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Abtigiis worst nightmare

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lol@exchanged the Quran for the Darwins evolution book careful what you say Carafaat yaan denbi lugu qorin.


Carafaat the question is knowing Nimco dareen and her family two of her first cousins are in an Ethiopian prison because they were accused to have links with the ONLF i wonder if they were released. No one ever asked her why did she make a u turn. I don't know its not just changing ur mind its not that simple. I mean first you were against the oppressor Ethiopia in this case and than embraced the same oppressor. its very hard to comprehend. People who support the ONLF are against the foundation of the state of Ethiopia what it stands for they consider the state of Ethiopia a country conceived on the misery of the oppressed people by the expansionist Highlanders they don't recognize the Ethiopian constitution or what it stance for. So its very hard just to change you're views when talking about Somali galbeed and the Ethiopian issue.i wonder if Sheikh Maxammad is still alive Nimcos father last time i checked he was alive.

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Carafaat i dont think Apophis supports a free and an independent NFD i dont think the Somalis there even want that except for haatu.But the case is different in Somali galbeed different political situations.

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^ Heh...its just political different than the men who are the Liyu police themselves..She is NOT the Mandela of abtigis cousin's...she is just a human and just like the rest of the other countless Somalis is driven either by greed or political ambitions...nothing here makes one skip a heart bit...

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oba hiloowlow;892229 wrote:
Nimco dareen is truly a disgrace to the Ethnic Somalis. If that was my daughter walahi o bilahi i would have never speaked to her again.

oba adiga emotion baad ka bixi la'dahay. Ugaas dhaarta iska yaree Soomaali waxba isma dhaantee.

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Mooge;892173 wrote:
i don't think that is her.

Mooge, You might be right, nimco dareen xoogaa tuur ah bay leedahay.

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Abwaan;892242 wrote:
oba adiga emotion baad ka bixi la'dahay. Ugaas dhaarta iska yaree Soomaali waxba isma dhaantee.

no emotional thing sxb its just reality waan deyrin lahaa magaca ilaahay

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The Zack   

Oba, you go man! Go ahead and disown all the ..... I do the same.


Carafat, first of all this is a 1 year old picture, not sure why u just posted it now, second, you seem to admire the Wayane regime these days...specially after their Liyu Police murdered and miamed your "ethnic" fellow Somalilanders in Xarshin area. What's up with that son? You admire those who are kicking your in the you-know-where? By the way, Nimco Dareen surrendered to Xabashis on the other hand Cali Dhaanto, the lead singer and dhaantist of Jigjiga, joined the ONLF. I will take that swap any time of the day. It is like Torres - Falcoa swap. :)


That being said, the ONLF struggle SHALL NOT be impacted by any actions of any individuals. It will be there until that land is free from Wayane and Xabashi regimes.

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