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Che -Guevara

Xaqsoor vs Siilaanyo

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These people are cry babies Siilaanyo needs to send the military and shut them up if you dont want to listen it has to go the hard way


Ingriis iyo ba la taga bay baratay iyo waxba la dacweyaa.

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Sorry i got little bit carried away but this issue will be dealt with these people have grievances they just want Siilaanyo to listen to them. And Siilaanyo and his personal body guard xiirsi they're completely ignoring them.They don't really want the criminal court to chase oday Siilaanyo. I have to go now i have to feed my gold fish. Wardigi na wu ii sugaya be well Che.

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looool@ got carried away, waad iska jubbootey miyaa adoona tixgalin cabashooyinka bulshada, waxaasaa lagaa dhahaa blind support, adigu horey ayaan kuugu sheegay, ma tihid ethnic Somalilanderr, my believe is correct that you are from East Timor.




heheh feed goldfish, this Xxaaji Xeyraan waaxid, maxaad wardini dadkii ayaadba leedahay hala laayo

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Oodweyne;909712 wrote:
If the somaliland upper house of parliament - Guurti - was doing it is legitimate and proper job of mediating the internal conflict of the nation as opposed to be an impotent chamber that basically endorse the action of this government, then none of this ugly business of washing our internal dirty linens in a European court (of all places) would have happened in the first place.

The Guurti doesn't function like they once did unfortunately. They are the main problem and they need to disband. You have Suleiman Gaal the chairman who took Siilanyo side by calling Muj. Hassan Isse and others losers after the elections.

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