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Study: Bilinguals Have Faster Brains

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^^ So mr who knows me better then I know myself. What am I according to you? Monolingual?


Ps Haatu you're seeking attention for the sake of it. You're trying to deny the obvious.

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Most of the worlds population and societies are bi/multilingual, they out number the monolingual. These studies are only useful in influencing language education policy of backward monoligual states like GB!

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I am multilingual myself...But I strongly support Monolingual policy followed by many states, For instance, Somalia should be monolingual state, albiet non-somali speaking minorities exist, Af-Soomaali should be the State language...

Many languages just confuses the mind....Imika my mind thinks in So many different languages..


Religious Issues = Arabic

Professional and work related = English

Daily life/ Arrimaha reerka/ = Somali...


I would have been fine with one only.

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Religious Issues = Arabic

Professional and work related = English

Daily life/ Arrimaha reerka/ = Somali...


I would have been fine with one only.[/QUOTE]


Are you sure about that? If you only spoke English, would it not create a communication barrier with family back home, make understanding the deen a little more difficult? Just take one of your languages away and tell me that you wouldn't miss the benefits. Multilingualism doesn't confuse, it actually adds extra dimensions to your thinking as you have a wider scope of cultural refrences to draw on.


As for Somalia, Somali is the state language and thankfully children are also given opportunities to learn other languages in schools,one may question the quality of language learning but that's a developmental issue not one of language policy. There are a plathora of reasons for a country to adopt a multilingual educational policy and as I said, majority of the worlds nations do. Even in GB, Wales fought long and hard to re-establish Welsh in the education system, the US has also adopted a dual language model in some bilingual states.

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