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Arms Embargo should only be Lifted When Government Creates Viable National Army, Recruited from All

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In the eyes of Somalis, tribalism is their faith thus, political justice and inclusiveness is the way forward. Any short of that is shimbirayahow heesa.

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xiinfaniin;919820 wrote:
The article does not accuse the government of Qabyaalad, hasty NGONGE. Usually you sport an excellent comprehension, but I must say here you failed to read the article. The argument is that current government 1) controls Mogadishu , and therefore the only recruits availabel to it is from one AREA, which is populated prominently by one clan. It is therefore fair to say, such recruits would not form an all inclusive national army.


I am not being didactic here, but it is not the government favoring one qabiil, it is the political environment in which the government finds it self that does not afford it the luxury to recruit from everywhere ...


You dont usually follow the herd , but in this case you parroted what everyone else was saying which is xiin is speaking from qabiil perspective .

Are you going to really force me to go through the tedious act of quoting the article, Xiin? :D


Ok, here:


The political reality of the country being in this state of flux and mistrust among Somalis being as high as nineties it is incumbent on International Community
to see the demands by the government in Mogadishu through these lenses


The embargo must be lifted only, and only if, the government in Mogadishu
to create a viable, competent and inclusive national army recruited from all corners of the country. Government must first establish centers of training and military bases in strategically located areas throughout the country.

Dee naga daa, saaxib. Khashaafka jooji ban ku idhi.


The government has requested the lifting of the embargo. It believes that it can cope and considers the complaints about training, bases and other stuff to be simple details that can be easily dealt with. Liqye is with the government on this one (because you think it's due to his qabiil allegiance), you are against the government on this one (because he thinks it's due to your qabiil allegiance). You are both right yet you’re both too disingenuous to admit to the main reason for your support or opposition. But let us ignore you as individuals and rather look at the issue from a national sense; PL opposes this move because it goes against its clan interests and the government of Hassan Sheikh support it because it is in line with its clan interest (war even Gabbal who not long ago was a Shabab supporter is toeing the line because his uncle is the PM). It is a movie we watch over and over again yet everyone claims that no clan considerations are taken into account when making their own decisions. Khaafo Allah ya naas.


Baashi, I wouldn’t dream of stopping you from sharing your opinion saaxib, I only point out the irrelevance of the detail you harp on about. If the clans were all in agreement on this, we would have no talk of readiness or training as a barrier to the lifting of the embargo. The disagreement is clan based and it is about some groups feeling left out and mistrusting the government (this is the entire point of the article).

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They will consciously lie to their teeth than admit the fancy footwork they do for their clan tune saxib.It makes obvious intuitive sense that Qabiil support overrides EVERYTHING Somali politics, but the chaps here you are trying to convince will NEVER admit to it.One only need to look at how hurriedly they all support the Somali government whenever one of their OWN is leading the government.This is a disease on both sides

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This article is full of double standards and the author holds a very specific viewpoint (and not about the lifting of the arms embargo). So yes, you did do more than just posting an article. To top it all off you post this article on the back of some very strong opinions in the other thread thereby creating a specific picture of where you stand (or at least seemingly).


As for the political culture of our people, oppose it in its entirety and stop being biased if you want others to see your objections as genuine. Demand the return of looted properties because it is just and oppose the lifting of the arms embargo because it is not in the national interest. As for the rest of it you should clean your hands from it- it isn’t a good look. Finally, waxaan ka xanaaqay Xiin is that someone such as yourself (someone that I would generally describe as intelligent and Islamically conscious) would express the views that you did- your clan and the clan you oppose matter not- and you also know that I mean that.






I acknowledge that national reconciliation needs to happen, but it must be in the form of creating a sense of Somalinimo in our people- not stroking the bald patches of the clan elders.


As for the people of Somalia, most people who have been to Somalia in the last ten or so years will tell you that from Boosaaso to Kismaayo people are fed up with clan and qof walba dantiisa ayuu wataa. I’m sure that sick individuals who have been living comfortably for the last 20 years coined this 4.5 BS.

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^ Alhamdullilah yes, if i could erase it i would- true story. As a young child watching another sad news clip of the Somali civil war i remember asking my mother if i could become Quraish because there was something wrong with Somali clans.

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^^ Anecdotal evidence is no good, Rahima. Look at the actual facts. Somali politics proves to us every single day that clan is everything. The reconciliations that took place in the PL capital and the Somali capital were all done along clan lines. It wasn’t always bald old men who went there of their own accord, they went there with the blessings of their people. A case in point is Kismaayo and the dispute taking place there.

Everyone is for Somalnimo but only when Somalnimo is in line with their own clan interest. This is not a Diaspora idea and don’t you let anyone make you believe any of that nonsense walaal. This is a Somali habit that will only go away when people feel comfortable and trusting enough of the Somalnimo idea.


There are lots of people who believe in things in the way you do, they are wrong. To distance oneself from the clan is to allow the problems to continue and fester.



Sayid, I am not. I used to be an Carab who did not know or care about any of it but not anymore saaxib. I say clan is everything and only support SL for clan reasons. It is the only way for anyone to have peace in Somalia.

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Rahima - that post wasn't directed at you - I already know qalanjo qabiil ma leh :D

That question was directed at Stoic (of the useless sujui clan) and Ngonge (casiir drinking carab) :D

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In the absence of empirical evidence i have no choice but to go by my experiences. The people of Somalia, not necessarily the decision makers but the average person trying to live cares little for clan- at least that is what i noticed. Generally, way naga qalbi fiican yihiin on this matter.


As for the use of clan it should stop with what Allah intended for it. As soon as it goes beyond its intended purpose of identity and to achieve collective good it should be abandoned.

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Sayid*Somal;920019 wrote:
Rahima - that post wasn't directed at you - I already know qalanjo qabiil ma leh

That question was directed at Stoic (of the useless sujui clan) and Ngonge (casiir drinking carab)

Oh my Sayid did you really have to go there? I've had a very long day but i tell you mate if it was a weekend you would have to start preparing for all out war.

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Wasiiradda Arrimaha Dibadda Somalia oo ka warbixisay shir Golaha Amaanka uu ka yeeshay Arrimaha Soomaaliya

Arbaco, Feberaayo 20, 2013 (HOL) — Ra’iisul wasaare ku-xigeenka ahna wasiiradda arrimaha dibadda Soomaaliya, Fowziyo Yuusuf Xaaji Aadan oo dib ugu soo laabatay maanta Muqdisho ayaa ka warbixisay shirkii uu golaha ammaanka ee Soomaaliya ka yeeshay arrimaha Soomaaliya.


Wasiirradda oo warbaahinta kula hadashay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Aadan Cadde ayaa sheegtay in golaha ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ay ka dalbatay in la qaado cunnoqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya si dib loogu dhiso ciidamada Soomaaliya.


“Intii aan ku sugnaa New York waxaan kulammo gooni-gooni ah la yeeshay xubnaha golaha ammaanka iyo xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay, Ban Ki-Moo, waxaana kala hadlay sidii cunnoqabateynta hubka looga qaadi lahaa Soomaaliya, rajo weyn ayaana ka qabaa in la ogolaado,” ayay ku tiri wasiiraddu shir jaraa’id oo ay qabatay.


Sidoo kale, waxay sheegtay in golaha ammaanka ay wadahadaladooda sii socon doonaan illaa horraanta bisha Maarso ee sannadkan oo ay go’aan ka gaari doonaan arrinta cunnoqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya iyo sidii loo kordhin lahaa muddada howlgalka Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM.


Wasiirradda oo la weydiiyay go’aankeeda ku aaddan in ciidamada Kenya loo sharciyeeyo inay ka howlgalaan xeebaha Soomaaliya ayay kaga jawaabtay: “Go’aankaas waxba u dhimayo xiriirka Kenya iyo Soomaaliya, waayo Kenya waa daris ah oo abaal aan uga hayno sida ay u ogolaadeen inay dhiiggooda u daadiyaan sidii Soomaaliya ay nabad u heli lahayd.”


Iyadoo hadlkeeda sii wadata ayay sheegtay in golaha ammaanka ay ka dal-badeen in la dhiso ciidamada badda Soomaaliya si ay awood ugu yeeshaan inay adkeeyaan ammaanka xeebaha Soomaaliya. Iyaodo dhinaca kalena sheegtay in dalabkooda uu ku jiray in la dhiso ciidamada guud ee dalka si ay ammaanka u adkeeyaan.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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NGONGE , I am disappointed that you would read the article and still depict it as an accusation. The part you quoted says it all, yet you somehow read it differently.


Liqaye attempted to intellectualize the looted properties (I don't think he meant what he wrote , but he needed to be confronted and debunked). On this issue though, if you really ignore the noise , you would see he thinks these issues are legitimate and there are plans to address them. He is just mad at xiin.


As for Rahima, she is busy trying a case that does not exist ---I am realist but not qabiilist. There are a lot of things I share with Chimera :D.


One thing I admit though is I brought the fights in the other, closed thread to this one.

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We had reconciliation for decade starting 2000 – 2012 , for more than 12 years Somali factions , clan leaders gathered around to establish a viable, competent and inclusive national Government.


The processes ended up direct presidential elections were held in Somalia on 10 September 2012. The newly-appointed Federal Parliament elected Hassan Sheikh Mohamud as the president of Somalia .

Here we have Somali FM who hells from Somaliland advocating for lifting of Arms Embargo.

It is the best interest in terms of security and the government confidence to lift the arms embargo.

It will allow the government to exercise Authority over Somali territories, without that the government cannot win over internal spoilers.

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Xiin wuxuu boor isku qariyaba his true colour baa soo baxay. Anigu roadmap baan taageersanahay iyo blah blah ma waxay dhashay inaad 2013 sheeko aan soconeyn meelahan la wareegto?

Qofkii dooddiisu tahay guri baa la iga haystaa, waddanka dowlad baa ka dhalatay maxkamadana waa leeyahay ee ha doonto, markii loo soo diido wixii uu rabo ha sheego oo ma xumo inuu cabtaa, laakiin adigoo laga yaabo aanba guriba lahayn sida xiin oo aqal Soomaali degannaa markii dagaalladu dheceen inaad ku dooddo gurigaygii halla i siiyo waa wareer. Xaggee guriga lagaa siin horeba umaadan lahayne? Ma dad guryahood baa lagu siin? Taas macneheedu ma ahan inaan guryo dadoow la haysan. Sidaan qabo waa la haystaa oo weliba Soomaali oo dhan baa laga haystaa haba loo kala badnaadee.


Horta Guryaha iyo dhulalka dowladdu lahayd ee inta Magaalo la dhistay sida Muqdisho, Kismaayo, Gaalkacyo, Beledweyn, Baydhabo, Garoowe IWM la deggan yahay iyaga waxa la haystose mallagu daray?

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