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Somaliland and Puntland Strengthened Thier Cooperation on Fight Against Alshabaab

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Nairobi:Puntland iyo Somaliland oo hishiis ku gaaray la dagaalanka Argagixisada

21. marts 2013





Waxaa la soo gabagabeeyey Kulan Gaar ah oo toddobadkan Nairobi uga socday masuliyiin ka socday maamulada Puntland iyo Somaliland,waxayna gareen ama ku hishiyeen inay iska kaashadaan arrimaha la Dagalanka Argagixisada iyo Burcadbadedda.


Shirkan ayaa waxaa Dhanka Somaliland uga qaybgalay Wasiirada Arrimaha Dibadda, Wasiirka Arrimaha Amniga iyo Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Halka dhanka Puntland ay Kulanka uga qaybgaleen Wasiirka Amniga, Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Madax ka socotay Hay’adda Sirdoonka Puntland ee PIA.


Kulanka labada dhinac kaddib ayay waxaa ay kulan la wada qateen Madax ka kala socotay Sweden, British iyo Maraykanka oo Maamulada kula Taliyay inay Iska Kaashadan la Dagaalanka Argagixisada Gudaha Dalka Somaliya.


Arrimaha ay ku heshiyeen ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa in labada dhinac ay Is dhafsadaan Xogaha ku Saabsan Arrimaha Argagixisada iyo Warbixinada dhinac walbo uu helo oo Dhinaca kale uu Baahi u qabi Karo.


Puntland ayaa mar kale ku celisay in Somaliland feejignaan muujiso ayna eegto shaqsiyaadka looga shakisanyahay Al-shabaab ee ka imanaya Konfurta Soomaaliya una Gudbaya Buuraha Silsaladda Golis iyagoo xitaa Xilliyada qaar ka soo wareegaya dhanka deegaanada Somaliland.


Heshisika Labadan dhinac ay Gareen ayaa Isbedel ku samayn kara La dagalanka Argagixisada Gudaha Dalka oo Horaan Mid walba uu dhinicisa ula dagalami Jiray isagoo aan ka warqabin Dhanka kale iyo xogaha uu arrimahaas ka Hayn karo.


Hishiiskan ayaa noqonaya midkii ugu horeyey ee labadan dhinac dhex mara waxaana hadduu taabo galo uu bari taari karaa ka hortega aragagixsada iyo sugida amaanka Somaaliya iyo gobolkaba.

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GAROWE, Somalia Mar 21 2013 (Garowe Online) – Puntland and Somaliland have engaged in a joint security cooperation meeting in Nairobi to collaborate to battle terrorism, piracy and organized crime, Garowe Online reports.


Officials from the breakaway region of Somaliland and Puntland state of Somalia had private meetings in Nairobi this week. Somaliland officials who attended the meeting included representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Security, Ministry of Interior and National Security.


Puntland officials included representatives from the Puntland Intelligence Agency, Ministry of Security and Ministry of Interior. The two delegations met with British, Swedish and American officials to discuss how the two sides can jointly tackle terrorism organizations in the region.


According to sources in Nairobi, the talking points of the meeting included intelligence sharing in terrorism, piracy and organized crime. The two sides agreed to actively share intelligence on Al Shabaab agents operating in both regions. Another agreed issue was that both respective security institutions can jointly interrogate suspected Al Shabaab agents. Also arms and confiscated supplies from Al Shabaab could be shared in investigations.


The two sides also agreed to jointly battle piracy and organized crime however the special focus was on terrorism.


Puntland has repeatedly accused Somaliland of not doing enough to stop terrorism in their jurisdiction, even turning a blind eye to Al Shabaab agents fleeing southern Somalia and entering Golis Mountain Range – where an Al Shabaab faction have gone into hiding – shared by the two regions. However, Somaliland has improved the almost non-existent security cooperation with Puntland after Britain’s warning for its nationals living in Somaliland to “leave immediately”.


The private security meeting in Nairobi was not publicized however sources in Nairobi say that the new joint agreement could tackle Al Shabaab’s presence in northern Somalia.

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If alshabaab is hiding in somaliland mountains, they should be left alone since they are not causing any trouble to somaliland people. Let the big brother gas them (the US). Puntland govetnment is worse than the muqdisho regime, the hate Somaliland peace and development, somaliland government should be cautious about this.

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Waa talaabo in la dhiiri geliyo mudan, waana talaabo maamulda dalka ka jira looga baahan yahay ineey iska kaashadaan maxaa yeeley al-Shabab waa inaan fursad kale u helin ineey ummada ku fidiso cudurkeeda naceybka ah iyo dhiiga Muslinka xalaaleysigiisa.

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There is a reason why Oodweyne, Xaaji and our Mintid are not in this thread---they just cannot stand when their exaggerated little enclave accepts regional reality and starts cooperating with the 'enemy clan'.


Perhaps what is more depressing to these separatists are the ramifications of this move ---if with Puntland, why not with Mogadishu :D?


That is when Oba resorts to his native shirib ala Gablay Shinbir of Warsheeq, for the task of absorbing this stubborn albeit not particularly strategic region has been made much easier with Puntland's political foreplay :D

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