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Xaaji Xunjuf

Who was right the most controversial dispute in Islamic History

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Who was right and who was wrong in the most destructive war or also known as the first fitna in Islam between Mucawiya ibn Abu Sufyan ibn Harb And Imam Ali ibn abu talib ibn abdulmutallib. Its a very sensitive subject among the highest Islamic scholars especially with in the Sunni Ullema because it was seen as a war between Sahabas. But what is more interesting is what does the Sharia say about the dispute. Also later the war between Yazid ibn Mucawiya versus Imam Hussein at the battle of karbala. It is what caused the first friction among Muslims the early stage.Some suni scholars believe that imam ali was correct in the differences that existed between Imam ali and Mucawiya ibn abu sufyan. The sunni ulema believe that the dispute between the companions should not be deeply discussed since allah knows best and that both imam ali and Mucawiya were righteous believers. i will quote Suni ulema on the issue i will not quote Shia ulema on this since we are Suni Muslims.

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The sunni ulema believe that the dispute between the companions should not be deeply discussed since allah knows best and that both imam ali and Mucawiya were righteous believers.

What made you go against their advice?.

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Jacpher the shia might be misguided but they are still our brothers in Islam.


Maaddeey because i love clear answers on crucial historical events and especially because it caused a friction with in the Ummah.

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Sxb, beware of going too deep into this, laga yaabaa you might say something against a sahabi. Leave Allah to judge between them.

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the war between cali bin abii daalin and mucaawiya which coused deaths of thousends of muslims from both sides even slavement of war prisoners from cali bin abi daalibs site was about pure power struggle between mucaawiya from Ummayyad clan and Cali bin abii daalib from Bin haashim clan and the war was very long war which the Son of mucaawiya yaziid bin mucaawiya ultimately won the war between two rival clans Umayyads versus Bin haashim which Yaziid killed the son of cali bin abii dalib, hussein bin cali and all of hes children including children young as 1 years old which yazziiid ordared to be killed.


and Umayyad clan succeeded to become the rulers ot the empire which become dynasty family own goverment which father and sons from umayyads become leaders of the empire.. this war of cali bin abi daalin against mucaawiya bin abii sufyaan was very bloody war and it was about pure earthly power struggle..

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All notable Ulema of Ahl Sunnah say that all of these Sahaba in conflict were the same people who sat under the feet of Rasulallah (SAW). Ever since the day Uthman (RA) was murdered, muslim have killing each other.

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