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Xaaji Xunjuf

HAG congratulates Somaliland on the elections

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Taleexi, some ilma jabarti have extreme hatred and xasad for somaliland. It's not healthy. Those r the ones I have a problem with. As for the ilma jabarti who dont want to be a part of somaliland but harbour no ill will to it and its people, then I say ahlan wa sahlan wa marxaban bikum yaa ikhwaaninaa al-kiraam :).

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This HAG thing might be a nice meme but they represent no one, neither today or in the past.


And it was a generallypeaceful election which ever region of somalia goes thru one of those the president will congratulate, be it in puntland, galmudug or where ever.

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Jacaylbaro;896111 wrote:
While some are congratulating the success elections ,,,,, seems one group of Somalis are not only pissed off, but also even angry why other people are congratulating .............. Wax badan baa soo caddaanaya

I dont think they oppose it, but I think they just want to be included in this political shukaansi. :D

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