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The Zack   

Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;924028 wrote:
"Wax xun baa wax wanaagsan lagu gaaraa."




Tana waa noo dhineyd. What is next? Xaaraan xalaal lagu gaaraa? Xaqdaro xaal lagu helaa?

Not sure what is so funny. Roma wasn't built in 1 night. Wax tabcaan ah baa lagu gaaraa wax kasii fiican. Adigu you are dreaming, halla codeeyo halla walaalooba iyo riyo weeye waxaagu. Adeer Somali wey kala tagtay. Adigu hadaayay rag baad ku eedenysay qabiil dartii baad maamul goboleed u rabtaan adiguna qabiil dartii baad uga soo horjeedaa, the difference is adiga waad qarsataa :)




Somali hadaan nahay sharci wax la yidhaahdo ma naqaano. Adeer sharciga lagu hishiiyay ee ergadii ani iyo adigaba ina mataleysay ay ansixiyeen aan xurmeeno. Haddii sharciga laga dhigo wax buug ku qoran oo aan lagu dhaqmin meesha waa lagu kala tagayaa. Dowladdan waa federal, madaxweynuhu haduu arintaas diido, sharci jeebkiisa ahna wadanka ku maamulo isagey kusoo noqoneysaa.

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Waxaan ha isku daalin. Apparently they dont understand what they are talking about. The roadmap was not dhoodhoob, it was a political framework that resulted in the ending of Somalia's transition. Today when we arrived the political station we so desperately wanted to reach, reneging the very framework that got us here in the first place is a classic Isbaaro :D. But this time, the isbaaro will be ineffective and those diidan the federal structure will lose big time.

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So, for them the constitution is something "Faroole and Co ay soo dhoodhoobeen" yet its product, the Federal Government is an holly one that must be obeyed. They say the federalism is illegitimate system and must not be mentioned let alone used, war xagay salaadu iska qaban la'dahay?!

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The Zack;924056 wrote:



Somali hadaan nahay sharci wax la yidhaahdo ma naqaano. Adeer sharciga lagu hishiiyay ee ergadii ani iyo adigaba ina mataleysay ay ansixiyeen aan xurmeeno. Haddii sharciga laga dhigo wax buug ku qoran oo aan lagu dhaqmin meesha waa lagu kala tagayaa. Dowladdan waa federal, madaxweynuhu haduu arintaas diido, sharci jeebkiisa ahna wadanka ku maamulo isagey kusoo noqoneysaa.

Soomaalidu marba wixii ay rabaan bay sharci u yaqaannaan. You and I know in lagu heshiiyey in la dhammaystiro the roadmap oo dowladda la dhiso, khaladaadka ku jira dastuurkana la saxo. Jubba maamul waa laga dhisin karaa waana caadi, laakiin sheeko 3 hoosta laga wadey oo dad aan Soomaaliya shaqo ku lahayn wataan amaba horboodaan, waxaan ka wadaa Kenya iyo xildhibaannada Soomaalida ee Waqooyi Bari amase dhawr wasiir carro Soomaaliya kama soconayso. Bal aan aragno haddii adiga iyo xiin aad xoog wax ku socodsiin kartaan. Xiin isagu waaba isku dhex yaacay ayaantaan his true colour baa soo baxay inuu shakhsiyaad iyo qabiil cay ka bixi waayey waan u jeedaa, balse dhiiggu yuusan adiga kugu karin baan leeyahay cidna wax ka qaadi meyside.


Adiga, awoowe, The Zack waan kuu sheegay kolleey waan ku arkaa markaan kula hadlay hadalkii baa kugu xirmay in the other thread. Orod Kenya iyo Itoobiya xuquuq ka raadi Soomaalida keliya xoog ha u lahaane.:D

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Abwaan;924082 wrote:
Soomaalidu marba wixii ay rabaan bay sharci u yaqaannaan. You and I know in lagu heshiiyey in la dhammaystiro the roadmap oo dowladda la dhiso, khaladaadka ku jira dastuurkana la saxo. Jubba maamul waa laga dhisin karaa waana caadi, laakiin sheeko 3 hoosta laga wadey oo dad aan Soomaaliya shaqo ku lahayn wataan amaba horboodaan, waxaan ka wadaa Kenya iyo xildhibaannada Soomaalida ee Waqooyi Bari amase dhawr wasiir carro Soomaaliya kama soconayso. Bal aan aragno haddii adiga iyo xiin aad xoog wax ku socodsiin kartaan. Xiin isagu waaba isku dhex yaacay ayaantaan his true colour baa soo baxay inuu shakhsiyaad iyo qabiil cay ka bixi waayey waan u jeedaa, balse dhiiggu yuusan adiga kugu karin baan leeyahay cidna wax ka qaadi meyside.


Adiga, awoowe, The Zack waan kuu sheegay kolleey waan ku arkaa markaan kula hadlay hadalkii baa kugu xirmay in the other thread. Orod Kenya iyo Itoobiya xuquuq ka raadi Soomaalida keliya xoog ha u lahaane.

Hayeeey Abwaan Indhocadde, Goobaale & Caato buu idiin soo diri. 2013 baa dadka lagu xuuxinaa dagaale ooge danbiile ah markaasaa lagu leeyahay dowlad iyo nabad baa ka talinayaa.

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Abwaan/USC days are numbered. You can see the dilemma facing him :D


He was told dalka marka laga saaro dhowr tuulo waqooyi bari ku yaal, USC baa koonfur leh, that is why he is rattled when the reality of Jubbaland begin to sink in. The enemy clan is about to claim a major southern state at the mouth of Mogadishu. How could it be is the question in Abwaan's feeble mind.


It is so because the isbaaro era is over, and people are asserting their rights to govern themselves as the constitution gives them that privilege. Kenya is not different than Uganda. But in Abwaan's twisted USC mind, Kenya is helping the enemy clan :D so it is really bad. It is not that Abwaan has any problems with Kenya or Ethiopia per se. His disagreements with a fellow Somali clan is much deeper. That is why today when the prime minister is escorted by AMISOM troops to visit his OWN home town, Abwaan does not see it as an issue. When Ethiopian troops surround the governor of Baydhabo on the behest of Hassan Sheekh, Abwaan is cool with it. In Beledweyne, the Ethiopian troops controlling it is non issue.


On Kismayo and Kenyan troops, that is a different story :D, our USC brother are so transparent


PS. when xiinfaniin was supportive of Courts, Abwaan liked him not because xiin was pro courts, but the position xiin took meant he would be against A Yusuf (AUN), the leader of the enemy clan :D.

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The Zack   

xiinfaniin;924093 wrote:


Kenya is helping the enemy clan
so it is really bad. It is not that Abwaan has any problems with Kenya or Ethiopia per se. His disagreements with a fellow Somali clan is much deeper. That is why today when the prime minister is escorted by AMISOM troops to visit his OWN home town, Abwaan does not see it as an issue. When Ethiopian troops surround the governor of Baydhabo on the behest of Hassan Sheekh, Abwaan is cool with it. In Beledweyne, the Ethiopian troops controlling it is non issue.


On Kismayo and Kenyan troops, that is a different story
, our USC brother are so transparent


Waa sidaas Xaaji. Uganda waa cool and awesome oo lagama hadli sababtoo cidda bey caawinayaan. Kenya waa waddan cadow oo khatar nagu soo wado li anna qabiil kalaa wato :) :)

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