ka ab xamar daganaa baa maanta dhulkooda la boobaa. Haven't we done enough damage to this community? Warlord walba soo mara ama sii mara siduu u dhacaayey this community for the past 20 years ayaa maanta dhulkooda la dhacaa? Ma Falestiin baa la joogaa? The message is loud and clear; Mr. President, your help is urgently needed here.


Where is Oba and Cafaraat when you need them?

yes jacpher im here maxaan ku qabtaa?

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