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RA’IISUL WASAARE SAACID: “Ummaddu waxay doonaysaa in la dardar-geliyo Hirgalinta Nidaamka Federaalig

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Talaado, Maarso 12, 2013 (HOL) — Ra’iisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon (Saacid) oo maanta soo gaba-gabeeyay kormeer saddex maalmood qaatay oo uu kusoo maray maamul-goboleedyada Puntland iyo Galmudug ayaa ku tilmaamay socdaalkiisa guul dhanka arrimaha gudaha iyo amniga laga gaaray.


“Safarka aanu kusoo kala bixinay gobollada dalka qaarkood iyo guulihii is-afgaradka lahaa ee aanu ka gaarnay waxay muujinayaan in shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo madaxdooduba ay si buuxda ugu heellan yihiin sidii ay u wada shaqeyn lahaayeen,” ayuu yiri ra’iisul wasaare Saacid oo saxaafadda kula hadlay garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho.


Mudane Saacid ayaa socdaaladiisa gobollada ku tilmaamay kuwo muujinaya sida dawladdu diyaar ugu tahay inay shacabkeeda dhegeysato lana socoto xaaladahooda nololeed iyo dhaqan-dhaqaale.


“Dawladda Soomaaliya waxaa ka go’an inay dadkeeda dhegeysato, isla markaana ay u kuurgasho dhibaatooyinka haysta, rabitaankoodana ku shaqayso, xalkana halkaas ka raadiso,” ayuu hadalkiisa raaciyay, isagoo intaas ku daray inay qorshaha ugu jirto in booqashooyinkan lasii wado oo dowladdu booqato dhammaan gobollada Soomaaliyeed.


Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa sheegay in socdaalkiisii uu kusoo dhamaaday guul iyo is-afgarad dhan walba ah. Isagoo hadalkiisa raaciyay inay shacbiga iyo maamulladuba muujiyeen taageerada weyn ee ay u hayaan dawladda iyo sida ay diyaarka ugu yihiin in iskaashi buuxa oo dhan walba ah la yeesho.


“Ummaddu waxay doonaysaa in la dar-dar-galiyo hirgalinta nidaamka federaaliga ah, Iyadoo dastuurka lagu salaynayo. Waxayna soo dhaweeyeen cunno-qabatayntii la qaaday ee muddada dheer saarnayd Soomaaliya, iyagoo arka baahida loo qabo dhismaha ciidan qaran oo tayo leh,” ayuu yiri ra’iisul wasaaraha.


Ra’iisal Wasaaruhu wuxuu kaloo sheegay inuu jiro wal-wal laga qabo qiimo dhaca ku yimid doollarka iyo in dawladdu ka hawlgalayso sidii loo heli lahaa Shillin Somaali cusub. isagoo intaa ku daray in shacabku dalbadeen hab-canshuureed midaysan; ayna dawladdu dajisay sharciga jaangooyada cashuuraha dalka oo dhawaan lagu wado inuu dhaqan-galo.


“Wax badan baan uga qabanay saddex bilood balanqaadyadii dawladda, waxaana ballan-qaadaynaa inaan labo jibaari doonno dadaalka aan ugu jirno nabadda iyo horumarinta dalka,” ayuu yiri hadalkiisa kusoo gabagabeeyya ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya.


Socdaalka ra’iisul wasaaraha uu ku tagay Puntland iyo Galmudug ayaa wuxuu qayb ka yahay socdaallo uu dhawaanahan ku marayay gobollada dalka qaarkood, isagoo heshiisyo la galay Ahlusunna iyo Puntland.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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Federalism is the foundation of Somalia's current political settlement. The prime minister is correct in putting it they way he put it. Call clan federalism, call it what ever you like, but the reality remains that federalism is the framework upon which Saacid and Hassan legitimacy rests.


The test before the government is how they dig themselves out from the hole they unwittingly slipped in with respect to Jubbaland State.


Saacid has contradicted himself before in two subsequent interviews. I hope this time he sticks to the pronouncement he made at the airport.

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And it goes without saying the prime minister will hugely benefit from these recent trips. But his political gains will depend on how vigorously he pursues and implements the agreements his administration signed with the various political stakeholders this particular trip of his covered.

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Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa sheegay in socdaalkiisii uu kusoo dhamaaday guul iyo is-afgarad dhan walba ah. Isagoo hadalkiisa raaciyay inay shacbiga iyo maamulladuba muujiyeen taageerada weyn ee ay u hayaan dawladda iyo sida ay diyaarka ugu yihiin in iskaashi buuxa oo dhan walba ah la yeesho.

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^xaaji xunjuf of Hargeysa will hate this picture ---the discord his wicked mischievous side so desperately wished to see happen is utterly rebuffed by the apparent gesture in the pic :D

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Ummaddu waxay doonaysaa in la dar-dar-galiyo hirgalinta nidaamka federaaliga ah, Iyadoo dastuurka lagu salaynayo. Waxayna soo dhaweeyeen cunno-qabatayntii la qaaday ee muddada dheer saarnayd Soomaaliya, iyagoo arka baahida loo qabo dhismaha ciidan qaran oo tayo leh,” ayuu yiri ra’iisul wasaaraha.

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Mr. xunjuf, awoowe, you should have the honest to tell the gallery that you got no political skills and today you are at the mercy of Hassan and Saacid to unchain you from the self imposed political lockdown that is in effect in Hargeysa.


Puntland on the other hand waa fariid, and you can see it before your eyes. It is a win win situation for Faroole , Saacid, and Hassan . What do you say :D

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xiinfaniin;926417 wrote:
Mr. xunjuf, awoowe, you should have the honest to tell the gallery that you got no political skills and today you are at the mercy of Hassan and Saacid to unchain you from the self imposed political lockdown that is in effect in Hargeysa.


Puntland on the other hand waa fariid, and you can see it before your eyes. It is a win win situation for Faroole , Saacid, and Hassan . What do you say

Faroole has little or no choice to cooperate with what ever Hassan culusow sends him he has no leg to stand on, Hassan gave faroole cooperation which is not a bad deal. Hassan is busy establishing a central command for the federal republic when it comes to the security forces. So faroole was brought in , but we all know How hassan and the rest feels about The Kismayo Inatitive right now the interim Kismayo leadership is in Kenya trying to get things done with out the government. Because hassan made sure the Jubbaland project was cancelled, by the way Hassan and saacid are not equal , saacid works for Hassan. Its hassans goverment and policies even sending saacid to Puntladn was hassans idea ,saacid never brought his own plans and policies to this new government. The cabinet was handpicked by Hassan. Saacid is just there to assist Hassan.

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malistar , that is what you wish but not going to happen. Don't contradict the prime minister :D


xaaji xunjuf, orod oo Oodweyne iigu yeer aan wax is dhahnee :D

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Xiinfaniin wuxu leeyahay heshiis baanu la gaadhnay dawlada Somalia,, hadana waxay leeyihin madaxweynuhu argagaixisadu la shaqeya waxani wa qiiq isku qaris , ciyaari wa galin danbe:D Xassan buuqa faroole uun bu iska amuusinaya wata hada la amuusiyey:D

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