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Shintiris-sanadeedka Soomaaliyeed

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Dadyowga horusocodka ah ee dunidan ku nool badankood waxey leeyihiin shintiris-sanadeed ayaga u gooni ah sida Shiinaha, Gaalada Galbeed IWM. Anagu Soomaali hadaanu nahey waxaan raacnaa shintiris-sandeedka Islaamka oo dunida Islaamka badankeed laga raaco. Haseyeeshee, shintiris-sanadeedkeena ku saabsan kan Islaamka wuxuu kaga duwan yahey kan Islaamweynaha magacyada bilooyinka sida Soon, Soonfur, Sidataal, Sako IWM.


Wixii oo ey saas tahey, waxaa ii muuqataa in Soomaalida ey leeyihiin shintiris-sanadeed kale oo ka duwan kan Islaamka ah, goonina u ah. Fikirkan wuxuu igu dhacey kaddib markii aan soo xasuustey Xafladda Istunka oo Soomaalida qaarkeed ey xusto oo ey aaminsan yihiin in la qabto waqtiga sanadka cusub. Marka su'aasheyda waxaa weeye, yaa arrinkan inoo iftiimin karaa iyo yaa inoo sheegi karaa magacyada Soomaaliyeed ee bilooyinka shintiris-sandeedka Islaamka.

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I will use this forum to propagate a Somali celebration I learned of today, courteously invited by young Haatu.


Istunka is an annual festival held in Afgoye during the Somali new years. It consists of a mock stick fight between two sides of the town. The tradition began in the middle ages with daggers and swords. Sticks are now used to mitigate safety risks.






The fight is held between the Tolweyne and Yabdhalle side. Each section provides their team. Preparation begins 2-3 months prior to the festival in which captains arrange practices with their sticks and discuss tactics as well as choosing a uniform. Kids learn chants in preparation to the fight, and even practice these chants in Dugsi.


The objective of the fight is to drive the other side off the field. The two sides meet at the arena facing each other, with the woman behind them cheer leading




Some of the Verses sung:

Aay Ulay ma oodno, albaabna ma saarna

Ninkii isku aado waa imaan karaa


Ruuxa gooye Rabbi waarye.

Ka ma roorayo- ha roorin!


Walaalkissa ka roorow wadne weynaan

Waaga laga waaye waaratiina



This is Afgoye's most popular sporting event. It is seen as a training for war. The fight is seen by a small minority to bring good health to the people and fertility of the crops, as well as the fertility of woman





Some interesting facts...

During a Dervish raiding down the Shabelle, a group invaded Afgoye on the day of the festival. The participants of the mock stick fight turned their festival into an actual fight against the invaders, which they defeated



Western education during colonial rule has caused much of the youth educated in schools to perceive the fight as old fashioned and barbarious





From Alpha, we have learned that the festival has begun this week and has ended its hiatus brought upon by war.

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The Somali Calender is Solar unlike the Islamic calender


The Months:

Xagaa Season:

Karan, Habar-Ari, Diraacgood, Dayrweyn


Dayr Season:

Dayrweyn, Ximir, Xays


Diraac Season:

Lixkor, Toddob, Aminla



Fushade, Go'soore, Samuulad


You can find out more below. It provides a well-detailed explanation and history of the Somali calendar.

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Excellent, excellent find sxb. Thank you very much. Our people just keep on amazing me. There was a time I used to think we were a backwards people but it seems I was wrong.

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