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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somalia's new foreign minister not certain about the unity of Somaliland and Somalia

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Wasiirka Cusub Ee Arimaha Dibada Somaliya Marwo Foosiya Maxay Ka Tidhi Xilka Loo Magacaabay, Goorta Uu Ka Dhashay Iyo Midnimada Somaliya..?


Muqdisho (Ramaas) Nov.4, 2012 – Wasiirka cusub ee Wasaaradda arimaha dibada Somaliya Marwo Foosiya Yuusuf Xaaji Aaden, ayaa markii maanta la Magacaabay ka hadashay xilka loo dhiibay.


Marwo Foosiya oo dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeda Somaliland, ayaa sheegtay in Midnimadu aanay ahayn wax xoog iyo dagaal ku imanaysa, waxayna rajaysay inay sii socdaan wada-hadaladii u socday Somaliland iyo Somaliya.


Wasiirka oo la hadashay laanta afka Somaliga ee Idaacada VOA, ayaa iyadda oo ugu horeyn ka hadlay sida ay xilkan cusub u aragto tidhi “Xilkani waa xil weyn oo u baahan mutadawac-nimo iyo dedaal weyn si umadda Somaliyeed ee guddo iyo dibadba ku dayacan wax loogu qabto, oo Somalida Milgaheedii iyo karaamadeediiba la soo celiyo”


Foosiya oo la waydiiyay wakhtiga ay go’aansatay inay Somaliya xilka ka qabto, ayaa ku jawaabtay “Waxaan isku dayey inaan ka mid noqdo Axsaabta siyaasada Somaliland si aan wax u qabto, laakiin taasi way suurto-gali wayday sababo badan awgeed, markaa aniga oo cilmigayga iyo Caqligaygaba doonaya inaan wax ku qabto oo aan wax hagaajiyo haddii la igu soo daray (Xukuumadda Somaliya), aniga waa isugu kay mid Somaliland, waana meel aan ka dhashay oo aan u dhaxay, waxaanan doonayaa labadaba inaan xidhiidhkii sii waddo si wanaagsana wax ula qabto”ayay tidhi waxayna intaa ku dartay iyadda oo ka jawaabaysa su’aal nuxurkeedu ahaa inay midnimada Somaliya aaminsan tahay “Waxaan rajaynayaa in wada-hadalkii socday uu sii socdo oo guul labada dhinacba ay ku faraxsan yihiin ay ka dhalato, Sidii Madaxwayne Xasan Sheekh sheegayna Midnimadu maaha wax ku imanaya khasab, dagaal iyo xoog”

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Xaaji, I doubt she said anything different than what previous administration said.If my Somali is correct isn't She just saying no one will be forced and that the talks shall continue? The prospects that she supports the secession, which she supported previously,will be anathema to her new employers.


All this seems really odd to me.In the futile hope of winning the secessionist, I think they shoot themselves in the foot by appointing someone who was a secessionist few months ago.Having her negotiate with a team she supported shall make any bed-wetting unionist a little uneasy! It will be more like all-in-the-family negotiation type.I guess only hope for Somalia is weaning away from Somaliland any politician that failed to capture the votes of their own people.

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No this is different all the others used to say they support the union she was asked if she supports the unity of Somaliland and Somalia , she completely avoided the question and said that we will resume the talks between Somaliland and Somalia. If you ask buuba if he supports the union he would have said yes Somalia's unity is non negotiable. This woman was asked the same question and she went on and on about the talks between Somaliland and Somalia. So we shall see how it goes but so far fawziya is not really certain about the union.

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This is just a warm-up exercise for her.Though the ingredient is there to doubt her sincerity I doubt if the people that vetted her are that stuuupid in appointing someone who is unsure of something that is as sensitive as this....I doubt the president is that stuupid either in approving someone with a fanatical allegience to the enemy of the state....I think she knows where she stands and she just don't want to upset her brothers/sisters up north....

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The foreign minister of the Federal Republic will have to answer that question. Its a matter of national interest.

Will she have he blue flag in her office & sing Somalia toostoy ?:D

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General Duke;885931 wrote:
She should answer that question. No one wants a taitor at that position...

All people you get from SL are traitors. Look Mr Godane wanted in SL for armed roperi and you called him Amir. Now you have Ms Fosia lost her UoH position, Failed Raad tv and failed NBD political party

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Don't furiously signal your disapproval yet.You have plenty of time to get-to-know your deputy PM/foreign minister...I'm sure she will firm up her affairs once she knows she is in a comfortable setting...I know Somalilanders aren't famous for unionist ideas, but I believe you have a friend here..Just give it time...Sometimes you can even make the most devoted enemy admit to your ways...haha

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She will do her job, till she decideds she wants to be president. Power and money motivations are easy to understand, stop looking for other loyalities.


Is she also the vice prime minister?


Good for her, although, Im sure they could've found a token women from the norther people who want to be part of Somaliweyne instead of marginalizing them. What is the use of her Somaliland significant if she could not even master the 1000 people requirement in the three cities for her party progression to the next phase. So at least we can be sure- she represents herself.


Interesting times ahead- wait till she meets SL pro Somali foreigner minister (assuming he is not replaced soon!)

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The Zack   

Haaruun Macruuf (VOA Reporter): Fowziya, midnimada Somalia waad aaminsan tahay, sax?

Fowzia: --After some pause -- Siduu Madaxweyne Xasan sheegay Somali xoog iyo qasab meel laguma gaadho, wadahal meeshii lagu wada gaadhaa la heli doonaa



WTF! She is supposedly the foreign minister of a country and she doesn't want to answer a simple question about the unity of the country? The Parliament should disapprove her. She is a weak secessionist that has been kicked out by Siilaanyo. She doesn't deserve to be the foreign minister of Somalia.

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The Zack;885952 wrote:
She is a weak secessionist that has been kicked out by Siilaanyo. She doesn't deserve to be the foreign minister of Somalia.

Hmmmmmmm ,,,

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