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Crisis in Puntland: The Endgame

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Xaaji Xunjuf;907238 wrote:
Who you gonna send general bahukus boys

we have 12000 soldiers in mogadishu doing nothing xeryaha bey ku jiraan we shall send Amisom as well if there is a need for it however Puntland have a strong army they'll manage just fine

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I think u need those troops in baydbabo Mogadisho beledweyne remember shabaab are still there they just wear normal clothing.


Let Faroole and ina garaase worry about Puntland they have the number of the TPLF in addis

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They are on the run but far from defeated.


The day Alshabaab is defeated is the day Somalia doesnt need Amisom burundi uganda Ethiopian Kenyan Djiboutian ground forces.


Similar to taliban and Taliban is facing the entire Nato, Alshabaab is lucky they are facing couple of habashis and Bantus and a few french water boys from djibouti.

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Salaam dhaawadayaal, I see confused secessionist is planting his usual Puntland seeds in SOL, I am not impressed!


End Game?

I want to start off with this end game theory. The "crisis" ended 3 days ago, and was it even a crisis or just a blown up circus? We know full well that Faroole has gotten 5 years under the constitution which was approved at 98% 'yes' vote. Personally I believe 5 years is way too much for a regional presidency or even any presidency for that matter, I like the more standard 4 years.


The opposition were made up of incompetent loud mouths and didn't have an organized or unified position other than Faroole must go. This opposition should have started back in April however they were no where to be seen. Today Puntland is silent as a snowflake in the night.


Furthermore, the stability of Puntland can be illustrated by the fact that US Ambassador to Djiboti visited Garowe (10/01/2013) to have talks with Faroole.




Puntland foes must understand the internal organs of the state and start showing their true face when they can bank on the collapse otherwise you will be disappointed again and again for the truth is, Puntland works different than the rest of Somalia. It's like a body, and if there's an infection in any of the parts, it will be treated.


Future of Puntland and Al-Shabaab.

I am very saddened as a Somali citizen to have to hear the cheerleading of Al-Shabaab's threats against the Dual-sea state. Puntland is ever so more determined to keep course given the abhorrent hatred by neo-HAGs and there dying which for the region's destruction. Al-Shabaab will be broken like their father Al-Ittihaad was broken in '92.


God bless you and God bless America.

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Somalia, the article was posted on a puntland website. Is it true that opposition have made a base camp in Qardho to drum up support for a rebellion against the government?

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Faroole is good for Somalia with out Faroole Somalia politics is boring i am happy faroole stayed only carafaat is obsessed with the removal of faroole he wanted that failure of a guy called cabdi cawar as president of PL

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Carafaat;907267 wrote:
Somalia, the article was posten on a puntland website. Is it true that opposition have made a base camp in Qardho to drum up support for a rebellion against the government?

Man the only crisis I know off is the one happening in Borama where teenagers are shot and killed for protesting. If that had happened in Puntland, you people would be all over it. :eek: AUN to all the kids killed by ****aanyo.


There is no militia, even the opposition is silent now. The people prefer Faroole over wildcards.


Xaaji Xunjuf is right, Cabdi Cawar is no good for Puntland, Faroole is back with vengeance, he already sent a message to Mogadishu about the constitution, he keeps reminding us why we loved him in the first place. :D

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Somalia you are correct Faroole is hard on HAG he is the only guy who can challenge HAG and their politics , hadhow bu odhan sidisi u yeedha aljazeera bbc world reuters bloomberg shir jaraaiid baan qabanaya halakan waxan fariin uga diirayah beesha calaamka in ay HAG dastuurki jabiisay wax lo duul qaadan kara ma ahe anagu talaabo adag banu ka qaadayna. Budhlayn u xayiraan mayso dad an rabin dowladnimo oo dastuurki ku tumanayaa. Budhlayn digniin bay u diiraysa Dowlad ku sheega villa Somalia isku urursaday .Budhlayn amaanka iyo xasiloonida geeska afrika bay ka shaqeyneysa. waxa halakan idinka la hadlayey madaxweynaha faroole eeh dawlada Budhlayn fi amani lah. Wa ino iyo jawaabta anu ka helno kooxaha dam jadiid iyo kuwa hag isku sheega.

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But there is no HAG politics today, only if Mogadishu changes the rules.


This constitution is supposed to be voted by the Somali people, they have no right to change it until it is up for a vote, and it contradicts the constitution Article 137.


Therefore for issues such as those I 100% support Faroole.

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There has been political opposition but not violence. It is not an armed opposition which simply isn't possible today. Faroole has unified Puntland forces and elevated their capabilities. If there was militias in Qardho then they would be quelled. HorseedMedia reported Faroole sent troops to Qardho week or 2 ago but this is HorseedMedia, they have a sub tribe agenda and they are ruining their brand.


Frankly, the opposition is not professional, they focus on trivial things, if they really want to hit Faroole they would highlight many things which I could do easily. However they resorted to threats, especially Samatar of Bandar Beyla, this is why they lost touch and today they have no voice, especially after they gave interviews to SomaliMemo which is believed to be Al-Shabaab outlet, him and Gablax of Mudug.


Faroole had been in Bosaso for the past month and there were all kinds of reports like he was attacked and so was security minister etc etc. The reports you listen to are done by HorseedMedia which is in opposition to Faroole.


The only place in Puntland where there is active fighting is Galgala and the Bosaso road with hit and run attacks by Al-Shabaab and international media reports on this so it is credible.


I am embarrassed for the opposition, I myself am opposed to 5 years but the way they went about it is just terrible and therefore people with sane grievances have been brushed to the side.

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Somalia, nobody wants violence and I am not talking about that either. But there seems to be a political crisis that is destabilizeing Puntlands

Structures as we know it.

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