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Saado Cali singing for Jubbaland

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Waranle_Warrior;932613 wrote:
Jubbaland aniguba mardhow ayaan maqlay balse 3-da gobol waligood ayay jireen sidoo kale Puntland or Galmudugba dhowaan ayaa lamaqlay balse Gobalada such as Nugaal, Mugug or Galgaduud waligood ayay jireen markaa wax dhib ah malahan magaca haduu dhawaan soo baxay.

Waranle, maxaa keenay iney goboladan cusub ee ka macaan yihiin kuwii hore?

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^Goboladu waa isku darsamaayaan si ay Maamul usameestaan, maamulka, nidaamka iyo kala danbeyntaba waa wax macaan.


In Nugaal, Mudug, Sanaag etc. in lakala ahaado soo kama macaana in Puntland la ahaado ama South Mudug, Galgaduud iyo Hiiraan soo kama macaana hal maamul. Taasu waa logic ilamaha yar uu fahmi karo markaa Su'aal nin weeyn iwaydii waqti qoraal aan macnaha lahayn ha iiga dhuminee.

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Carafaat;932546 wrote:
Xaaji, I would love that too. Jubbaland free of Sijuis and Kikuyus. Amiin

Never gonna happen. The people that live from Kismaayo to Gsa are the same people (not just ethnicity) and this has been the case even before Somalia gained independence contrary to the propaganda we're being fed by neo-HAGists nowadays.

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Haatu;932638 wrote:
Never gonna happen. The people that live from Kismaayo to Gsa are the same people (not just ethnicity) and this has been the case even before Somalia gained independence contrary to the propaganda we're being fed by neo-HAGists nowadays.

Haatu, there are Bantu's in Somalia as well. But we wont invite all Bantu's living accros Africa in to Somalia as well. I am sorry, but Somalia is only for Somalia's citizens. I belief you are born as a Kenyan citizen. Jambo!

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What you fail to understand is that the people of the area don't recognise these fake borders. There's movement across it on a daily basis and intermarrying and all of that. The bantus from Tanzania have no connection with their brethren there. Stop trying to separate the Somalis waryaa.

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