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Carafaat - the confused secessionist

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You may all have noticed what I may have noticed about our friend here, but how many of you have actually spared it some thought? Carafaat, like seasons change, seems to change his political stance as it pertains to the Horn of Africa and quite often at that. One day he is a die-hard Somaliweynist, willing to take insults to promote this worthy cause. The next day he is your average Hargeisaawi, avidly awaiting the forever far-off ictiraaf, firmly believing that Marwo Edna shall bring it any day. The day after that he champions solidarity with the arch enemy ethiopia, promoting their songs, culture and those that are subservient to them. Then he is infatuated in Jubbooyinka, seeking to ensure fairness for the disenfranchised lot.


What I want to know is, what is the real Carafaat? Is he an Ethiopian put-up, masquerading as Somali? Is he a decadent youth wallowing in the abomination that is Holland with its notorious cafes and infamous red light districts? Is he a champion of Somaliweyn, firmly believing that the Somali homeland ought to be one? Is he (like I believe he is) a confused secessionist that pretends to be things he cannot understand?


Carafaat, what is he?

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I think carafaat doesn't care if Somaliland and Somalia unite or stay apart overall i think he loves the Somali identity for what it is. I think he is a young man who wants both considers Somaliland as his homeland. At the same time he wants more of the Somali peninsula politically and economically that's how i view Mr Carafaat.

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stop the pigeon-holing and the what have yous. i do not like the way some sections of SOL like to think that being a secessionist means you're excluded from Somali affairs. i pity these fools.


go on i secessionist too? if i'm not mistaken you're from zone 5 somaha? perhaps you too should limit your thoughts on somali-wide affairs?

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Alpha Blondy Haatu is from NFD north eastern province of Kenya. We all have secessionists and unionists on SOL . Dr osman is part time secessionist he becomes a unionists when some one from his clan is ruling Somalia. Abtigiis is a secessionist 2 , Haatu is not a secessionist i have not seen him calling for the dismemberment of Kenya.

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That is a very correct observation of the man.He is always shifting his views with the current wind in the air. The magnus opus of Carafat is to find out what the clan of each member is and then use that to judge their contribution. He pretty much knows or comes close to know each and every members clan. I suspect by his private pronouncements, he is a secessionist masquerading as a unionist! I bet you he is quite open and plain about his support of secession that is because his cousins only hear that which we know to be true haha

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Alpha, use some common sense you barrel of vodka (trying not to swear :D ). I'm merely asking what is he. I find him hard to fathom. And I agree with Apophis, he is very odd and alienating. I feel that he is constantly playing us against each other here on SOL as can be demonstrated by his reaction to the J/land affair.


Stoic, I agree with you also but I feel he's more complex than you assume.

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Bluelicious;895213 wrote:
By the way Carafaat how are you doing these days?

Blue, I am doing well these days. thanks for asking. I have been going through some soul searching and I am now on the right path to Allah, maanshallah. By the way, I have found a new love these days, thats why I didnt have time to answer all your PM's.


She is a titanic but she gets me well and she has quite interesting and complex character, cant say that of most girls. All my previous loves were O girls, but for the first time I am in love with a non-O girl. She does understand Amharic though and we both share a love for Xabashi music and culture. We never discuss politics though, like you and me used to do but she does have her opinions though.

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