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AMISOM coming to Taleex

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Published On: Monday, January, 21 2013


Saylac (Sunatimes) In recent years, Somaliland has been the haunting witch that threatened the existence of Ismael omar and his defunct system. He tried to chase it, corner it and then frame it in different stragies but couldnt succeed. Finally, he got the right gate and it seems to be Zeila. He also found competent cheif of staff for demolishion and destruction and that is Siilanyo.


Together, they are advancing, working hard without wasting time. The march to the gates of Somaliland is right on route and bells of trouble are ringing everywhere. These AMISOM forces will soon be passing Zeila to Hargeisa, Berbera, Burao and Erigavo. Not a joke nor a dream but the truth and the whole truth. They make business of where the fish smell and all the symptoms and signs are well planned in Zeila.


Zeila was long forgotten and the Miniter of Interior’s recent visit reveiled the bitter facts and the sad story. Unlike Egal, God bless his soul, Siilanyo andRayale negligence accomolated thispotential trouble. Now, they could not reverse their ownmountain size mistake.within the times of Silanyo and Rayale Zeila went into the dark and developed to be the only place in the whole country where:


1. The so called governor and the mayor are both appointed from Jabuti and are residents of Jabuti. They work as ambassadors, not as public administrators for our community.


2. Jabutian children are loaded in buses in the mornings and transported to Zeia schools andthen reloaded in the afternoon back to Jabuti.


3. proper somaliland children are denied acces to the public school when jabutian foreign children are reserved for the right of learning.


4. Illegal Jabuti foreigners freely cross borders, violently protest, burn public somaliland property and then go back to Jabuti without fear of any laws. Worse than that somaliland first lady and her finance minister visited the perpetrators in Jabuti hospital paying tribute, money. where on earth is that possible? Only in Siilaanyo and Ismael systems of governance


5. Jabuti foreignes are allowed to cross border in masses and vote in another country for their candidate who lives in Jabuti


6. French language, the Jabutian official language is taught in schools


The real questions are: who has the right to give away part of our country to another country? The answer is simple. NO ONE CAN DO THAT


There is a somali adage which say, “Ninkaad kabo ka tolanayso kabihiisa ayaa la eegaa.” Ismael could not provide the basic services to the tiny population in Jabuti. They dont have adequate health care, education, electricity and water. He is also popularfor notoriety, conspiracy and corruption. Traits he shares with Siilanyo and his hunch team.


For more than two decades, many people expected to see the bitter feud that existed between different clans were dead and buried, but after recent events, I’m afraid to say that the ghost of tribalism is haunting Somaliland and the drums of war are being imported from Jabuti.


Many people have a strong feeling of division in their hearts and we are forgetting that many people lost their lives in a senseless bloody war. Today in Somaliland and in Jabuti, tribalism is visible in schools, work places, locations and astonishingly, among media outlets and journalists.


Immature and irrational elder claimants and arrogant ignorant politicians are talking empy and shocking words in public, creating ill-feelings among communities. We all see it unhealthy for young generations to witness the ‘Domino Effect Theory’ of tribalism drummed up by Siilaanyo and Ismael. If the elders are fighting and the kids emulate the example, surely the tribal-ghost will haunt the region forever.


School children peaceful protester killings in Borama and Hargeisa create hopelessness and desperation among the general public. Everywhere in the country, if left to take their own course as appears to be the case, pose grave threat to the co-existence and integrity of the people in the country. Awdal and its people, particularly, has been victimised and marginalized in many ways and for many years when the killing of innocents made the brew still more poisonous. They said enough is enough and cant take it any more. Many reasonable people see it that way.


Today, the red alarm is on and the inhabitants of the country are walking on thin ice. If people continue to be enemies, if they continue to exchange shocking words, if they provoke others to make them look bad, then surely the thin ice will melt and the region might end up in a civil war. Siilanyo’s bad governace is responsible


That is the time when Ismael is planning to call AMISOM for intervention. He is already involved and an integral fron seat driver in AMISOM and in Mogadisho. Ismael’s vehicle is to encourage the evil feelings of tribalism and to spread it much faster than any pandemic and by the time we’ll find the vaccine against it, it will be too little too late.


Osman Elmi

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Amisom Oo Sheegaty In Alshabaab Galeen Somaliland Iyo Puntland


dis Ababa, Jan. 29, 2013, ( Ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee ku sugan Soomaaliya, islamarkaana dagaalka xoogan kula jira Alshabaab ayaa sheegay in ciidamadii Alshabaab qaarkood galeen deegaanada Somaliland iyo Puntland.


Ambassador Mohamed Salah Anadif oo ah madaxa Eragada Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya (Amisom) oo hadal ka jeediyey shirkii Midowga Afrika ee shalay lagu soo gebagebeeyey Adis Ababa ayaa tilmaamay in dagaalyanahanadii Alshabaab ee koonfurta Soomaaliya ay qaarkood dhulka howdka ah galeen, halka qaar kalana u dhaqaaqeen deegaanada Somaliland iyo Puntland.


Ambassdor Anadif ayaa tilmaamay inay ciiddamadda Amisom la wareegeen magaallooyinka ugu waa weynaa ee ay Alshabaab ka haysteen koonfurta Soomaaliya, taa badelkeedana Alshabaab bilaabeen inay nidaam jabadayn ah ka soo qaadaan dhulka hawdka ee ay ku jiraan.


Mr. Annadif ayaa xusay in sirdoonka Amisom heleen xog la xiriirta inay dagaalyahanndda Alshabaab noqdeen kuwo hawdka galay, kuwo dadka rayidka ku dhex milmay iyo kuwo u kala firxaday Somaliland iyo Puntland, si ay meelahaas howlgallo uga fuliyaan sida uu yiri.


Alshabaab ayaa iyagoo hubyesan ku sugan qeybo ka mid ah Puntland sida buuraleyda Galgala, hase ahaatee weli deegaanada Somaliland lagama sheegin meel Alshabaab ku sugan yihiin.


Dowladda Ingiriiska ayaa dhawaan ku dhawaaqay in shaqaalaha Somaliland ka jooga dalalka galbeedka ay halkaas si degdeg ah isaga baxaan, iyadoo dowladdu sheegtay iney heshay macluumaad muujinaya in khatari soo wajihi karto.

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I agree, they should deploy throughout Somalia, whether it is Puntland, Somailand, Juballand, Hiraan, Galmudug............ALL!


about time we closed this Shabaab chapter

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