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Su'aal: Tuulooyinka Soomaalida

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there are two now... one towards the road to gabiley and now there is a newer small village of maybe 100 people just when you pass dheenta towards berbera. the gabiley one is older, apparently.

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^^ Can be both, but that sounds so much similar to a place name that is soo similar in characte mar ama ha soo marin you have to use it, well waa only one mahaayad on a main street in the middle of nowehere, the trucks and buses have no choice but to stop for rest and eat food there, usually duhurkii ay baabuurta imaadaan markey subixii ka soo tagaan magaalooyinkooda, so a rest is needed before heading off.


So this clever man, I will call xaasid, charges people astronomical on food prices, saxan bariis and hilib he will charge them the cost of a goat, that is true, I have used this man's makhaayad.


Dadka markey cuntada cunaan ayuu dhahayey keena 40 dollar lacag u dhiganto intuu saxan yaroo bariis iyo hilib yaroo qalaley siiyo, and he had a gun if they don't pay, he will shoot them straight away, no naxariis,


People don't have a choice than to pay, and they vow not to return to his makhaayad no matter what happens,


and he will say, idinku hadii aad diidaan inaad makhaayadeyda wax ka cuntaan safara kaloo badan ayaan diideyn oo igu soo xiranayo yacni kuwa aan ka warqabin oo daalan ayaa wax inta ka cuni.


the same people who vowed not to use his makhaayad will then come and eat there, no other man dares to open a makhaayad near or next him, baas aa lagu furaa, wuu taajirey



Maalinkaa koob shaaha ayaan ka cabey, he charged me 10 dollar wax u dhigmo, since aan neef jeexiis dhaxda ku soo cunay didn't need food, waa bakaar iigu jirtey gaaweeto.

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