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Sheekaddii Garaad Wiilwaal iyo sheekooyin kale

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Judging from another of your previous posts I have a hard time believing that. But in the case that ur arent from the ilma Jabarti then I apologize for assuming incorrectly.


Here r some links where u can learn more about the clan driven historical revisions of idaajaa.

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Maadeey, ur missing the point. I'm not talking about who likes and doesn't like the sayid and y. I'm talking about idaajaa and others lying about historical events.

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Hawd iyo Barwaaqo iyo duriyadda badankeed Sayidka aano qabiil bay ku heystaan. Maxaad idaajaa hadduu isagu geesigiisa ammaanto maxaad keligiis ka rabtaa?.

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Maaddeey;903525 wrote:
^^ If Idaajaa's history is clan driven, what about Barwaaqo and Hawd's fierce criticising of the Sayid?.


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Maaddeey;903531 wrote:
Hawd iyo Barwaaqo iyo duriyadda badankeed Sayidka aano qabiil bay ku heystaan. Maxaad idaajaa hadduu isagu geesigiisa ammaanto maxaad
ka rabtaa?.

Bro, I don't think ur even reading what im writing. I'm not talking about who likes or doesnt the like the sayid. I'm talking about changing history by saying 'this' occured when it didnt, or saying 'they' did this when 'they' didnt. Im talking about revisionist history and it's dangers and injustices.

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^ Waddani I know waxaad ka hadleysid. Waraaqaha uu Hawd iska qoray eed link'igooda halkan soo saartay ma akhrisay?. Qabyaaladda & aflagaadada dhinaca kaleba haddaadan arkin maxaa tan taariikhda la fabrikeeyey keliya ku tusay?. Ma fahantay waxaan kaala hadlaayo?.

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Jacpher;903510 wrote:
Who wants idaajaa when you got the good historians of Keydmedia.

don't rub it in my face sxb, I don't know much about the civil war i said it before marka its not my fault.

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