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Shinbir Majabe

Warbixintii Dr. Cabdiweli Gaas ee Puntland

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Odey;886421 wrote:
Abwan- I totally agree with you. Siyaasada sidaas looguma fogaado. I too have been critical of a number of leaders including Sheikh Shariff, but you wouldn't catch me insulting him with such degrading names.
Admin should do something about this

There is nothing that restricts people to call political leaders nicknames Sh sharif was called Sh dalxiis Sh hotel, cawarku cay maha , cayda horta maxaad u taqana mala dadkan afsomaliga ku yar eeh wa wax isaga lugu arkay siyaasadisa oo dhan ba cawaran. Faroole pirate ba loogu yeedha Maxammad siyaad bare oo dhintay bay dad afweyne ugu yeedhan. Ninkan waba nin nool marka there is no problem son but you can ask me questions about what is wrong with cabdi gaas and how he is a political failure.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;886422 wrote:
Mayaaa ninkan gaas anigu ma necbi mana aqaano runti personal laakin wa nin cawaran wanan waxan is leeyahay wa wuxu shaqadisa u qaban kari wayey anigu waxan is leeyahay maskaxdisa sare ayey wax u dhintay oo.Waxan la yaabay hada ninkan oo ku so failgaroobay inu madaxweyne noqdo Somalia prime minister ku failgaroobay hada raba mamuul nabadeed inu qas ka bilaabo because isaga meesha iska dhex arki wayeey runti ninkaasi kheyr uma so wada reer Puntland ,, faroole waxan ku talinaya inu ninkaas Puntland ka tarxiilo sida ugu dhakhsaha badan.

Horta waa marka koowaad oo go'aanka adigu ma lahid oo waxaa iska leh reer Puntland, mana cawarna oo waxaan ku oran lahaa ookiyaalaha dib u eeg saaxib. Mana fail garoobine waa guuleestey, guushana waxaa uu ah markhaati in maanta shaqadii uu qabtey iyo maamulkii oo uu soo dhisey ayaa waxay siisey fursad dawlada hada la doortey. haduusan isaga aheyn taasi ma suuroodeen. Marka saaxib Gartiisa sii ninka.


Aflagaadada aad meesha ku haysid waxaan kugu la talin lahaa in aad iska daysid oo sidii nin weyn uu dhaqantid.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;886424 wrote:
There is nothing that restricts people to call political leaders nicknames Sh sharif was called Sh dalxiis Sh hotel, cawarku cay maha , cayda horta maxaad u taqana mala dadkan afsomaliga ku yar eeh wa wax isaga lugu arkay siyaasadisa oo dhan ba cawaran. Faroole pirate ba loogu yeedha Maxammad siyaad bare oo dhintay bay dad afweyne ugu yeedhan. Ninkan waba nin nool marka there is no problem son but you can ask me questions about what is wrong with cabdi gaas and how he is a political failure.

First of all, I need not ask you about Gas, I was present in Mogadishu to witness his work first hand, something you weren't privy to. I saw the changes and the colossal amount of work his admin carried out in a short time resulting in This Nation of ours regaining it's Permanent Government. Secondly I consider all that use insults to make their point as weak and definitely amateur politicians, regardless of who they are.

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Abdiwali Gaas has all the right to point out what is going wrong for Puntland and doing so does mean he wants a political office. As statesman and intellectual from the region he has the moral obligation to address people's fears about the Faroole admin. People are not only concerned about the one year extension, but what will come after the one year illegal extension. The way Faroole & sons are acting, does not seem they will relinquish power for years to come. Corruption, nepotism and infringement of freedom of speech is rife. Faroole & sons need to be stopped before Puntland becomes history and its the responsibilities of people like Gaas to speak about it. If he doesn't who will?

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Mr gaas waa waa nin aqoon iyo shaqsiyad fiican leh wax wayn buuna ka badali karaa siyaasadda punland oo ay ragaadisay hoggaan xumo iyo musuqmaasuq waxaan rajaynayaa inuu noqdo madaxwyanahay puntlanad ee next five years that is the hope every one in punland

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Xaaji Xunjuf;886424 wrote:
There is nothing that restricts people to call political leaders nicknames Sh sharif was called Sh dalxiis Sh hotel, cawarku cay maha , cayda horta maxaad u taqana mala dadkan afsomaliga ku yar eeh wa wax isaga lugu arkay siyaasadisa oo dhan ba cawaran. Faroole pirate ba loogu yeedha Maxammad siyaad bare oo dhintay bay dad afweyne ugu yeedhan. Ninkan waba nin nool marka there is no problem son but you can ask me questions about what is wrong with cabdi gaas and how he is a political failure.

XX warkaaga waa cadyahay ee halkaas ka sii wad, anigu inaan xoogaa kuu caqli-celiyo ayaan rabey laakiin taladaydu waa ku agmartay.

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Abdiweli has been trapped. His stature damaged. He become small local politician where he could indeed be a leader. He voiced oppositions criticism, and seemed reactive to what transpired in Boosaaso as media reported.


Cakku, only if...

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I hope inay xaaladdani qaab nabadeed ku dhammaato. At the end of the day, the last thing that is needed is dagaal beeleed.

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^It's politics sxb. I hardly doubt it will get out of hand.


I don't mind anyone challenging Faroole's iron fist. The public needs to take strong stance against ha la iigu daro. Bahashu waxay noqotay kii yimaadaba ha la iigu daro aysan aheyn yeeli maayo.

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Mr Gaas is the only Somali politician I respect for him to go out his way and issue such statement says a lot.


the reality on the ground must be very different what most people wish to be the case.


I agree with mr Gaas moving the goal post every time your term ENDS is not a reasonable argument.

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Fiqikhayre;886351 wrote:
The Minister of Information of Puntland on Dr. Gaas: Wasiirka oo saxaafada la hadley goor dhaweyd isagoo jooga Garowe wuxuu sheegey
“in Puntland ay qadariso saxaafada xorta ah, taasna waxaa daliil u ah Cabdiwali isagoo Gaalkacyo jooga ayuu u hadley siduu doono, waxayna taasi tilmaameysaa xoriyada saxaafada ee ka jirta Puntland, marka hadaladiisa ayaaba is burinaya”

Scary stuff! The SL information minister probably also has the same argument about his admin and I bet Hassan Sheikh's spokesperson would peddle the same argument. They allow some heavyweight to have a go at them and assume that's all that freedom of speach means. Grrrr!



Those saying "Cabdulwali should go home" lack self awareness. :D (a better argument was to point to the extension that Sheikh Sharif had and the results that came from it). ;)

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