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General Duke

Hargaysa: Local elections most corrupt affair in history.. Haatuf

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Doorashadii Deegaanka Oo Noqotay Tii Ugu Musuq-Maasuqa Badnayd Ee Abid Dalka Ka Qabsoonta, Komishanka & Xukuumadda Oo Masuul Ka Ah Fashilaada Dhacday

Hargeysa, December 7, 2012 (Haatuf) – Doorashadii golaha deegaanka Somaliland ee 28-kii bishii hore ee November ka qabsoontey dalka, isla markaana ay ku tartamayeen Laba Xisbi iyo Shan Urur Siyaasadeed ayaa noqotey doorashadii ugu Musuqmaasuqa Badnayd ee Abid ka qabsoonta Wadanka, taas oo noqotay mid wehel u ah Murano iyo khilaafyo horleh natiijo wal oo la shaaciyaba la socda. Sidoo kale doorashaddan ayaa ahayd doorashadii ugu horaysay ee ay qabato xukuumadda Madaxwayne Siilaanyo mudadii ay talada dalka haysay, taas oo noqotey mid mad-madow badan ka muuqday, isla markaana dhamaan gobolada iyo degmooyinka dalka oo dhan ay cabashooyin horleh ka soo yeedheen Murashixiintii isku soo taagay doorashada iyo ururada qaarkoodba, kuwaas oo ku eedeeyey xukuumadda, Komishanka iyo Xisbiga Kulmiye inay isku xulufaysteen boobida codadka doorashadaas laga dhiibtey. Si kasta ha ahaatee fashilaada ku dhacda doorashadan ayaa waxa u sabab ahaa wax isdaba-marin iyo ku noqnoqashada aan gabashada lahayn ee dadku ay ugu celceliyeen codadkii ay dhiibteen, kuwaas oo goobkasta oo codbixineed dadkii loogu talo galay dad ka badani ay ka codeeyeen, isla markaana meelaha laga soo sheegay in Sanaaduuqdii codaynta lala tagay guryo si Waraaqaha codbixinta oo sharci daro ah looga buuxiyo, halka gobolada sida Sanaag ka dhacday oo Cajalado VIDEO ah laga soo duubay iyada oo banaan lagu qaybsanayo Waraaqihii Codbixinta. Dhacdooyinkan doorashadda deegaanka hadheeyey ayaa meesha saaraya kalsoonidii bulshadda Somaliland ee xukuumada talada haysa, taas oo tahli kari-wayday inay dalka qabato doorasho xor ah oo xalaal ah, isla markaana ay kuwada qanacsan yihiin axsaabtii ku tartamaysay.

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War la filayay ayaad war nooga dhigaysaa: Qof kasta oo caqli lahi waxa uu filayay, sadexdan arimood marka la eego in uu buuq imanayo:


1- ugu horayn 2450 musharax oo ay 350 kuraas ka helayaan 2100 qof oo xoogoogii iyo xoolahoogii waayayna uu daadku qaadayo.

2- marka xiga 7 urur oo 3 xisbiyo ay noqonayaan 4 na uu daadku qaadayo,

3- ugu dambayn, doorasho bilaa diiwaangalin lagu galay.


Aniga waxay layaab igu noqon lahayd haddii aan wax cabasho ah ama buuq ahi aanu dhicin, balse waxaan ku kalsoonahay in dhaliilahan yaryar siddii caadada ahayd lagu xalin doono.


General yana cumaamadu kaga dhicin ee iskaga hadh sheekadan.

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Again you are only attacking the messenger without tackling the message. You mask democracy with clan parties and you expect a good result? Also blame Haatuf and others who are reporting the truth for once. Even though it's only because their clan was thumped.

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The Sage   

I love how Duke posts an article that puts forward no concrete proof of his claims. I know you really want to sow the seeds of discontent but I think you need to find a new hobby. Dozens of reputable media organizations and international election observers have stated that the elections were free and fair.


AFP: Somaliland election free and fair: observers-


UNPO: Somaliland: ‘Free And Fair’ Municipal Elections


SONSAF Declares Elections as Free and Fair


Sabahi: Somaliland elections 'transparent', international observers say


So where's your proof Duke? I know you make it your mission to denigrate SL at every turn but hyping up the rantings of disgruntled candidates and idle teenagers is a fruitless task. If I were you I would be more concerned that AS is setting up shop a few miles from Bosaso

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The Sage   

Hey Dukey, besides fanning the flames I don't see you putting forward any concrete evidence of vote rigging or tampering...have anything meaningful to contribute...besides sensationalized posts and articles?

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^^ My advice is take your time next time lad. You have egg on your face & need to take a step back before you get something worse. The secesessuonist stories are always over the top, it does not take much to debunk them.

My suggestion is simple. Stop selling yourself's to your firmer conical masters and the like and work harder at alleviating poverty, creation of opportunities for the youth and fighting corruption. Then things might get better.

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The Sage   

General Duke;897485 wrote:
^^ My advice is take your time next time lad. You have egg on your face & need to take a step back before you get something worse. The secesessuonist stories are always over the top, it does not take much to debunk them.

My suggestion is simple. Stop selling yourself's to your firmer conical masters and the like and work harder at alleviating poverty, creation of opportunities for the youth and fighting corruption. Then things might get better.


Changing the subject Dukey? Where does fighting poverty and jobs for youth figure into you providing proof for your hatred filled allegations? I showed the consensus that the elections were deemed free and fair where as you just put forward conjecture and random mud slinging.


Your slimy opportunist ways are transparent for all to see. You jump at any chance to bash anything Somaliland related out of some sense of insecurity that anything good in Somaliland is therefore bad for Puntland and Somalia. So when some parties contest the results of the election (which in within their right) you jump on the chance and say the sky is falling. Seriously bro, the fact that SL is undergoing democratization and PL is battling terrorists a few miles from their commercial capital is telling of the work that needs to be done. So for the good of yourself and your countrymen lay off this crazy obsession.

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An Open Letter to the International Observers And Other Representatives Concerning the Fraudulent Local Elections Held in Somaliland On 28 November 2012


We, the undersigned members of XAQSOOR political association in the Diaspora, do hereby categorically condemn in the strongest possible terms about the massive vote rigging committed by the ruling party in the local elections held in the country on 28 November 2012.


We particularly condemn the extremely wicked and an unashamedly fraudulent tactics that the government has employed in its vicious attempt not only to put the flagging ruling party, KULMIYE, above all other competing parties but also to surreptitiously pick and choose the two other political associations that will qualify for national parties.


XAQSOOR [pronounced HAKSOOR] political association was essentially set up with the noble idea of bringing together all Somaliland clans including those on the periphery under one flag- Somaliland. Consequently, after careful thought and wider consultation, XAQSOOR members agreed to pick their own first deputy leader from the *********** clan whereas all other political associations picked their respective deputies from Gadabursi clan as has been the tradition for the past twenty years or so.


In a similar fashion, the XAQSOOR second deputy leader was picked from the Issa clan in order to create a stronger and more inclusive nation based on justice and equality so that Somaliland could become a nation where the dignity and rights of every clan is preserved and not only those of the ISSAQ clan that dominates the political scene. This undoubtedly won XAQSOOR the hearts and minds of the Somaliland clans on the periphery. But unbeknownst to the rest of the nation was the fact that Silanyo and his unscrupulous clique of usurpers were hatching sinister plans to scupper that noble idea.


In particular, we would like to point out the following:


That Silanyo government has shamelessly and unethically employed every trick in the book to ensure that XAQSOOR political association is completely and utterly routed in the local elections so that it will never shine on Somaliland’s political landscape again. XAQSOOR was not defeated through fair and free elections but through the use of calculated and preplanned massive vote riggings and other electoral fraud mainly committed in the predominantly *********** inhabited region of Sool in the far east of Somaliland and the predominantly Issa inhabited territories of Zeila and its surroundings in the far west of Somaliland where the the ruling party, KULMIYE, was almost certain to face defeat in the polls.

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