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Somaliland:Police Net More Than 72 Suspected Muggers

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You sure about Some company investing 100million dollars in Somaliland? You are not pulling my leg, right? Most of the world shy away from recognizing Somaliland because of lack of interest in dismembering some small poor African country! They will rather take the easy road of keeping this volatile nation together than dividing it up.We can't be exploiting the piracy tag and forget that we ourselves are not immune to terorism.




See I just said stuff as I see it and the reality is that Somalia is not yet clean from civil war wounds.I never said Somaliland is perfect and that they are immune to clan politics.One of the many errors of the Mogadishu adminstartion is what the good profesor Samatar put it in a youtube clip-the double standard of calling onself unionist in the interest of the clan in Mogadihsu only! As someone who deeply appreaciates all thing Somali, I puzzle over the politics of hostility and animosity between the Southern Somalis.

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Also Somaliland light years ahead of Somalia on all fields Somaliland is very organized in that respect, also add to that Somalia is not a regional power in the region and it certainly has years to go to before they reach the normal status of a country. Somaliland cannot be isolated because it cannot be sanctioned not by the international community nor by Somalia. The international community called for dialogue a separate process for Somalia and Somaliland to clarify their future relations.STOIC Somalilanders do not care about the masses of Somalia and what they think thats not important, its the political elites of Somalia, Somaliland is dealing with them. The Masses of Somalia have no say about their own future. If the masses in Somalia had a say about their future alshabab warlords TFG xabashi would not invade their country. Yes you are right the west is indifferent and do not want to create unattractive problems so they stay away. But Somalia is not NATO Turkey and SL is not kurdistan, the world gives the folks in Xamar the legitimacy because that was once the country they knew which existed in the past. STOIC its heading the right direction we will witness something great. 10 years an armed struggle against Somalia. And 20 years in search for their rightful place on the international stage. So do you know how long the south Sudanese were fighting more than 50 years. Do you know how long the Eritreans were fighting close to 33 years. Both Sudan and Ethiopia nations that broke away came to existence its just matter of time till the former Somali republic follows suit. Somaliland just need to be prepared for everything against anything and be on their guard all the time.

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Stoic let me give you an example in order to ease your unfounded anxieties. Suppose you had an argument and a fight with a much larger fellow. Then with your quick moves you grounded that large fellow and he ended up in an intensive care unit fighting for his dear life with the help of some Ugandan, Kikuyu, and Habashi doctors. After some twenty two and so years that unfortunate man started moving his fingers and came out of the coma. In those two decades while your opponent who is now an unrecognisable shadow of his former self was in a ventilation unit with dozens of wires sticking out of him, you went to college, graduated, got a job, got married, had several children some of whom are now in their late teens, and became a respected member of the society(world). Will you them Mr Stoic be worried about what the recovery of that poor soul mean for your security and wellbeing?


Edit: I forgot to add that a rogue kikuyu doctor gave a bad injection to the patient and as a result there are some serious complications on the lower part of the body.

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