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Puntland President Attends Military Graduation Class 2012 At Base 54. PICS VIDEO

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Madaxweynaha Puntland oo tababar soo xirey (Sawiro)

22 Oct 22, 2012 - 8:49:44 AM




Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamuud Farole ayaa maanta 22 October,2012 tababar u soo xirey cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamada daraawiishta Puntland xerada 54-aad ee magaalada Garowe.


Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Gen.Cabdisamad Cali Shire ,Taliyaha ciidamada Daraawiishta Gareeye Gaas Siciid Maxamed Xirsi ''Siciid Dheere'',wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha Gen.Cabdilaahi Axmed Jaamac Ilkajir ,taliyaha Booliska Puntland Gen.Maxamed Siciid Jaqanaf ,qunsulka Ethiopia u fadhiya Puntland Mr.Asmalash Walde-Meerat ,saraakiisha kala duwan ee ciidamada Puntland ,macalimiinta bixineysey tababarka iyo dadweyne ayaa ka soo qaybgalay xaflada loogu soo xirayey ciidamada dhamaystey afarta bilood.


Bilowgii ayaa duleedka shishe ee xerada waxa madaxweynaha lagu tusey xirfadaha la baray ciidanka oo isugu jirey qaabka unugtu u hawlgalayso ,biraha jir-dhiska oo siyaabo kala duwan uga talaabsadeen iyo dab ridka heerar kala gedisan ay ahaayeen.


Intaasi ka dib ayaa gudaha xerada waxa gaado ka ciyaar ku marey cutubyadii tababarkan dhamaystey oo aan si rasmi ah loo shaacin tiradooda,waxana tababarey saraakiil dalka Ethiopia ka timid.


Madaxweynaha ayaa hadalo isugu jirey dhiirigelin iyo dardaaran u jeediyey ciidanka tababarkan ka baxay oo uu sheegey inay sugeyso hawl adag oo ah difaaca dalkooda.


Qabyaalada ayuu kula dardaarmey inay iska ilaaliyaan madaxweynuhu,waxana uu ugu yeerey inay dhamaan ku daba saftaan magaca iyo calanka Puntland si kalmadoodu u midowdu.


Shahaadooyin iyo abaalmarino ayaa madaxweynuhu goobta ku gudoonsiiyey qaar kamida ciidanka oo kaalamaha hore ka galay tababarkan,waxana ka mid ahayd gabar dadkii ugu sareeyey.


Waa dufcadii labaad oo sanadkan ka baxda tababarka xeradan ,waxana mar marba ka danbeysa soo xogsanaysa rajada iyo niyada dadweynaha ee ku aadan jiritaanka iyo dhismaha ciidan tayaysan oo hanan kara difaaca iyo adkeynta midnimada Puntland.












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Thats how you do it Boys. Puntland effective armed forces graduate. Proper institutions. Lets me re-count. 1. Police institution at Carmo. 2. Marine and Airforce Satellite Command Center with jet-fighter and helicopter decks, Tower, Base. Armed Forces Headquarter at 54.


This is what you call a real state

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Dr osman give us ur feedback should these strong troops fight against alshabaab along side the Somali government. I don't think Federalism is supposed to mean to have a strong army in one part of the country. If that's the case Puntland can form a threat to the federal government imagine a section of America having a strong army with special forces that are not part of the US army.

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Puntland has no army, it has police and paramilitary force, as the pictures illustrate it's just a militia with a new name.


The doctor agrees with me.

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Somalia;882725 wrote:
Puntland has no army, it has police and paramilitary force, as the pictures illustrate it's just a militia with a new name.


The doctor agrees with me.

I am sure the Doctor can speak for him self

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Mr Somalia i am aware what is going on in Garowe Mr Faroole Leader of Puntland has been arming him self to the teeth the past 3 years. One of the Arab Countries are his biggest arms suppliers even though there is an Arms embargo on Somalia but Faroole doesn't care and continues this the Dr knows this 2 . The Army is a big militia you are right but its a big organized Militia equipped with not so bad Military hardware.

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