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Jeneraal Cali Madoobe, Madaxweynaha Jubbaland?

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xiinfaniin;890886 wrote:
^^Xaaji Xunjuf, constitution shall never discriminate, states should get the same treatment from the federal document. Kismayo admin shall be accounted to same exact rights and responsibilities like Somaliland and Puntland.

Not going to happen Puntland was established way before we had a federal constitution. There is no way the government of Somalia the parliament of Somalia the people of Somalia will allow another autonomous state. Sorry Xiinfaniin its not going to happen. The day the federal constitution clearly defines that Somalia is a union of autonomous states is the day we shall accept more autonomous states. In the mean time a federal state can be established with the supervision of the federal government of Somalia.

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^^What status would you like be afforded to Somaliland, Xaaji Xunjuf? I thought teh constitution was designed to massage your ego and make you feel you're a little bit more freer from Mogadishu than you were in 1990. Now you are telling me you don't want that, eh?


What am I missing Xaaji?

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xiinfaniin;890880 wrote:
Well I am from everywhere when it comes defending Somalia's revival.


You see , I already gave up properties in Mogadishu. I cannot continue running away from you Abwaan, so Kismayo is where I draw the line

loool....Waryaa Not mine, but I gave up my family properties elswhere too.:D I forgot and forgive cause dad dhibkayga mid ka badan uu soo gaarey baa jira. I understand that your property was looted but are you not doing the same to the people who had properties in Kismaayo? Come back to your houses. if you were born in Mogadishu and lived there for many years cidna kaama xigto. You are not running away from me and even if you insist on that, you have already rebuilt Garowe. Be proud of yourself and stay there. Stop pretending to be from Kismaayo too. You are from everywhere and be dhexdhexaad like me. Or you are from Qardho and cannot talk about Kismaayo.

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Article 53. International Negotiations

(1) In the spirit of inter-governmental cooperation the Federal Government shall consult the

Federal Member States on negotiations relating to foreign aid, trade, treaties, or other major

issues related to international agreements.

(2) Where negotiations particularly affect Federal Member State interests, the negotiating

delegation of the Federal Government shall be supplemented by representatives of the

Federal Member States governments.

(3) In conducting negotiations, the Federal Government shall regard itself as the guardian of the

interests of the Federal Member States, and must act accordingly.

Article 54. Allocation of powers

The allocation of powers and resources shall be negotiated and agreed upon by the Federal

Government and the Federal Member States (pending the formation of Federal Member States),

except in matters concerning: (A) Foreign Affairs; (B) National Defense; © Citizenship and

Immigration; (D) Monetary Policy, which shall be the powers and responsibilities of the federal


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xiinfaniin;890886 wrote:
oba, I may be exaggerating a bit, but Kismayo should be in league with Puntland and Somaliland. That is all I am saying. The president's actions and attitude are forcing us to take a hard stance on this issue.


Xaaji Xunjuf, constitution shall never discriminate, states should get the same treatment from the federal document. Kismayo admin shall be accounted to same exact rights and responsibilities like Somaliland and Puntland.

Wan gartey. I personally think the president is missunderstood, and most disputes is about something we don't even know, its all behind the scenes thats why i haven't justified nor opposed the president yet.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;890896 wrote:
No where does it say Somalia should be a country autonomous states i dont know what Xiinfaniin is trying to do.

lol...The clan federal is now changing to autonomous....Yaab badanaa...Xiin. Adiga ninyahow Ajnebi baad dalka keentay, from Talyaani, Itoobiyaan, and Keenyaan, Xitaa UNISOM adigaa hor-kacayey,:D haddana inaad dalkii gooba-goobayso ayaad rabtaa...Haddana waxaad leedahay Soomaaliya inay soo noqoto ayaan rabaa. Taas sidee isku keeneysaa?

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Abwaan stop your sinister talk, your motive is well clear. There is no conflict in the horizon among these communities. Contrary to your negative comment, in fact its a positive news that all these men are throwing themselves in to run for the highest post of the new administration which shows their strong conviction and believe in the creation of Jubbaland state of Somalia.


Of course there will be a contest, its healthy its what is required. However, there will be a problem when only one community says that they should take the top post but as long as the people from these regions, Gedo, Lower and Upper Jubba have the right to run, its good, welcome it and may the best man win to lead the Maamul.


It will ultimately depend on the skill, character and personality of the individual who wants to be the president to win and it will be up to the task of the MPs of this maamul or the people of the region to choose who they want.


Cali Madoobe is a good individual, has no baggage behind him and gets on well with all the communities from theregion so he has a good chance, also Prof. Ghandi is not that much of a controversial individual, he was only spearheading the Azania project which was harmless so he may win but Axmed Madoobe iyo ragga lamidka ah kaarka ayaa qaraxsan like Hiiraale or Morgan. However, Axmed Madoobe as a man who fought agains Alshabaab and help get rid of them from the region, his great energy may be acklowedged by other forms of posts, ministerial post or ciidanka post.


All is good and all we are interested in is to see a strong, stable and booming administration in south Somalia, which this may be the first sign of it, so lets welcome it and may the best man win to lead it. Shubuhaadka halaga daayo from Mogadisho laga soo kuusaayo meesha.


Qofkastaa wuu gali karaa tartanka waa win gareen karaa hadii uu hada win gareen waayona next time uu win gareen karaa but if nothing is created now then there is nothing to win next time. Meeshu waxee ahaneesaa foodo and its not in the interest of Gedo, lower and upper juba inee waligood fodada koonfurata kujiraan.

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xiinfaniin;890888 wrote:
^^What status would you like be afforded to Somaliland, Xaaji Xunjuf? I thought teh constitution was designed to massage your ego and make you feel you're a little bit more freer from Mogadishu than you were in 1990. Now you are telling me you don't want that, eh?


What am I missing Xaaji?

Somaliland and Somalia made a union in 1960 on the first of July on the bases of common interest and pan Somalism, that particular union was badly damaged to a extend it hardly exist any more. Somaliland and Somalia need to renegotiate a union, that is if there will be a union. Thats the status of Somaliland not sure what that has to do with the topic lets talk about what the topic is about particularly Jubbaland.

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The Zack;890908 wrote:
Waa suaal wanaagsane, Abwaan what are u for? Are you against the federalism or are you for it? Tell us your stance on Jubbaland?

The Zack, Awoowe I am against the Federalism Qabiil ku dhisan....Mid gobol oo si wanaagsan loo dhisay waxba kama qabo laakiin, Somaliland, Puntland, Galmudug, Ximan iyo Xeeb, Hiiraanland, Bayland, Khaatumo and the current Jubbaland are all Qabiil based. They are all Reer-Hebel-Land. Yaa lagu ciyaarayaa..?:D

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Xiin...Answer my question...Mar kasta Ajnebi baad noo keentaa....Why? Maxaad haddana dalka u goobagoobaynaysaa haddii aad tahay nin Soomaaliya jecel?:D

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^^Abwaan adeer muddo i cayrsanaysay welina waad iga hari la'dahay, geesinimo iyo dad layn kuguma haysto , adna qalinka ii ogolow. Dastuurkaan ayaamahan aad u aqriyaa , laygamana gar helayo oo waan aqaannaa habka doodaydu u dhisantahay . Haddaad rabto inaan dib u noqono, leego iyo darwiish ba anay haayeen, dadkoo dhanna anaa xoreeyey waa markaan kor u foofo :D

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xaaji xunjuf, adeer sadaradii 20 kii sano laguu aqrinayey baad weli xafid santahay mana shaqaynayso, xattaa Fowsiya weydii iyadaa ka badisay barnaamijka goosashadda haddana waa sacaadatul wazeerah fii maqdisho al mubaaraakah.


Doodeennu waa dastuurka, iyo dalku siduu ekaanayo, waadiga daliishanayee bal eeg qeexida xuduudaha iyo meeshuu adiga ku dhigay :D


Waxaani ciyaar maaha, dagaalkii sokeeye in laga baxaa la rabaa , ma fahamtay?

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xiinfaniin;890949 wrote:
xaaji xunjuf, adeer sadaradii 20 kii sano laguu aqrinayey baad weli xafid santahay mana shaqaynayso, xattaa Fowsiya weydii iyadaa ka badisay barnaamijka goosashadda haddana waa sacaadatul wazeerah fii maqdisho al mubaaraakah.


Doodeennu waa dastuurka, iyo dalku siduu ekaanayo, waadiga daliishanayee bal eeg qeexida xuduudaha iyo meeshuu adiga ku dhigay


Waxaani ciyaar maaha, dagaalkii sokeeye in laga baxaa la rabaa , ma fahamtay?

Waxan kugu yidhi oo aan ku sheegay Somalia iyo Somaliland midow bay sameyeen 1960 midowgi wu dhawacmay dhawac xun ba gaadhay ,, midowgi in diib loo soo yagleelo baanu rabna in wax cad la kala qorto midow labada dhinac ba raali ka yihin ayeynu rajeyneyna. Taasi wa hadii aynu midowno. Waxan anigu ma odhan Madaxweynaha jamhuuriyada Somalia mudane hassan sheikh maxamuud ayaa ereyadaa ku hadlay.


Hadaba dastuurka aynu uso noqono dastuurka Somalia wa federal maha autonomous wuxu qeexayaa in dawlada federaalka dhexe inay cod ku leedahay mamuul dhisida mamuul goboleedyada heer ay goobjoog ka yihin marka la dhisayo mamuulada ama mamuul goboleedyada. Shuruucda iyo ciidanka qaranka iyo dakhliga wuxu noqonaya wax lugu heshiiyey oo dawlada federaalka dhexe ay qeyb ku leedahay kana masuul tahay amaanka dalka oo ay ku jiraan mamuul goboleedyadu. Dastuurka sida leh xiinfaniinow anigu ma odhan ma dastuurka diidaysa?

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