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Axmed Madoobe Kismaayo dhiigeena ayaa ku daatay suurogalna ma ahan inaan cid kale u hoos fariisano

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Axmed madoobe runti isaga iyo ciidankisa raskambooni door weyn bay ka qaateen xoreynta Kismayo marka in la isko indho tiro maha. Waxa weye in heshiis la wada gaadha xita hada laga dhigo Axmed madoobe madaxweynaha mamuul goboleedka Jubbaland 4ta sanneh eeh so socda. Sidee xeego lagu xagtaa ilkana u nabad galaan wa in xal laga gaadha, ciidankisa raskambooni na ay noqdaan asaaska ciidanka booliska Mamuul goboleekda Jubbaland.

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Singling out Ahmed Madoobe is not going to confuse issues; Kismayo admin opponents are not against Madoobe, they are afraid Kismayo becoming autonomous region within Somalia's current constitutional framework.


Just say so waryaa

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Axmed Madoobe is no different from Indhacadde. Dhiig baa Marka iiga daatay buu isba yiri. Hadda sheekadu waxay maraysaa dhiig baa iiga daatay ee maba ahan dadka degaanka ayaa wax dhisanaya.

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I'm drawing parallels. You are telling us 2 men are different because one purports to have a state behind him while one doesn't. Thus they must be treated differently.

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oba hiloowlow;890841 wrote:
shariif was a different man during his ICU days almost every somali was supporting him plus he set up a good example by starting to fight his own cousin nuur daqle

Sharif is the former president of Somalia.

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You all just legitimised Israel's right to target Gaza as it is targeting a non-state actor.


Sheikh Shariif part of ICU


Madoobe part of Al-Shabaab


Both send kids to their deaths with suicide belts, this is inarguable as the first suicide bombing happened in 2006.


Both then switched sides, one formed pro-federal militia while one actually joined the federal government and became its head. So yes, lets not compare them because if you have a state behind you, you can do as you please.

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