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UGUB Political Association announced in Bosaso-Third Political Party in Puntland

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Bossaso: Ururka UGUB oo looga dhawaaqey


3 Dec 3, 2012 - 11:28:21 AM




Magaalada Bossaso ee xarunta Ganacsiga Puntland ayaa maanta 03 December ,2012 looga dhawaaqey urur siyaasadeedka UGUB oo loo soo gaabiyey Ururka Gobollada Umadda Bahoodey.


Gudoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Sanaag Maxamud Siciid Nuur ‘’Dabeyl’’ ayaa ururkan gudoominaya ,waxana xaflada lagu dhawaaqey ka soo qaybgalay Issimo ,Culimo ,Ganacsato ,dhalinyaro iyo qaybaha kale ee bulshada Gobolka.


Waxa uu sheegey Dabeyl in Bossaso ay xarun tahay Ururka UGUD oo ku soo biirey saaxada siyaasaded ee dalka ka dib kan Dowladda ee Horseed oo dhowaan dhankiisa Garowe lagaga dhawaaqey.


‘’Aad bad u mahadsantihiin ,wan soo dhoweyneynaa dhamaan bulshada ,Dowladda iyadaa noo bilowdey tartanka ,axsaabta kale wan ku faraxsanahay inay nagala soo qaybgalaa’’ ayuu yiri Gudoomiye Dabeyl.


Nabadoon Caraale Siciid iyo Suldaan Cabdilaahi Jeenicad ayaa soo dhooweeyey urur siyaasadeedkan qayb ka noqonaya dadaalka Puntland uga baxayso nidaamkii wax ku qaybsiga Qabiilka oo in badan lagu soo dhaqmayey.


Waa urur siyaasadeedkii ugu horeeyey oo Puntland looga dhawaaqo ,waxana sida la sheegey jidka ku soo jira kuwo kale dhowaan oo ku soo beegmaya xili ay muddo kooban ka dhimantahay diiwaagelinta ururada iyo axsaabta siyaasada Puntland.

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Somalia: Third Puntland political association announced in Bossaso


Dec 4, 2012 - 4:51:56 AM


BOSSASO, Somalia Dec 4 2012 (Garowe Online) – A third Puntland political association was announced in the port city of Bossaso on Monday as the democratization process heats up in Puntland, Garowe Online reports.


The UGUB party was announced in the commercial capital of Puntland, Bossaso, by the former Governor of Sanaag region Mohamed Saeed Nuur Dabeyl.


Traditional elders, civil society members, businessmen/women and youth attended the inauguration on Monday.


Former governor Dabeyl thanked the people who attended the event on Monday and the government for their role in initiating the democratization.


“I want to thank the people who attended this event marking the third political association in Puntland. I also want to thank the Puntland government for beginning this process,” said former governor Dabeyl.


This is the third Puntland political association to be announced and has got the political democratization process rolling.



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