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Grand RRA conference:Federal state for Bay, Bakool, Middle Juba, Lower Shabeele,Gedo to start in Feb

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Shir maamul loogu samaynayo qaar kamid ah gobolada Koonfureed oo Baydhabo ka socda (Sawiro).

on January 23, 2013



Qaar kamid ah odoyaasha dhaqanka, waxgaradka iyo duqeyti kale ayaa isugu tegey magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta Gobolka Baay si ay uga arinsadaan maamul loo samaynayo qaar kamid ah Gobolada Koonfureed.


Sida la sheegay duqeytida ayaa ka kala ymid Gobolada Shabeelada Hoose, Jubada Dhexe, Gedo, Baay iyo Bakool waxaana tiradoodu gaareysaa 50 oday. Odoyaasha ayaa ka arinsanaya sidi loo dhisi lahaa guddi farsamo iyo sidii lagu taabo gelin lahaa shirka lagu dhisaayo maamul goboladaasu ku mideysan yihiin bisha Feberaayo 2013.

Shirka Feberaayo ayaa noqonaya goob la isugu keeno dhamaan kuwa danwadaagta ah, si ay uga doodaan fursadaha maamul loogu samaynayo goboladaas, waxaana la sheegay in shirkan ay Dowladda Federaalku wax ka ogtahay ayna ka joogaan masuuliyiin ka socda Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha & Amniga, waxaana shirkan taageeraya Hay’adda UNDP, waxaana shirkan Amaankiisa sugaaya ciidamada AMISOM ee Baydhabo.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee laba kamid ah Gobolada hadda la sheegay in ay ergooyinku ka joogaan ee Jubada Dhexe iyo Gedo ayaa ka mid ah kuwa iyaguna shirku uga socdo magaalada Kismaayo isla markaana la doonayo in lagu yagleelo maamul la magacbaxay Jubbaland, Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa lagu eedeeyaa in aysan marna dooneyn in Jubbaland ka koobnaato gobolada Jubada Hoose, Gedo iyo Jubada Dhexe, waxaana marar badan soo kala dhexgalay iyada iyo Guddiga kumeelgaarka ah ee Maamula Jubada Hoose mad-madow arrintaas ku aadan, taas oo ay dadka qaarkiis ku tilmaamaan giraan dib u laabatey. Dowladda ayaa iska fogeysey marar badan eedaha loo jeedinayo, waxayna sheegeen in dadka dega Jubbooyinku ay aayahooda ka tashan karaan, dhawaan ayey ahayd Markii golaha Wasiiradu sheegeen in loo xilsaarey Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha in ay maamulo kumeel-gaar ah u samayso Gobolada al-Shabaab laga saarey, taas oo ay ka biyo diideen qaar kamid ah dadka degan Jubbooyinka, waxaana lagu wadaa in Golaha Wasiirada Federaalka Soomaaliya ay maalinta berri ah (Khamiis) ka hadlaan qaddiyadda maamul u samaynta Gobolada al-Shabaab laga saarey.


Horseed Media

Muqdisho, Somaliya

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^^ They live in Lower shabelle why cant they claim, it will be interesting some clans will dissatisfied because you need 2 regions to be a federal state. And Ilma May may dont want to leave their clans behind they are developing the clan identity now this was not like that in the past.

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war listen sh/hoose and jubbada hoose cid gooni leh ma jirto why can't the natives from those areas have maamul lo dhan yahay this BS wont work the same way JL will be doomed.

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Oba true the lower shabelle is multi tribal the Unuka, Water Maliyans, ilma may may and some other Bravanese people. But if Ilma May may convince the watermaliyans to join their state. And give them the vp in their new state they will form the majority in the lower shabelle. Also the offspring's of Sheikh indhocade al markaawi and his HAG wing can also be found in the lower shabelle these days lol.


By the way Oba you cant say let them sort themselves out they need to join a state the lower shabelle cant be a state on his own. you need 2 provinces or more.

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horta somali anigu waan la yaaba runtii look at JL they are talkin about maamul and sidii lo qeybsan lahaa yet Al shabaab are outside the city. Unuka is the most sensible clan they are establishing a federal state as soon as every inch of their lands are freed from Al shabaab so step 1 is to free al shabaab step 2 shirweyne lo dhan yahay kaaso lagu qaban doono Muqdisho step 3 is to implement it.

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Mogadishu cant be capital city of a regional state its a federal capital of the country the seat of the goverment and parliament they can use banadir though as one of the regions. Unuka fulfills the criteria because they have the middle shebelle and banadir 2 regions is enough. They have one problem which is the status of Mogadishu the parliament needs to define that Mogadishu is the capital of the country or not because the constitution doesn't state that Mogadishu is the capital of the country. But when they decide that Mogadishu is the capital city of the country they cant declare Mogadishu to be the capital of their regional state. But i am sure that the lower shabelle will go to bay and bakool. And gedo will go with the lower jubba. while the middle jubba will form a state with bay and bakool.

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Oba lower shabelle is not going to wait for you they are already taking part of several conferences.


And how is Galguduud going to be part of ur state , you dont even border Galguduud.??

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