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Xaaji Xunjuf

Hargeysa elders to take part of Khatumo conference in Taleex

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Shirka Khaatumo -3 Oo Dunbuluq Looga Gogol Xaadhayo!


Warar aan la shaacin ayaa sheegaya in Isimo, aan tiradooda la sheegin, oo ka oo kasoo jeeda beesha sool ay wada hadal telefoon ah la yeesheen Isimo ka tirsan maamulka Somaalidiidka. Wada hadalkaas oo ku saabsanaa in dib loo qoro distoorka dawladda federbaaraalka ah, laguna bedelo laba gobol oo isu tegey oo ah waqooyi iyo koonfur ( BritishSomaliland and Somali Italian).Kulankaa waxaa isimadda ka codsaday mulkiilayaasha mashruuca Khaatumo.


Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in Isimada Khaatumo kula taliyeen Isimada Soomaali-diidka, ee la soo xidhiidhay, in wada hadalada laga dhigo heer Maamul, taas oo ah sababta xadhkaha loo xidhayo, oo ah in mulkiilayaasha mashruuca Khaatumo u muuqdaan inay yihiin codka keliya ee matala, una hadli kara beesha SSC. Wararku waxay intaa raacinayaan in Khatumo iyo Xagla-toosiye ka dhex aloosan yahay tartan loogu jiro jagadda Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Maamulka Soomaali-diidka. Ila-wareedyada ayaa ka gaabsaday in ay magacaabaan Isimida Khaatumo ee wada hadalaas ka qayb galay ee taageerada siyaasadeed u huraya mulkiilayaasha mashruuca Khaatumo.

Waxaa haddaba isweydiin leh, goorta mulkiilayaasha Khaatumo loo wakiishay in ay burburiyaan madax-banaanida shacabka degaanka ku nool, iyo sida ay u indhaha uga lalinayaan dhulka ilaa maanta gacanta ugu jira Somalidiidka ay heshiiska iyo madaxnimada ka rabaan. Dhiigii geesiyada u geeriyooday degaankooda, oo aan weli qalalin miyaa durba la bilaabay in la duudsiyo, lagana dhigo geeri-iyo-mag-la’aan. Mar kasta waxaa bulshada SSC loola dhaqmaya sidii dareen laawe yaal, laga dhigto sallaan loo fuulo, damac siyaasi ah oo gaar ah. Midayn iyo Xorrayntii waxay u egtahay in la isu keenayo Waqooyiga lana midaynayo waxa loogu yeedho Soomaaliland.

Editor, Taleex media

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Only dunbuluq elders miyaa? Horta sand-dwellers maxay mar walba uga duwanyihiin duriyadda kale. Sometimes waa shisheeye kalkaal nimanku.

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Wadani its because the sand dwellers were the kings of Somaliland for centuries other Somaliland clans despised their hegemony over Somalilanders. But the sandwellers are not shisheeye kalkaal ma nimanka ceelka bulaale geelooda ka dul waraabiyey. Sultan diiriye was the best Somaliland king who lived in the 19 century a giant among men the sanddwellers just need a man like Sultan diiriye in the 21 century to become President of Somaliland and lead the nation into glory in the line of Sultan Diiriye Sultan Nur dhagocun and the legendary xuseen xassan. The clan just needs to find its self back the Sultans of Somaliland were the one who expanded the territory in deep inside Ethiopia. Muxu yidhi Xuseen xassan taladu wa dhaxal awoow.

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Ur right, we have an illustrious history. No one can deny that. What I mean is, when ever its having meetings with other clans or groups or pro-somaliwayn conferences or politicians who defect to the south it's almost always sand dwellers. Ur right, it's not that they are shisheeye kalkaal, but it's because they r ambitious.


Horta where exactly is ceelka bulaale?

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Its the old generation politicians like Buuba dheeg and general Maxammad qaalib who have that feeling and that strong attachment to Somalia, but the new generation is not like that and want their fair share with in the SL political atmospherics. its funny the opinion Koonfurians have of sanddwellers is that its the most laandhere clan in Somaliland, well ofcource once upon a time they all kissed the ring. Wadani the sandwellers are by nature expansionist its rooted in their history. Ceelka Bulaale is the dhagaxbuur district, as for taking part of conferences the Likes of Suldaan Maxammad have no credibility, he is not like his predecessors,problem with Suldaan Maxamamd sometimes tries to act like Suldaan Somaliyeed. And ofcourse the most well known outspoken Politician in Somaliland is Faisal ali waraabe, i think if jamaals becomes President he will be the Ayatollah behind Jamaal the glory will come back the sandwellers just need to connect dots. Its also because Somaliland domestic politics stinks the sandwellers dont like that, they are used to be the leaders and the other clans want to take bigger shares and thats one of the problems.

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I don't think much of Faisal Ali, because he doesn't always think before he speaks. And this Jamal guy is way over rated, don't u think? Besides that I agree with ur analysis.

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Well the country cant afford another Kulmiye the nations needs to move forward. i don't think Ciiro will bring anything new than the old Politics. Somaliland needs new blood a group of technocrats who have a good grasp how international politics works and have the ability to move this nation forward on all fields. Ofcourse Sultan faisal is not a real politician but he will be behind the political curtains maybe:D

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XX, you copy and paste anything you find in the net. Mate, dont be fooled! You can clearly suss out the quality of this amateurish piece of writing. Ask yourself are these traditinal elders resposible for the amendment of somaliland constitutional law?

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^ Tranditional elders don't have to be somalilanders only in order to communicate and interact, they can belong to somaliland and beyond , but what buffled me is, these elders are sitting in the tree shade outlining how somaliland rule of law will be applied.

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