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Arms Embargo should only be Lifted When Government Creates Viable National Army, Recruited from All

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;918088 wrote:
I was in Xamar a few weeks ago. One fact I did notice was: Qabiil waa laga gudbay as compared to 2003 when I was in that city. Sanadkaas dad baa sanka ka hadli jiray because of tolkooda isku haleynaaye. Dadkaas baalashooda waala rifay, aad iyo aad u edeb leeyihiin maanta. (All thanks to Barbaarta.) Haddiiba 'looma'ooyaan' loo bixin as they used to call others wrongly nasiib ayee leeyihiin.


Dadkiina buga oo qabyaalad qurbo ku heysoo ka gudba dadkii Xamar deganaaba waaka gudbeenee.

One thing is sure, AS is the equalizer or even silencer.

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Dadka qaar waxay ku habsaameen qabyaalad iyo old wounds blah, blah...Sidee ciidan ku dhismayaa haddii aan la qaadin cuno-qabataynta hubka oo xitaa ciidanka Soomaaliyeed uusan iska difaaci karin weerarrada cadowgooda. Dad baa raba in lagu sii jiro marxaladda guluusyada dharka ciidanka in AMISOM iyo xalane loo doonto. Taas caqli miyaa? Ha u moodina in AMISOM ay geesinnimo kula dagaashay Shabaab balse qalab iyo tababar ayaa u sahley arrintaas, ciidanka Soomaaliyeedna labadaas waa ka liitaa, dadka qaarna waxay ku talinayaan inaan la siinin iyagoo dano kale leh. Ciidanka Soomaaliyeed kuwo badan oo wanaagsan oo akhlaaq iyo tababar lehba waan soo arkay oo rajo ku gelinaya, inta ka dhimanna waa la dhammaystiri insha Allaah. Maxaaba la iska daalin dood iyo dood la'aan siday u muuqato ciidammada Soomaaliyeed waa laga qaadi cuno qabataynta markii aad dalka booqataan oo ay amnigiinna dhawraan ayaad ka shallayn doontaan hadallada gurracan ee meelaha lagu soo qorayo.

Waxaa la yaab leh dadkii markii AY (AUN) uu joogey ku doodi jirey cuno-qabatayna halla qaado inay maanta leeyihiin yaan la qaadin....Malla isku ciyaaraa...:D

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^LOOOOOOOOL, that's classic! Innaba caadi ma ahan, hadalka waad soo gaabisay :D



Abwaan, kuwi marki uu Yey joogay ku doodi jiray ciidan qabiil oo Puntland laga keenay ayuu wataa mana ahan ciidan dowlad ayay reer Muqdisho kudoodi jireen, maanta waxaad leedahay ciidanka Banadir laga soo aruuriyay waa ciidan dowladeed, isn't that hypocrisy?

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Abwaan, adigana soo kuwii oran jiray yaan la qaaday cunnaqabatayna maad aheen, not that long ago. Tookaba dadbaa saaran meesha maaha. Naga daa dee, dadbaa wax taageeray ama mucaaraday qolo si gaar ah ha xijin'e. Shalay mucaarad baad aheyd maanta taageere ;)

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Waranle iyo Geelle.T haddii aan indhaha la is tireen dowladdii Yey iyo Amxaaradii la socotey dad bay xasuuqii jireen saacad kasta, hadda ma arrinkaas baa Soomaaliya ka jira? Cayaarta naga daaya, teeda kale Transitional admin ay hoggaamiyaan warlords bay ahaayeen dowladda hadda dhisanse waa ka duwan tahay and that is why I support it now.


:D Duceysane, ha rumaysan haddii aad rabto kolleey aniga taasi dhib iguma hayso.

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Your argument Abwaan, should be that this government is fully representative and is capable of building a national army that is equally representative of all the segments of society and you said this and did that. FYI during Abdullahi Yusuf presidency, it was sink or swim, a fledgling government that was fighting for its life in provincial capitals. This Government has full international backing and controls large portions of the country directly or by proxy. Sure it has enough breathing room to tread carefully concerning this issue, why would anyone be against that? In all honesty, I am personally undecided about this, I do not have enough information to say this admin is not ready or is. Yet there is a ring of truth and logic in the arguments of those calling for more deliberate steps in the formation of a national forces.

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The Somali Army is not one Qabiil as some you like to imply and its about the time this flipping embargo should be lifted. Yes some of you might be concerned about one Qabiil getting everything but the current government is working on putting a system in place that makes sure all the soldiers to be recruited from every region.


Currently in Gedo region there are 2,000 Somali soldiers based in Garbaharey paid by the Somali government (with the help of US of course) so, if the embargo is lifted I don't see anyone would object them to be armed really.


So ppl relax , we need to move on and its about the time we bring our dignity back! Lets not politicize this OK!

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Naxar Nugaaleed;918244 wrote:
Yey bey dadka qaar. Kaga dagtey. Besides what few of you say here, what evidence do we have that this "national forces" are inclusive or are we to just your words for it?

The soldiers from Banaadir are deegaanka,the same with hiiraan,bay,bakool,gedo,galgaduud,jubbada hoose, shabelle hoose is the only gobol where ciidamada aint dadka deeganka however there has been started a process in shabelle hoose oo ah ciidamo lagu aruurinayo deganadaas the only clan who aint in the XDS is puntlanders and Khaatumians maxey iyagu ciidan uu keeni waayeen?

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^^ But you just said that the armies in every area come from that area, why are you asking PL & Khaatumo to bring their soldiers to Xamar then? :D


At any rate, if this is the case there really is nothing for PL to complain about (unless, of course, the central government does not recognise PL soldiers and include them in the lifting fo the embargo).

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NGONGE;918250 wrote:
^^ But you just said that the armies in every area come from that area, why are you asking PL & Khaatumo to bring their soldiers to Xamar then?


At any rate, if this is the case there really is nothing for PL to complain about (unless, of course, the central government does not recognise PL soldiers and include them in the lifting fo the embargo).

LOL cause then xiin and co will feel a part of ciidanka xooga Somaliyed ya feel me :D

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