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Oodweyne recovering after suicide attempt due to Fozia Mogadishu trip

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We pray for the old man. The news is he tried to hang himself but cut the rope with a knife he carried for just incase at the last minute. Fozia Yusuf Xaaji Aadan's trip to Mogadishu has already claimed the sanity of Ayoub and Norf, reports add.

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I dont get it what is so important about this woman she founded the raad tv worked as an NGO is a hard working lady she was never part of any Somaliland government since 1991. She helped with the establishment of the Hargeysa university with other Somalilanders other than that she is only the daughter of a legendary Somalilander Yusuf xaaji adan. What is so wrong if she goes to Mogadishu or even becomes a minister of Somalia i don't see a problem. Imisaa rag xamar tagee like Buubaa who was one of the prominent SNM figures or General jamac maxamad qaalib fawziya waba ruux dumar eh. By the way hows ileey doing is he fired yet or is he still partying in the united arab emirates. All in all she is not appointed yet hold you´re horses but if she was we will just congratulate her.

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Why is it a move bad, Che?


If he succeeds to recruit a real secessionist who perhaps still harbors separatist sentiment but realistic enough about the diminishing prospect of gaining recognition, the cabinet will be that much credible in its assertion of inclusivity for all regions, political spectrum.

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Apophis;884671 wrote:
A "real secessionist"? Like Mr Xaglatossiye? Nothing is real in Somali politics.

Xaglatoosiye started as a federalist Puntlandist than found him self fighting as a rebel than eventually became a secessionist


We dont know about this lady yet but i think if she becomes a minister she will be much like ina omaar travel around foreign capitals meet leaders, like buuba did under cabdilahi yusuf. I don't think she will much talk about union or independence.

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Twenty years of breast-beating have weakened the resolve of the NGO lady all seriousness the guru have nothing to worry about here. This lady and her consorting with the enemy of the state is a minor thing compared to the bigger picture!Her concept of jumping the ship has been so eroded before her by many men of former SNM (Tuur&Co).The boundaries of jumping the ship has been stretched far by many before her.If you actually look closely you will see that these elements that jump ships are people exploiting their support for their own malign purposes of getting appointed for a certain position.Nothing new and I wish this lady all the best!

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STOIC even if she goes to Somalia and becomes a Minister she will stay a Somalilandist in her heart after all this is the man who raised an icon of Somaliland a man who played a significant role in Somaliland on all fields education politics poetry you name it.



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The only 4 Somaliland politicians who are unionist in their hearts and minds and really believe that Somaliland and Somalia should remain united. Are General jamac maxammad qaalib ismaciil hure buuba Dr Axmed ismaciil samatar and Mr Kaluun. These four they believe in it because its their principle. The others are either indifferent or could care less if they stay united or not or are Somaliland supporters in their hearts. Like sifir who was a kulmiye member than joined cabdilahi yusufs government than returned back home. The former deputy mayor of berbera in 1995 or ina omaar who was part of the kulmiye branch office based in Djibouti. Ina omaar went as far as saying,that he is in Somalia because they need him the most in Somalia he said the Koonfurians need him desperately. And he continued and said that in Somaliland there are better politicians in Somaliland he is not needed there. The so called MPS from Somaliland in Somalias parliament how come we never hear of them how come they never talk because they are just there to collect their money and than party on exotic beaches in east Africa. They don't see them selves as legislators and when their time is up and every one goes home. They just ask president siilaanyo for forgiveness and he lets them back in or what ever president is ruling Somaliland.

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Che -Guevara;884667 wrote:
lol leave the old man alone and honestly, I think adding her to the cabinet is bad ideas if she is or was dedicated secessionist.

I agree with you Che. She should not be included.

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