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Xinnfanin's new brilliant poem

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Dalkaad sheegi dooxyada nugaal degelka Laascaano

Dusha caynabaad iyo burciyo, dixida gaaroodi

Daaraha Taleex iyo sanaag, darafka boosaaso

Dogob iyo degmada caabudwaaq,dollo iyo caado

Dusha mudug danood iyo wardheer,daaqatiyo faafan

Qabridahare daanta Godey,dahabka mooyaale

Dadabtaa wajeer NFD,koonfur dabadeeda

Dalsankii Kismaayo iyo luuq, dawlad badanleyda

Durdurada Shabeelle iyo gedo,tan iyo daalooti

Intaasuu tolkay daadsan yahay, kuna dakeeyaaye


A poem Xinnfanin read in the inaguration of the first conference of Golaha Midowga Qoqmiyada Da....d.

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:D JB. This has the potential to kick-start a modern Gubba. Ooba Hillowle has vowed to react to this bluster. The first lines may read:


Dalagaanu beerniyo masago meesha wada daadsan

Digir iyo macsaro iyo buniyo daangiyo canbuulo

Dooxada Afgooyo, dekadaa muqdishaad iyo taniyo dayniile


....OOba to complete. :D :D

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:D :D @Professor Abtigiis .


This is a sequel to my interview with the good Professor few months back.


The poem had a profound conclusion:


Weligoodba qolo dool ku timid ha iska daaqaanee


******[xiinfaniin], *****[Abtigiis], *****[Ducaysane] ayyaan lagula doodayane

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Lol.. Digir iyo Cabuulo iskumid waaye oday Abtigii ma sidaanu ka yahay.. mise galey buu ujeeday?

Alabtaa waa igus socotay waxbadan weliba waxaan aad u jeclaa marka qof jus dhameeyo dugsi oo cabuulo galey with macsaro, bun lagu daray daango korka looga shubey gamaha la isugu shubo..

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