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Xaaji Xunjuf

Talks between the Somali Prime Minister and the raskambooni faction ends in complete failure

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War deg deg ah—Kulamadii Kismaayo oo maantana lagu kalakacay


Kismaayo–27-03-2013– Kulankii maanta uga socdey Dowlada Federaalka iyo Maamulka KMG ee Kismaayo ayaa noqdey mid aan wax natiija ah ka soo bixin ka dib markii qolo walba ku adkeysteen in tooda la raaco., waxaana markale la balamay in la isu soo laabto berri subax, inkastoo uu jiro shaki ah inaanba la isusoo laabanayn oo saas lagu kala dhaqaajiyey.

Dowladu waxay wali taagantahay inaysan aqoonsaneyn shirweynaha socda oo ay ku tilmaameen sharci daro halka Qolyaha kalena taagan yihiin In Dowladu sharci daro ku dhaqmeyso.

Shirka maanta ayaa socdey qadar saacado ah waxaana qolo walba isku deydey iney qolada kale ka dhaadhiciyaan ajandahooda.

Dowlda Federaalka waxaa lagu eedeynayaa iney qas ka dhex wadaan bulshada oo ay dastuurka jabiyeen.

Dhinaca Kale Raysal wasaare Saacid oo Hotelkiisa jooga wuxuu wadaa dadaal uu ugu jiro inuu Masuuliyiinta ugu sareysa Jubooyinka iyo Gedo ee wada howsha Maamul u sameynta Jubooyinka iyo Gedo uu kala furfuro, taasina uma suuroobin.

Inkastoo labadii guddi ee shirey ay balameen iney berri oo khamiisa ay mar kale is arkaan haddana waxaa loo badinayaa inuusan jiri doonin wax kulan ah berri halkaasna ay Raysal wasaraha iyo wafdigiisu berri u duuli doonaan Muqdisho iyagoon wax guula ka gaarin safarkooda Kismaayo.

Faahfaahin buuxda dhowaan naga filo oo warkaan ku saabsan iyo falan qaynta Dublamasiyiinta Kismaayo jooga ee labada dhinac.

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Xaalada Kismaayo oo cirka iskushareertey iyo wafdigii RW oo ciidan dalbaday(xog rasmi ah)


(Allssc) Xaalada magaalada Kismaayo ayaa xiligan cakiran kadib markii lagu kala kacay kulumadii socday.Wafdigii RW Saacid ayaa codsaday inay la kulmaan odayaashah Beel kamida Beelaha wax ka daga Jubooyinka waxaana arintaas gaashaanka u daruuray maamulka magaalada Kismaayo oo ku wargeliyay hadii ay doonayaan in odayaal la kulmaan inay la kulmaan kuwa ku xaraysan Jaamacada Kismaayo oo Beelaha dhan ka kooban.

Qorshaha Saacid uu la yimid Kismaayo ee laga diiday waxaa kamida in Dekadda, Garoonka Diyaaradaha, ciidamada iyo maamulkaba Dowlada lagu soo wareejiyo, Dowladuna ay dhisto maamul ku meelgaar ah oo mudo 6 bilood ah ka arimiya gobolka Jubada Hoose ee magaala madaxiisu tahay Kismaayo.

Wafdigii RW Saacid ayaa sidoo kale saraakiisha ciidamada AMISOM u sheegay in Kismaayo ay keenayaan ciidan dhan 100 askari ayna magaalada u dhisayaan maamul ka kooban 35 xubnood.Wafdigu Dowladu waxay kaloo sheegeen inaysan Kismaayo ka baxaynin ilaa iyo inta ay ka dhisayaan maamulka.

Arintan ayaa dhalisay xiisad sababtay in maamulka magaalada Kismaayo ciidamo badan wadooyinka ku daadiyaan kuwaas oo lagu amaray in amniga magaalada ay adkeeyaan.

Buuqa iyo kala kaca deg daga ah ayaa yimid kadib markii wafdigii Dowladu ay xalay dalbadeen in shirka laga saaro Prof.Gaandi dhinaca kale ay diideen iyagoo ku dooday in Prof.Gaandi uu yahay xildhibaan deegaankan laga doortay sidaa darteedna aysan jirin sabab shirka looga saaro.

Isku soo duuboo Jawigu ma qurux badna,xaalada magaaladuna waa falaadhii cirka loo diray nin waloow filo!

Hadaba ha ka fogaanin shabakada wararka allssc wixii wararka ku saabsan xaalad cakiran ee kismaayo .

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If this talks fail then it will be the failure of the Hassan Culusow's Agenda. The men in Kismayo will match on and do according to their plan.


This weak AMISON protected government has no teeth nor has constitutional legitimacy to run things in Kismayo.

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Mintid Farayar;931043 wrote:
Oodweyne's predictive analysis at work again.

Oodweyne was indeed correct, but some naive people hoped that saacid would bless the conference but it didn't happen a transitional admin will be set up according to the goverment. Also the port authority will come directly under the supervision of the prime minister.

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I've asked our Xiin where the Speaker stands on this issue(several times over several days) but he seems to do a 'runner' whenever that question is asked.


According to the current constitution/charter, the Fed Parliament has to approve the future regions ultimately.


Paging Senor Xiin, paging Senor Xiin......

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The speaker is irrelevant in here, and even Hassan Culosow does not have the balls to air his position regarding Kismayo publicly. This is a Jubbaland issue, only Saacid as the sitting PM and a D-block man matters and that's why they are using him.


Both Jawari and Culusow are quiet and will remain silent for as long as they are orchestrating their sinister hidden agenda against Jubbaland. If they speak up it will only complicate matters for them and ruin their agenda. When are you going to learn the clanish politiking of Somalia?

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Oodweyne;931068 wrote:


He knows what your are asking and he knows that the speaker is dead set against it for obvious clannish reasons since his "D&M" folks will be adversely affected.


Furthermore Xiinfaniin knows that there is no enough MPs in the parliament to support this highway constitutional thievery if matters gets to the federal parliament.


Hence why he is hoping that things could be cobbled together outside of that legal means and within the "D-Block" clannish arrangements without troubling the proper parliamentary channels back at the national capital.


I'm well aware of that ;)

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Oodweyne;931068 wrote:


He knows what your are asking and he knows that the speaker is dead set against it for obvious clannish reasons since his "D&M" folks will be adversely affected.


Furthermore Xiinfaniin knows that there is no enough MPs in the parliament to support this highway constitutional thievery if matters gets to the federal parliament.


Hence why he is hoping that things could be cobbled together outside of that legal means and within the "D-Block" clannish arrangements without troubling the proper parliamentary channels back at the national capital.

But when it comes to Jubbaland its the D-blocks that run the show and only them can stop it. That's why the government's eyes were dead set of using Gedo folks to stop it. It can only be them or the ONLF or Puntlanders clans that can stop it if they oppose it but if all of them agree on it there is nothing that Unuka or D&M can do about it.

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The Puntlanders are irrelevant in the Jubbaland affairs gone are the days of moorgen. its a race between 2 factions the Azanians raskambooni col cabaas from gedo as one group. Versus the other faction of gedo led by the Prime Minister and the gedo governor Mr Kaliil and the other former aswj faction mostly gedo troops.The Puntlanders are no where in this process, the may may group inhabit parts of the middle jubba so they are stake holders. Even Faroole is quiet i predict this will be a win for the government.

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Waranle_Warrior;931074 wrote:
But when it comes to Jubbaland its the D-blocks that run the show and only them can stop it. That's why the government's eyes were dead set of using Gedo folks to stop it. It can only be them or the ONLF or Puntlanders clans that can stop it if they oppose it but
if all of them agree on it there is nothing that Unuka or D&M can do about it

Spot on


Oodweyne shall continue praying that one of the tree preferably the folks whom thinks are amenable to Mogadishu designs go against this project

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^^Oodweyne, I take special pride in the fact that you are reduced to a mere commentator to a consequential political undertaking in Kismayo, especially when the odds favor those whom you wasted a significant portion of your life fighting them. Today, you can no longer fight them. Just like an old soldier they seem to never die :D, those you termed 'the defeated lot' are united, more you are willing to give credit to on this issue.


Your wishes are just that ---mere wishes. Jubbaland will be reality. When that day comes, I want you to be where my voice reaches you for the verses I put together, i consider them poeticly touching ..

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Oodwayne I agree with you that the government in Mogadishu has a case if they have a legal issue on their side and in their favour. The men behind Kismayo initiative are equally using the legal process and proclaim to be within their legal right to form a regional administration locally. If the government has a legal case to counter this argument then it should be through that avenue and both sides amass their lawyers to resolve this issue. However, far from that the government has been taking inconsistent measure against Jubbaland without proper consideration to the legality of their actions, from accepting it to turning their back on it and now calling to name an interim admin.


Its a mess what the government has done so far.

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