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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland ultra nationalist party Wadani comes out in huge numbers in the election rallies

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Mayaa dadka qaar gudoomiyasha qaar hal wanaagsan uma so wadan ma af yaqanin xita marka waxa fiican in ucid ama xaqsoor ama wadani ay so baxaan. Taasi maha inay dawladu samayneyso xisbiyo mucaraad ah

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Ucid is overshadowed by faysal's outburst but I think Ummada's Dr Gaboose would tackle the real issues as did his old pal ina Xaashi.

Never ever elect anyone not a learned wadad, a long-term philanthropist, an anti-corruption crusader/activist or at the very least an humble clinician (an intellectual wadad/DR is best though a bit like Dr Morsi in Misr).

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UMP coalition (RPP joined by mostly Afar FRUD etc); the local elections were won by new faces and the reforms now allow other parties to sit at the parliament even if defeated nationwide (20% of seats).

It's a thin line betwen ethnic rhetorics and allowing different voices; what matters most is anti-corruption an inequalities though for the masses given that everybody has access to favors in one way or another and the country is small (few deeply care about or prioritize politics and many are even more interested with Hargeysa or Xamar updates).

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I can only think about Borreh as one really forced to be in exile while vocal yet pursued by the court for unpaid taxes; but then again he's seen more as a ruthless businessman or an ex close associate of Guelleh. Political prisoners are very few if any (much easier to "remind" judges of taxes evasion and other practices previously tolerated). :D

Everybody knows everybody, you can dine with Borreh today and be a welcome guest for his "ennemies" tomorrow.

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Abu-Salman;892802 wrote:
Ucid is overshadowed by faysal's outburst but I think Ummada's Dr Gaboose would tackle the real issues as did his old pal ina Xaashi.

Never ever elect anyone not a learned wadad, a long-term philanthropist, an anti-corruption crusader/activist or at the very least an humble clinician (an intellectual wadad/DR is best though a bit like Dr Morsi in Misr).

Dr Gaboose had no real chance, really, both Norf and Jac peoples disliked him strongly. I don't think he can be a president for the whole country.


Ummada voters should be going over to Wadani next.

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^I have nothing against him. His party didn't make it so maybe he should just retire from politics and treat people in a hospital.

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^^ I still think he'll be a better President than the current one. Silanyo who has been complaining for 5 years about a lot of things he accused the UDUB party were doing when they were in power, just to do those same things when he became president (sabotaging the media). A President who got in between NEC business (apparent conflict of interest) the process of drawing electoral boundaries in Burco.

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^But you still supported Riyaale :D


At the moment there are no real challengers. If Ciro plays his cards right he may be next in line.

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