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Proffesor Samatar: Only some tribes can be a president in Somalia

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But I have 22 yrs as proof. You realize in another 8 years the SL project will be as long lived as the Somaliweyn project ;) There's nothing else to compare to the SL project, sxb. Even the Federal Gov't... No one sweated for it, shed blood for it, toiled in improving it everyday with all its deformities. It was purely a mandated decree from the IC - 'Pharaoh said, so it shall be written, so it shall be done!'. Now if the Mogadishu experiment survives for a decade or longer, and you have population buy-in, then there might be something to discuss. But I'm deeply skeptical, given the usual suspects forced(as opposed to choosing) to cooperate in bringing this project forward.


Meanwhile, Puntland continues to serve as a bargaining chip to a greater chair in Mogadishu, so the effort is never made to build the system from the roots on up. That's why you have slow devolution occuring in Puntland ever since the demise of A. Yusuf(AUN).


I've showed you the facts of my argument, now show me yours ;)

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Mintid....The very foundation of Sland is based on tribal struggle-this simple fact alone discredits Sland from preaching to others about unity or deception. It is worthy noting no one else in the North sign up to the struggle waged by SNM.Now if you have us believe the struggle was for the betterment of all Somalis, the end result created an enclave that wants to create two separate homelands for the same nation which is hardly something anyone believing unity would do.When your actions institutionalize disunity, I don't think you are no position to criticize others. I think it's more sincere if you just say, this is what I want rather than crying about not having a shot at the presidency in Villa Somalia.


Oodka.....I only have question, why is it everyone that believes Somali(land) unity happens to be from those that benefit from it?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;929742 wrote:
Naxar are you saying reer Somalia ilahay ba u qoray inay mar walba xukumaan reer Somaliland na ay daba fadhistaan, reer Somaliland inay aqbalaan.Lets just say if Somalilanders ruled for the past 50 years how do you think koonfurians would have felt Obviously professor samatar is the last remaining unionist because he thought you could share something with Koonfurians he was proven wrong. The union it self in 1960 was wrong the foolish SL politicians were naive and were dreaming of an elusive Somali empire. I believe if the union never happened Somaliland today would have been more developed in technology infrastructure and even more advanced as a nation. Union with Somalia brought only misery war famine not just for Somalilanders but also for Koonfurians the Somalilanders shock the foundation and the Political culture of the Koonfurians. Sometimes you just have to accept your differences in order to co exist. And professor samatar is slowly seeing the light that there is nothing in Xamar for him.

1, Cigal yuu daba fadhiyah? No thats not what am saying at all. I honestly coudn't care who ruled as for 50 years "konfurians" or "somalilanders". Honest to god I would be happy if a bajuni from our southern Swahili coast ruled us. We have lost what it means to be Somali. From jibouti to Kismaayo, harar to mogadishu. wishful thinking yes but, just because somaliwein is not an option, does that mean we become cannibals and gulp up in mini clan fiefdoms what we control of ardu Sooomaal. The simple truth is this haajiyow, if there is nothing between you and Somaliwain, there is nothing between you and rer awdal or rer bari. Somalinemo is the only thing between us. So when you demonize "Konforians" know that your demonizing people supposedly in your idea of Somaliland. Ruunta!

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I really don't care who is the president of Somalia, I hope that we reach a point in the future that it become inconsequential ( especially if the federal project works).

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Clan is our religion - the earlier we accept that the better for all concerned. Wixii intaa ka soo hara waa shimbirayahow heesa, akhyaarta golaha ku jirta ee brainwash-ka lagu sameeyey, oo laga dhaadhiciyey wax Somaliland la yiraahdo, oo midaysan baa jirta, waa wax lala yaabo, wanaag badan oo ay dhulkooda ka sameeyeen waa jirtaa balse beelaha bariga aan ka soo jeedo have nothing to do with its political aspirations therefore, SL should redraw its map and rewrite its constitution if they want to be taken seriously. If not ha wareegto giraantu :)

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Waxaan aad u dhagaystaa TEV'yada waqooyi galbeed waxaana ugu wacan waa dad dhaqan iyo af tahanimo leh,isla markaas waxaad dareemaysaa inaysan owood u lahayn inay qaran aad u balaaran hogaamin karin, kalsoonidooda oo aad u yar darteed

Waxaa iigu yaab badan markaad dhagaysato ragga ay ku sheegaan ruug cadaa siyaasad gaamurtay leh tusaale


Wariye su'aal mudane waran case see u aragtaa arimaha wada hadalada soomaaliya?

Jawaab anagu soomaali ma nihin ee soomaaliland baan nahay


Su'aal wariye ka waran cilaaqaadka ingiriiska oon baryahan hagaagsanayn?

Jawaab ingiriisku nama nicin wuu naga yara cadhaysanyahay,waxyaabo badan oo loo baahnaa inaan u samayno yaan kala yara daahnay


Su'aal wariye muxaad ku diideen shirka london?

Jawaab waxaan ku diidnay anagoo soomaliland oo oo ingriiska sadex ka tirsana ayaa nalagu yidhi ahlu suna kursi la fadhiista


Su'aal wariye maxaad ula jeedaa sedex ka tirsano mudane waran case?

Jawaab dee david camaron baa inan yara oo na garanayne boqorada bari aanu taagnay way noo mahad celisay halgankii dheeraa ee reer somaliland u soo gashay difaaca ingriiska waayo lafaheenu waxay yaalaan inta u dhaxaysa fiji ilaa kampala wayba na weydiisay ragii soo dagaalamay qaarkood where is omar!


Su'aal wariye maxaad kula dardaami lahay shacabka soomaaliland oo ku daawanaya?

Jawaab waa inaynu is difaacnaa ciidan iyo hub nagu filan waynu haysanaa walaalaheen ethopia'na wayna garab taagan yihiin


Wariye mahadsanid mudane waran case

Jawaab adaa mudan adeero

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Gooni, you may disagree with the style or approach of Northern politicians but at the end of the day, its the people who have put them in power through 5 democratic elections ( one man one vote) and its the result of their action that counts.


And it seems to me that since 1991 they (Somaliland politicians) have done a pretty good job in getting their message crossed to their people and align them behind security, peace, stability, governance and development. They havent called in the outisde support of Ethiopian and Kenyan troops, Amisom troops, South African merceneries, Alien jihadist, Turks, foreign navies to fight piracy to guard their coast or other foreign entities to do their job or carry their responsibility.


This doesnt make them free of mistakes nor free of needing assistence or Aid. Laakinse marka ledihid Qaran ma hogamin karaan iyo kalsooni ayaa ku yar, bal no sheeg Siyasiga Koonfur jooga ee Qaran hoogamin kara iyo maanta si kalsooni buuxa wadankiisa iyo dadkiisa dhex degen? Saxiib, Xaasidnimadu ma fiicna oo Xaasadka uun ayee jar ka tuurta. Marka iska ilaali oo jar ha ka dhicin. Taasi waa iga talo.

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^ Waar carafaadoow, in Konfurian Somali kalsooni means riding high on Ethiopian tanks, surrounding yourself with Burundian bodyguards, sitting in the cockpit of foreign jets like a kid given a candy, whilst showing nothing for five or more years in office. Wax fahan saaxiib:)

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Naxar Nugaaleed;929799 wrote:
1, Cigal yuu daba fadhiyah? No thats not what am saying at all. I honestly coudn't care who ruled as for 50 years "konfurians" or "somalilanders". Honest to god I would be happy if a bajuni from our southern Swahili coast ruled us. We have lost what it means to be Somali. From jibouti to Kismaayo, harar to mogadishu. wishful thinking yes but, just because somaliwein is not an option, does that mean we become cannibals and gulp up in mini clan fiefdoms what we control of ardu Sooomaal. The simple truth is this haajiyow, if there is nothing between you and Somaliwain, there is nothing between you and rer awdal or rer bari. Somalinemo is the only thing between us. So when you demonize "Konforians" know that your demonizing people supposedly in your idea of Somaliland. Ruunta!


Well the fact remains that there was never Somali unity there was some sort of cultural bond but there was never a national bond.nationalism is an alien concept among Somalis. it was also very short lived, because it never had any place in Somali society. We went along with it because our grandparents thought it was the best thing to do at that time. But we never had a structured state before colonialism even during the fight for independence we never shared the same pain in the same political order each region/country experienced their own historic events and struggled on their own terms.And our grand parents tried to unite all of that and tried to create a whole new historic artificial Somali National identity. But it was really based on weak fundamental principles our national identity because we kept on repeating the same mantra's we speak the same language adhere the same religion are from the same ethnic group. But in reality those were just words we kept on repeating hence why it lasted for a very short period of time.Not to forget those koonfurians were looking for the same political leverage and could have cared less but the Somalilanders were honest at that time when it came to Somaliweynism, As for bajuni president the bajunis are not even allowed to claim their ancestral homeland Kismayo let alone become president in a country lol.


If Somalia was strictly based for Somalia and they tried to find solution with in the context of their own history and own people instead of trying to bring in other Somalis from Somali galbeed Somaliland NFD. i think Somalia would have been a success, i believe there would have never been a civil war and never a state collapse. Imagine not having to fight the shifta wars the Somali galbeed wars 1964 1977. the SNM wars. All of that could have been avoided if it was strictly for Somalia just like all the other normal African nations.


As for Somaliland, Somalilanders have shared values and ethics and traditions and political culture and furthermost the same history of national construct.This how ever was deeply undermined by the various koonfurian Regimes of Somalia. And they tried to create frictions between Somalilanders along tribal lines. Between reer ceerigaabo and reer laas qoray between reer gabiley and reer borama between reer borama and reer seylac between reer qorilugud and reer Buhoodle, between reer caynabo and reer laascaanood and so on. Now with the re declaration of independence of Somaliland in 1991 the Somalilanders have reclaimed those lost shared historic and national values as Somalilanders. Their quest for Somaliland statehood struggle did create a common renewed Somaliland identity. Even the most hardcore unionist Professor samatar said it so many times it was the people of Somaliland who were calling the loudest for union with Somalia at some time of the history and that they Somalilanders share the same bond a much closer bond as people than they share with other Somali speaking people.

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I've followed your evolving viewpoints on SOL for some time.


So my question is, given the current realities in the Somali Republic:


Wouldn't it make more sense for Khaatumo supporters to come in from the cold and engage in a genuine dialogue with SL about their share of the SL pie, a space where they're well-known and accomodation has shown a 22-yr history of stable governance? After the failed gamble of the Puntland confederacy and the continuous, humiliating sidelining of the community in Mogadishu(Ali Khalif's loss for Parliamentary Speaker being the latest)? Isn't it time to give up pride in the ghosts of mythical Sheikhs and engage in realistic political horse-trading in a system that's worked for 22-yrs and continues to work, with a record of stable governance(by your own admission)?


Please give your take on where exactly the problem is....

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Oodwyene...How can Somaliland bring about unity when its very purpose is to split the Somali nation? You can't seem to understand the contradictions within your assertions. You can't be preach Somali unity to others and do the contrary yourself?


Mintid....What does Somaliland have to offer Khaatamu? That's another thing I don't understand. A kid in Somaliland is born into the same poverty as the one in Xamar and they both likely will grow poor and stay unemployed as adults. What do you really have to offer other than few seats in some maamul?

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