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Kismayo Update

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Immisa jeer bay yiraahdeen ergada waa loo xulay. Bal aan dhawrno Talaadada waxba innaga ma xigaan e!


They gotta get this baby to bed NOW or they will regret it pretty soon. Time is the essense here.

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Finally they set the date so the Election commission is on the move. watch the space and be ware not to step on an angry, half-sleep, "marqaansan" secessionist while you are at it.


This is the point to underscore " Beel walba loo xaqiijiyey inta ay yeelanayo ayna dhammaan ku wada qanceen"

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Awoowe as you know I am rooting for Kismayo and this peaceful process to succeed but I have my doubts about these news portals. Let's hope it is true and the election will take place in the specified date.


Hope the cameras are there for all to see.

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The Kismaayo project passed the design and concern stage and is nearing its final stage. The locals have set their differences aside and moving forward in unison. On a tangent, sources close to IGAD indicate they no longer consider Jubaland an issue, and are now shifting their focus to Baydhabo which will be the next federal state on the horizon with Lower Shabelle the platform..

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Whatever Ilyria and Xiinfaniin are trying to convince people here, the only thing we have seen in Kismayo is a meeting between and disagreement between one single clan. Most other clans are not even on board, the goverment doesnt recongnize this clan meeting, Middle Jubba and Gedo are not even controlled by the Madobe militia and even kismayo is not even fully controlled by Madoobe, but rather by Kenyans. If the Conference in Kismayo was build on justice and local ownership, it would have taken off 5 months ago. But its build on a single sub-clan with the help of foreign muscles and financing.

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^It's amazing if you think this whole thing is a non-starter with no real basis that you and your ilk spend so much time here repeating these same words endlessly. I suppose it's a coincidence too that the President also spends quite a bit of his valuable time lobbying against these efforts because he thinks it has little chance of viability.


Delusional Incorporated and not too bright to boot.

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Elpunto, waa caytamiisa adeer.


I only stated the obvious as a reaction to the claims Xiinfaniin and co have been making for 6 months. Any disappointing and anger should be taken up with those who lead this initiative, not with SOL'ers who react to the news and come with facts. And the fact is adeer the will be a regional admin for those regions, just like for the rest of Somalia but the pirate initiative to cripple the government of Somalia is doomed to fail. I guarantee you that.

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^There is no cay adeer. The point is rather simple. If you really believed this whole enterprise was doomed to fail and not representative then you wouldn't devote dozens and dozens of posts to making that same point endlessly. Your actions belie the arguments you post here. Clearly there is some delusional calculations afoot in that strange mind of yours.

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Elpunto, you and others have devoted countless of post on Somalilands recognition does that mean you really belief Somaliland will get recongnition? Naga daa dee, your comparisement is very poor saxiib.


Dont become like Xiin who rather accuses everyone of having ulterior motives. Cause "great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

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Shirkii Kismaayo oo maraya gabogabo

Published: May 10, 2013


Kn: Warar ay heleyso KismaayoNews oo dhinacyo kala duwan xaqiijiyeen waxaa meeshii ugu dambeeysey maraya shirkii Kismaayo ee dhismaha Jubbaland, waxaana lagu wadaa in maalinta isniinta doorashada la qabto.


Waxaa la qorayaa liiskii kama dambeysta ahaa ee ergada oo dhan 500, balse waxaa jira muran wali ka taagan gobolka Gedo oo si weyn la’isugu hayo.

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Madaxweynaha oo ogolaaday Jubbaland, balse aanan shuruudo la’aan ahayn

Published: May 10, 2013


Kn: Warar ay heleyso KismaayoNews waxa ay sheegayaan in madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo wadamada dariska ay isku waafaqeen dhismaha Jubbaland, balse waxaa jira shuruudo ay tahay in kasoo dhalaalaan maamulka la dooranayo.


Waftigii IGAD ee Kismaayo tagay ayay warar hoose noo sheegeen in madaxda iyo garwadeenada shirka u sheegeen in ay si dhaqso ah kusoo gabogabeeyaan shirka, lana doorto madaxweyne si loogu talaabo wajiga kale ee wada hadalada.


Madaxweyne Xassan Sheekh ayaa IGAD u sheegey in aysan waxbo ka qabin dhismaha Jubbaland haddii ay saxiixayso nidaamka federaalka uu doonayo in ay Soomaaliya qaadato oo dhawaan baarlamaanka meel marin doono.


Nidaamkani ayaa waxa uu awoodo badan siinayaa dowladda dhexe, waxana uu kala xadaynayaa awoodaha maamul goboleedyada iyo dowladda dhexe.


Madaxweynaha waa uu ka gaabsaday in uu saxiixo war qoraal ah oo uu ku ogolaanayo Jubbaland, balse sameeyey balanqaad ah haddii madax bisil ay soo baxdo aysan waxbo isla gafeynin.


Waxaa kale oo jirta in golaha wasiirada ee la’isku shaandheynayo ay kusoo biirayaan xubno cusub oo u janjeera dhanka maamulka haatan Kismaayo ka jira, taasi oo ka dhigan awood qeybsi.


Heshiiska ay tahay in ay Jubbaland saxiixdo ayaanan ahayn mid ay ku farxi doonto Puntland oo si weyn ugu ololeyneysa dhismaha Jubbaland.


Jubbaland si ay u hesho aqoonsiga dowladda federaalka waa in ay saxiixdaa heshiiska, islamarkaasina ogolaataa wax ka badalka dastuurka iyo in ay awooda la qeybsato dowladda federaalka, kuna wareejiso maamulka meelo muhiim ah sida dekada oo kale iyo ciidamada Police-ka iyo Militariga.

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Faahfiin guud Xaalada Kismaayo, Ciidamada Oo magaalada dhamaan laga saarey


Kismaayo— 10 May,2013–Pi– Wali waxaa Kismaayo ka socda abaabulka Doorashada Madaxweynaha, iyadoo lasoo gudbiyey tirada Ergooyinka Reer walba loo qoon deeyey inkastoo ay jiraan Beelo saluugsan tirada kusoo aadey, waxaana wali socda wadahadal farsamo si Qolo walba u qanacdo, cidna aan cida kale xaqeeda laga siin.


Waxaa Magaalada Soo gaarey oo hada ku sugan Wafdi ka socda IGAD oo kormeer ahaan u yimid iyo iney Gudiyada Howsha wada ka dhagaystaan meesha wax marayaan, waxayna hada wax walba marayaan meeshii ugu wanaagsaneyd.


Amaanka ayaa si wanaagsan loogu guuleystey, waxaana Magaalada loo sameeyey Ciidan Boolis ah, dhamaan Ciidankii Malatariga ahaa waxaa loosaarey banaanka Magaalada iyadoo la isla meel dhigey in aysan ciidanku wax hub ah ku dhexwadan karin Magaalada Gudeheeda.


Caawa ayaa Ciidanka Garoonka Diyaaradaha waxay meelo u dhow garoonka ka fuliyeen howlgal halkaasoo kooxda Al-shabaab oo kaymaha ku gabanaya ay dhowr xabadood kasoo rideen, mana ahayn wax saas u wayn.


Magaalada Kismaayo ilaa Jamacada Kismaayo amaankoodu aad ayuu u sareeyaa, waxayna Shacabku magaalada ku caweeyaan ilaa xili dambe waana markii ugu horeysey mudo sanado ah oo amaanka Kismaayo uu heerkaas gaaro.


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Apparently Kismayo momentum is picking up velocity ...


Feeds tell us that a general agreement has been reached between IGAD, Jubbaland and the opponents in Mogadishu.


Oodweyne will not like it that is for sure

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Good move of the government. Those pre-conditions or framework in which Jubbaland would be established would make it a decentralized administrative Province or "state", the best governance system applicable to Somalia. Xiin, what is your opinion of these conditions and the governments move?

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Madaxweyne Xassan Sheekh ayaa IGAD u sheegey in aysan waxbo ka qabin dhismaha Jubbaland haddii ay saxiixayso nidaamka federaalka uu doonayo in ay Soomaaliya qaadato oo dhawaan baarlamaanka meel marin doono.


Nidaamkani ayaa waxa uu awoodo badan siinayaa dowladda dhexe, waxana uu kala xadaynayaa awoodaha maamul goboleedyada iyo dowladda dhexe.


Jubbaland si ay u hesho aqoonsiga dowladda federaalka waa in ay saxiixdaa heshiiska, islamarkaasina ogolaataa wax ka badalka dastuurka iyo in ay awooda la qeybsato dowladda federaalka, kuna wareejiso maamulka meelo muhiim ah sida dekada oo kale iyo ciidamada Police-ka iyo Militariga.


If this is true it will be good news lets hope the info is real . this Jubbaland thing is becoming obstacle , a lot of time is being wasted on Jubbaland by the FG

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