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R/wasaare Saacid oo gaaray magaalada Kismaayo

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Wafdi uu hoggaaminayo R/wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa gaaray magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubbada hoose halkaas oo ay si weyn ugu soo dhaweyeen xubno ka tirsan dowladda oo labadii maalin ee la soo dhaafay ku sugnaa Kismaayo iyo mas’uuliyiinta maamulka KMG ah ee ka arimiya magaaladaasi.


Mudane Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon ayaa waxaa booqashadiisa ku wehliya mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda waxaana garoonka diyaaradaha Kismaayo si weyn ugu soo dhaweeyay maamulka magaalada Kismaayo, saraakiisha ciidamada dowladda, kuwa AMISOM iyo shacab aad u badan.


Soo dhaweynta kadib ayaa waxaa R/wasaaraha iyo wafdigii la socday loo galbiyay mid ka mid ah hotelada magaalada Kismaayo halkaas oo uu haatan kulan kula leeyahay mas’uuliyinta maamulka kumeel gaarka ah iyo saraakiisha ciidamada.


Wixii warar ah iyo sawirada naga filo goordhow insha ALLAHA

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Faahfaahin kooban Safarka Raysal wasaare Saacid ku joogo Kismaayo


Saaka markuu yimid Magaalada Kismaayo Wafdi balaaran oo uu horkacayo Raysal Wasaaraha Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdi Faraax Shirdoon waxaa halkaas kusoo dhaweeyey Masuuliyiin ta Gobolka oo uu horkacayo Gudoomiyaha Kumeel gaarka ah Axmed Madoobe.

Raysal wasare Saacid iyo Axmed Madoobe waxay shir jaraa`id kuwada qabteen Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Kismaayo, Raysal wasaare Saacid wuxuu sheegey inuu aad ugu faraxsan yahay ayna cajiib la tahay sida qurxoon ee loosoo dhaweeyey “”Waxaan idiin sheegayaa inaan idiinku imid inaan idin dhagaysto, waxaad rabtaana dhagaysto”" ayaa ka kamid ahaamhadaladii Raysal wasaaraha.

Ka dib waxaa loo galbiyey Hotel Tawakal oo ku yaal bartamaha Magaalada, halkaasoo ay hada ka socdaan kulamo goos goos ah.

Galabta waxa hotelka ka dhacaya kulan balaaran oo uu Raysal waaaruhu la qaadanayo Masuuliyiinta KMG ee Gobolka, waxgaradka Gobolada Jubooyinka/Gedo iyo Gudiga Farsamada Maamul u sameynta Juboyinka.

Sida aan warar rasmi ah ku helney Raysal wasaaruhu wuu diidey inuu tago Jaamacada Kismaayo halkaasoo uu ka socdo Shirwaynaha Jubooyinka iyo Gedo, waxaase dhici kara in isbadal dhankaas ka yimaado marka uu kulanka galabta dhaco ka dib.

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Where's Xiin?


Prime Minister Saacid has nowhere to hide anymore. He can always say he visited his constituents, listened their concerns and concluded that there is no path forward :)


What he cannot do if he's smart is issuing a dictat by appointing a transitional administration. He could very well be playing that card but it will backfire on two ways.


One way it will backfire is there is deliberation by local constituents in progress. He's asked to consult with the local elders and facilitate the gathering in finding ways and means to establish a federal member state. The MPs, the traditional leaders, the business class, the rank and file of D block whose name he was chasen are adamant to implement their constitutional rights. Refuse and you will lose their support.


The other way it could backfire is his government has no capacity to alter the dynamics on the ground. Here you have a region independent from Benadir in terms of finance and security. The PM has no leverage unless he is willing to forment a clannish conflict. Which brings me the point I was trying to make. Allah forbid if he goes down on that route then the fight against AS will be compromised in a major way.


We'll see how it pans out.

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1)What are the options for the architects of the Jubba project if the PM opposes(once again) the current 'shir' and state-creation process?


2)What is it that the central gov't fears/sees in this Jubba formation? Is it as simple as clan-based opposition or a devolution of executive power away from the center(Mogadishu)?

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Mintid Farayar;930501 wrote:

1)What are the options for the architects of the Jubba project if the PM opposes(once again) the current 'shir' and state-creation process?


2)What is it that the central gov't fears/sees in this Jubba formation? Is it as simple as clan-based opposition or a devolution of executive power away from the center(Mogadishu)?

Well the way I see it -- and this is only my opinion -- is that the Jubba folks will proceed with the project and create realities on the ground and then focus defeating AS by themselves. This is a checkmate play. To counter that scenerio the PM could mobilize his supporters and create political confusion.


The answer to the second question is both. Devolution of executive power is the central worry. Principled folks who wants to establish a strong, united and prosperous Somalia see the clan-based fiefdoms as a permanent identity politics that can be used to destablize the state in the future conflict in the region.


On the other hand clan politics is a reality in Somalia. Grievances and mistrust between Somalis are based on clan. The reason Somalia had 22 years of civil strife is because of this clan vs. clan dynamics and the fact the former regime milked this anamoly to its last drop. The only formula they could come up to end the civil strife that really worked is federalism which on the one hand devolved power into levels and on the hand assured suspicious clans that they can build their area withouting needing political patrionage of the center.

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Good development in the sense the government in Muqdisho is finally addressing Jubooyinka. At least we have a government engaging this issue head on for the first time in so long instead of avoiding it as it would go away.


I think this is more important for Gedo block than any other stake holders in Jubbaland formation.

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