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Mintid Farayar

Mogadishu Federal Government Rejects Current Kismayo Conference

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Well, the next shot in the political tussle over the Jubbas has been fired by the Mogadishu Prime Minister.....







Ra’isul wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo kasoo horjeestay shirka maamul usameynta Jubooyinka eek a socdo Kismaayo



Jimco, Maarso 01, 2013 (HOL) — Ra’isul wasaaraha xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon (Saacid) ayaa markii ugu horeeysay sheegay in xukuumadiisu ay kasoo horjeedo habka uu usocdo shirka maamul u sameynta gobollada Jubooyinka ee maalinimadii shalay ka furmay magaalada Kismaayo.


Ra’isul wasaare Saacid oo wareysi gaar ah siiyay laanta Af-Soomaaliga ee BBC-da ayaa sheegay in shirkaasi ay ka maqantahay kaalintii ay ku lahayd dowladda, isagoona sheegay in xukuumadiisu ay si cad u sheegeeyso in ay kasoo horjeedo shirkaasi.


Masuulkani ayaa sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya ay ahayd in ay dadka isugu yeerto, Muraaqabeeyso, hogaamisana shirka, balse wuxuu xusay in doorarkaasi oo ay lahayd dowladdu in ay ka maqanyihiin shirka, isagoona xusay in uu ku faraxsanyahay sida ay shacabka reer Jubbaland u daneynayaan nidaamka Federalismka.


“Dadka waa u hambalyeynayaa waxa quruxda badan oo ay qabsadeen, way jecelyihiin dadku inay raacaan dastuurka, inaguna waanu jecelnahay Jubbaland, hadii dadku jecelyahay federal System-k ayey ku dhamaaneeysaa, dastuurkuna waa ogolyahay, say rabaan bayna u dhisanayaan, laakiin waxaan kasoo horjeednaa marin darrada loomana dulqaadan karo mana ogolin baan af cad ku leenahay,” ayuu ra’isul wasaaruhu hadalkiisii raaciyay.


Masuulkani ayaa sheegay in danta dowladdu ay tahay danta dadka, wuxuuna xusay in aysan dooneyn in gobollada Jubooyinka ay dib ugu noqdaan taariikhdii mugdiga ahayd ee ay kasoo gudbeen, islamarkaasina xukuumadiisu ay kasoo horjeedo in Jubooyinka uu dhiig danbe ku daato, wuxuuna intaa ku daray in wixii aysan dowladdu ka dhex muuqan ay ku dhamaan doonaan meel aan qurux badnayn, waa siduu hadalka u yiri.


Dhinaca kale ra’isul wasaare Saacid ayaa sheegay in casuumad uu u diray masuuliyiinta maamulka KMG ee Kismaayo taasoo ahayd in ay kasoo qeybgalaan shir wadatashi oo ka dhici lahaa magaalada Muqdisho, aysan jirin ilaa imika cid kasoo jawaabtay.


“Waxaan diray wafdi uu ka koobanyahay todobo wasiir iyo taliyaha ciidanka, waxaan u dhiibay casuumad qaas ah oo aan ku casuumay cid walba ama gaar ahaan ninka odayga ah oo cariga aadka looga yaqaan in ay yimaadaan halkan oo aynu ku casuunno, amase anigu aan meesha ugu tago. Wax jawaab oo Final (kama danbeys) ah, waa la imaanayaa maahane mudadaas dheer iyo wafdiga sidaa u qurxoon ma aanan ka helin, amase nooguma imaanin halkan anagana nalakuma dhiiri gelin inaanu xaga tagno oo wax aad u qurxoon maanan arkin,” ayuu hadalkiisii raaciyay.


Hadalka kasoo yeeray xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa kusoo beegmaya iyadoo maalintii labaad uu magaalada Kismaayo ka soconayo shir la doonayo in maamul loogu sameeyo gobollada uu maro webiga Jubba ee laisku yiraahdo Jubooyinka.



Xasan Nuur, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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the HAG ogranisation in Europe and north america is working hard to make sure their puppet Hurdaaye is never awake. lool

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Mintid Farayar;922878 wrote:

“Dadka waa u hambalyeynayaa waxa quruxda badan oo ay qabsadeen, way jecelyihiin dadku inay raacaan dastuurka, inaguna waanu jecelnahay Jubbaland, hadii dadku jecelyahay federal System-k ayey ku dhamaaneeysaa, dastuurkuna waa ogolyahay, say rabaan bayna u dhisanayaan, laakiin waxaan kasoo horjeednaa marin darrada loomana dulqaadan karo mana ogolin baan af cad ku leenahay,” ayuu ra’isul wasaaruhu hadalkiisii raaciyay.


The goverment doesnt oppose federal states to be formed but it has to be according to the constitution. Clear message! Now the question is mexee la degdegiyaan, ma wexe rabaan si dhakhso ah, oo tuugnimo iney wax u afduubtaan?

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Oodweyne;922959 wrote:
I knew this PM was a farce at best or absurd at worst. And even few days ago some of his tolka in this SOL joint particularly likes of Gabbal were telling us that this man was on board on the jubbaland express.


And yet although I wasn't convinced by it but I thought to give my friend Gabbal the benefit of the doubt in here since he knows or at least know better than me when it comes to the political game plan of his tolka in so far as this issue is concern.


I guess you can say I was right in my original estimation of this man call PM Saacid particularly when I had nailed him as a "trojan horse" for the agenda of others. But we shall see the rest of this game in the days and the weeks to come.




You might have been premature in awarding points between the two 'lots' in the other thread ;)

The tussle has just begun....


Two key milestones hang over the horizon:


1- The Kenyan elections


2- The London Conference in May


The competing sides would like to create certain realities on the ground before either of those events changes the geopolitical situation ;)

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The remarkable ability of Somali politicians to never cease to impress you on how low they can go. Dr saacid should get back in the business of street light installation planning with the Mayor of Mogadishu or show some initiative and catch the first flight to port kismaayo.

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Mintid Farayar;922967 wrote:


You might have been premature in awarding points between the two
in the other thread

The tussle has just begun....


Two key milestones hang over the horizon:


1- The Kenyan elections


2- The London Conference in May


The competing sides would like to create certain realities on the ground before either of those events changes the geopolitical situation

That's before you take into account any divisions that may take place within each side. It is all nice and structured today (government against Jubbaland) but lets see who inflitrates the other first and creates problems within either side.


The best thing about it is that it is only a political dispute and no killing is taking place. This is progress by any one's estimate. :D

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NGONGE;922990 wrote:


The best thing about it is that it is only a political dispute and no killing is taking place. This is progress by any one's estimate.

Not yet at least. And I do sincerely hope that It remains that way.

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I'm afraid Oodweyne got it right. This PM is a lapdog for HAG. Why is he speaking on national issues. That's his boss's job. Someone remind him to visit the elementry school in Jowhar and award the kids some soccer trophies.

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